Am I White?

>be born American
>currently residing at Malaysia
>Mama tells me our families heritage is half-Italian with a 1/6th other things (German, Czech, Swiss)
>Great-grand-family hails from the South of Italy at a place called Salerno.

My skin tone and hairline are similar to Silvio's, here. Am I White?

>not even shilling.

Other urls found in this thread:

how are the women where you live? are they all burka'd up and conservative, or do they actually put out for whitey?

Sorry dude, but you're not white.


>Melayu/Bumiputera are the "Muslims" around the place. Most wrap their heads and say they are "Muslim", but in conversation they tell me they're not really and just call themselves that to get along in society.
>Most are pretty durian-faced, frankly and i don't find them attractive.
>They do like white dick, as it turns out.

Ask them to keep their tudungs (hijabs) on while you do it. It's got an extra edge of... sexiness... heh heh heh...

>Chinese: Basically similar to main-landers but have much better manners and are in league with everyone else here in their distaste for the motherland.
>Rounded-faces and smaller eyes; not so attractive for me.
>Average adoration for white cock.


>Indians: My favorite. Dress the best, the slimmest, have the lovliest faces (albeit, they've got the usual acne that most gals got around here)
>Love to fuck and do it pretty well.


Y'know, in a way, that's nice. i've had Japanese gals and i reckon i might take one to wife. Since i'm not white, i guess that'd be allright, right?

And what am i, then, actually?

>Great-grand-family hails from the South of Italy at a place called Salerno
Definitely not white

You are asian just like your countrymen

Bro the most beta thing in the world is to care if some internet nerds think you're "white" or not. Just use BWC privilege to slay some brown azn punan if that works for you.
I spent a good 8 months in the Phils when i was younger and I have to say that although i thing white women are attractive, a 6/10 asian does more for me than a 8/10 white girl.
Not sure if i want to live in a 3rd world shithole, but if i moved back to the Phils i could live like a king and have my pick of locals.

Where do you live in msia? I used to live in KL and I went to Sayfol International School. I miss Malaysia a lot. I miss the food, I miss the people, I miss the girls. Good times. Do you live near Ampang ? Bangsar? Demansara? Hartamas?

Do you go to any school/uni/college?

Forge your own destiny my man. Don't concern yourself with what losers think here desu.

Currently at KL for a spell but generally find myself around Johor Bahru :) Makes for easy access to Sing... which is lucky...

Only one way to find out, here is a template

Heh heh, I appreciate the sentiment, and I don't frankly care what 4chun thinks, I am more just curious what category some folks seem to think I fit into;

I've never really considered it that much before.

In fact, I'm trying to understand the issue, as a whole; about races and race-mixing and all that.

What the fuck is "American" you subhuman?

Are you 50% non-white or are you 100% white and just want to get approval for your Italian heritage?

Why are you in Malaysia

Went travelin' about 5 years ago all around Asia; haven't been back since, but i feel i'll be returning this year :) Feels like it's gonna be a fun time back there.

Always wondered what Sing's flag is supposed to represent...

Why are you at Sing?

The race mixing rants are just CIA bait threads, logging IPs like they do for SF. Why do you think there are always these "hey check out where i fall on a political spectrum" threads or "here's what my whiteness is based on my DNA test that I paid money to a weird website" threads.
CIA ops to find the most vocal online troublemakers. And people drink it up just like using (((facebook))) likes.

I kind of like the wmaf hate threads because it statistically means more sweet azn ass for me, if other people are discouraged from it. I do hate niggers though (notallblacks.jpg).

Ha! Really? That's pretty sick...

What in the heck would the CIA have any interest in doing that for?

You should watch the youtube video interviews with Robert Steele, former CIA op.

100% confirmed

>place called Salerno

If you're a southern Italian you're a nigger but if you come fron anywhere inside the region of Campania then you have a 10x multiplier and then you're a super nigger.

If you're from napoli then you are a negro supremo.