Fake white women accounts

So i seen a lot of fake white girl acounts made by blacks and cucks on youtube ,twitter,instagram who portraits them as they love blacks. My question, should we do the same just oposite?

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women are prone to doing whatever seems trendy so they'll adopt whatever women more attractive than they are do

>make fake social media with sexy white women and make posts on popular pages and whatnot about loving the white race/nazism/etc

How do you know they're fake? Is it a white girl but it says ooga booga in there somewhere?

Yes some nigerish language and also i can see its fake becouse acounts has no friends and no activity.

reverse search the images

This is true.

So crazy it might just work

Its funny in a way that niggers are so desparate

This is even stupider than blaxit
That's not how trolling works

they're not fake. white girls love that black dick we all know it's the truth

Maybe some do but no real woman would say that on social media

Obvious fake tattoo
>itt: photoshop

>14 year old kekistan loser in charge of how trolling works

Go back to plebbit

not that many bit some dare to say it. look up snowbunny or snowgang and you'll find some.

Sad becouse this is real shit but anons like " slavs white?" threads more

What does this 100 emoticon mean? I keep seeing it everywhere.

this, every single account i have seen is always reverse searchable.

You can only understand if you have sub 85 IQ

it can be read as "I fully believe and feel strongly about what I just said"

well we should work on this, becouse antifa cucks, niggs already doing this

I find emoticons fucking stupid and don't use them. People used to be able to express themselves with words, not retarded little pictures. It's so bad that people I communicate with have become incapable of understanding a message without emoticons (can't tell if you're angry, happy or sad or whatever based on words alone).

I was born 60 years too late.

It's not black men but rather white cucks.

You don't need fake accounts for that. Non-whites love to marry up (marry white that is)

no its blacks more then cucks, once i followed fake account coversation with another black and they ended talking about how they love to fuck white girls

>should we use nigger/cuck tactics?

i don't think so

stick to posting the truth about black people. it's working.

also that shopped blacked tats. lol desperate negroes

retards have been trying to push this exact shit for at least two years and it just comes across as autistic and cringy

Cuckoldry isn't that common, man. It's blacks trying to popularize their fantasy of being sexually dominant because they fail in every other realm of life

Its better then doing nothing

I automatically assumed this when all the pics of the "girls" posting these things were good looking white girls.

most are probably made by hapas

Same. Seriously, chicks just use them in their shit tinder profiles and i can't see them as anything but garbage tier if they use them.

I'm 25 but feel 65, can't stand younger people and I'd say I'm still pretty young. Not to be le wrong generation but damn I would probably fit in better culturally back then but who knows.

Should we create fashist or white supreme emoji?

Just culturally appropriate one that's already on phones so Google and apple have more shitstorms to put up with


It is like the blue check mark for niggers and race traitors. They like to keep it 100% trash.

you rang

Fuck niggs


Rather do fake jewish girl accounts and be sure to make tweets about how much you love black cock and that Israel should open their borders and take in refugees.

While I can empathize a little bit, I like using emojis because they accent the message so it's harder for the other person to misconstrue what your intentions are.

It's kind of like a tone of voice or facial expression :)

better some aryan cock

They get so upset

When it comes to the question of sock accounts, it is not a matter of if, but rather, how much time do you have to troll the internet?

We need gobells in this war

If you go the time... yeah, I've come across that too.

it's this

I would leave the NatSoc aside for now, but this could work. Just point out obviously anti-white crap in pop culture--any intellectual stuff will fly over womens' heads.