Why is the left so much better at making memes?

Why is the left so much better at making memes?

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They're not. It's cringy as fuck my man

You are ironic, right?

hell naw these are awesome

Nah Not really bud

hell yea dude, we're all for trans rights and stuff. We just want to be accepted into society...

but also communism I guess? fuck the rich ppl, kill them and give us their money we deserve it

I like the carry ray jess on one too

racist southern hillbillies btfo?

people expecting me to look like a woman when I claim I'm a woman is toxic and very un-postmodern. I am whatever I claim I am, as gender is completely arbitrary and up to the decision of the person.

Also, gay people can't help it because they're born that way. They didn't choose to be gay.

and if you don't want to suck their feminine dicks, you're gay... or misogynist. I'm not sure which anymore, it's way too much to keep up with.

It's like those ironic images that use the same format that talk about shit like sucking dick and fucking bowls of mac n' cheese, but shitty.

doot doot?

There is literally nothing wrong with a private citizen being racist. You were conditioned in school to believe this with zero justification.

All people should have complete freedom to interact with as many or as few people as they want.

What's unethical is to use state thuggery to force involuntary economic exchanges.

gassing cultures is great however

there's no way these aren't made by Sup Forums to make the left look cringy as fuck

I guess that's what a trumpet sounds like or something, so stupid. Everyone knows trumpets go "bing bing bing bing bong boing bing bing"

He's clearly being sarcastic you braindead nigger.


>left can't meme
>Hilldawg memes were unironically the best memes to come out of the elections (together with Jeb!)
explain this Drumpftards

Drumpftards made those memes as well just for the bants.

Because they're so mentally ill that they can make terribly delusional images like your and still think they've got something to say, in their minds they've always won

Looks like a 90s era Iron Maiden album cover.

Hildawg memes were awful and only became funny after she lost

Here's your doll.
How do You like our latest psyops?

Did they take over /r/The_Pack?

I wonder if those bands like seeing their images used this way.


Reminiscent of Big Dog.

>better memes
>better architecture
>better economic and societal model
How can we NatSoc savages compete? :^(

Holy fuck I love this one. I'm having a very hard time believing leftists would use the phrase "chugging all that dog cum" in one of their memes though.

>Infringing on one of our fundamerntal rights i.e free speech
>This is not real opression because it's against people I disagree with

god those are shit. i love seeing them all accuse each other of being ableist. what a massive waste of time.

Look at those stupid minion means.


Are they doing that thing they do where they attibute everything bad in history to "capitalism"?

You guys think that this shit is fake. It isn't, I've seen lefties post shit like this unironically.

meaning to embrace cis-sexuality
>get down with the sickness
meaning to embrace degeneracy

would be more appropriate, since there's no connotation with the SOAD lyrics.

>i went to college, what? and marxism-leninism U.S. imperialism is MUCH is more VIOLENT the than most social democracy violent

>_____________________system in history?

>I don't care, it's invisible to me

I got a feeling if I was still in my art class they would make me do a meme like this. They even had posters up claiming the gender gap was real.

Sup Forums BTFO

W8! Hillary lost? When did this happen?

That just gave me cancer! Thanks man!

Truly the left are the masters of picking fonts

>blatantly stealing the formula of r/the_pack but replacing the humor with leftist politics
Why can't the left ever create anything on their own instead of redistributing humor as well as wealth?

>Why can't the left ever create anything on their own
The left mainly consists out of women. in the evolutionary process of women, a sense of humor wan't as necessary as it was for men.
Also, women are better at absorbing information, while men are better at processing information.
This is why most of left/pol/'s memes are just Sup Forums memes with Stalin instead of Hitler.

Pretty much the only that is fun.

The problema of many of the left memes is that they try every time emulate the right instead of making original memes.

It's like that old man of 30s trying to be "cool"

Examples could be the intention of using snowflake or triggered.

Have some taken directly from /leftypol/ posts

There is an extremely heavy tendency for them to try (and desperately fail) to mimic any successful memes they see to use them to convert normalfags


This one is extremely problematic

Pic related is what happens when they try to invent memes themselves. The shit with Nazbol is an extremely pathetic attempt by them to try to turn Sup Forums into a leftist board.

Sorry dude, but that one is cringy as fuck. And they do the "snowflake" part to point out "hypocrisy". Leftist are collectivist and right-wingers are often extreme individualists (=special snowflakes). The right calls the left special snowflakes for being retarded "multigenders", while being individualist themselves.

The "triggered meme" didn't start out as a political meme.

Still, leftists will never be able to meme properly .


Sure is 2007 here


they're shit and you know it.

they lack the spice, and instead rely on shitty abstract concepts 'lmao so funni' like marxism-leninism, which they do not even understand themselves well.

Most SJWs are narcissistic and incapable of accurate self-analysis. As such they do not self-deprecate, from which modern humor is derived. They're also uncomfortable with critical thinking and being faced with horrific ideas, while most people who become self-deprecating end up in shitty communities that are exposed to the worst the world can offer regularly.

SJW sees government abduct a kid and murder them? They'll either fearfully ignore it after saying how horrible it is, deflect blame for it onto something more ambiguous so they can comfort themselves into believing it's not as immediate of a danger, or deny it happened.
They become uncomfortable with the thought such a large group in power would do malicious harm to them and would prefer be comfortable and stupid in such a situation, as such their scope of understanding is limited and therefor make shitty retarded humor trying to emulate those who are better and more popular with such activities. They cannot fully emulate it because they're seeing a hill from the bottom rather than the valley from the top.


Note the fact that there is rarely ever actually a punchline, just "this thing is really really cool, please do this"




These are just a fucking copy of some other twitter account I forgot the name of

Ugh the cringe here is overwhelming.


Holy shit, these memes are bad. The edgy 12 year old 'psycho skeleton' meme got played out like 6 months ago. It started on plebbit and died there without ever branching out to different sites.


Why do they think we take that fat fuck seriously?
The only reason he's ever right is because the CIA wants him to remain a credible disinfo agent.

lack of self awareness


and why would the CIA want that?

They have plenty of those actually, here are a few they keep on their blog
facebook com/comemenism/
facebook com/declasscucked.memes/

sad, i love skeletons. sucks to see them associated with leftists

you know what's fucked up? Even tho I am old and a teenager when the song came out... when I see
>fuck the police
the first thing to play in my head is youtube.com/watch?v=ZboCTG-spQg

Man are these seriously made unironically?

#TheLeftCantMeme is real.


Michael Jackson, white at last

>why wouldn't the CIA want disreputable disinfo agents among targeted communities

Quality content right here

And yet Trump is the reigning meme champion

I refuse to believe this is real.

I thought this was about agressive driving for way too long.

Also you can tell it's the same autists from /leftypol/ that are making the Strasserism, Nazbol and Commie general threads from the fact that they only ever use images made on their board.

To add an extra layer of irony, have pic related

Nice but really wants wrong with Alex. He is great for the normal population. I started out on Drudge and then moved over to Alex and now I'm here....





Actually not bad.

Why do people care about the quality of lefty memes?

Pic related was made prior to Bernie dropping out of the race. They were so butthurt about him losing that the board owner actually implemented a wordfilter that would censor Bernie's name.

And now for my favourite

wew you are telling me this shit isn't post post ironic? this is best I've seen so far


>not the yell at black people on the nternet
Leftypol can't into self deprecating humor because they're fags



Because the Jews are memelords. They run Hollywoon and operate the public discourse. They are also the left.

It's directed to Canadians.

Wau mr skeltal cheer up
Have a whore