Always record arguments with modern women, no matter how trivial.
It might just save your life.
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Always record arguments with modern women, no matter how trivial.
It might just save your life.
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typical nigger loving trash
Why do they act like N-words? lol
who is the random nig in the background? her retard sister?
Kek dude had some bantz
Everyone involved in this video deserves sterlization and possibly death.
White trash beautiful
Thanks for the tips I always do this.
reddit pls go
this is some nice banter, coal burners are fucked in the head
I think the most depressing part of that video is white people acting and talking like niggers. And of course the woman is a coalburner.
Those people are poor people. They dont know any better.
She probably had sex with more than 5 people. How can she raise a family? I am Indian btw.
I came across this channel. WTF is this?
>nigger lover
damn its like coalburners are full aware of being nigger lovers and for some reason are proud of it.
Why would you argue with women in the first place? I don't talk to them even more, I don't explain anything to them, I don't ask them to do anything, I don't ask them for advise, I don't compliment them, I don't talk politics, philosophy, or whatever.
Modern American woymn.
She's clapping between words like she's a nigger.
oh Reddit, when will you ever learn
i remember when i didnt go outisde and ate only junkfood for 3 months and weighed 95kg
i pretty much told myself that women love a guy with a belly and that it was sexy, those people are self deluded and just dont want to admit that theyre fat or overwieght
>but you can clearly see my obliques and my central abdominal line(?)
the only oblique thing here is her head
I also remembered when I stayed inside all summer. Believe it or not I actually lost weight due to not buying food and running out of it within a week.
God i love America so much beauty and Mental illness
Don;t you ever fucking type that again you shit. If you're gonna make me think it, you have to say it. Nigger.
I wonder how many guys delude themselves into believing this, only to have the horrible realization 4 years later, and realize they're years away from being a viable sexual partner again. Years of careful eating, constant exercise, and uncontrollable hunger, lol.
Man, nothing worries me more than the idea of becoming overweight and realizing I'm going to have to struggle for a long time with no visible results just to get back to 'normal'.
This video brought flashbacks to family abuse for all the white supremacist lower-middle class trash that makes up 99% of this board
Brought you right back to your childhood when mommy and daddy woke you up screaming at each other hahahah working class scum
shit this. I but 5kg on at the beginning of the year and lost it all in the last 2 months. man im retarded.
White trash, probably trump supporters too
wew, trash are amusing to watch bicker
Good advice. My arguments with women usually end as soon as I hold up a camera. They usually go from crazy to calm almost instantly. One of these days I'll capture something worth uploading.
>coal burner
>Trump supporter
Why the fuck are Canadians so retarded?
People say we are racists.
I'd make those people watch us go to town on this scum. Because no matter the skin colour, scenes like this can always be improved by the boys in black rolling up and busting heads until the neighbourhood returns to an acceptable noise level.
I already do. Ever since my ex had a psychotic breakdown and threatened to accuse me of rape if I left her, I have recorded everything to make sure that never happens again.
I've become a paranoid fucker with massive trust issues, but I will not have my name dragged through the mud even if i am vindicated in the end.
Jesus, americans are such fucking retards. Eбaнaя быдлo нaция.
Fuck you, you Louis C.K.-watching nigger-loving cuck.