Everything of korea is advanced and world leading technology

Everything of korea is advanced and world leading technology.

17 fact of Korean tecnology and the world leading Korean tech
1Korean technology is better than Japanese.
2Korean electricity,
3Samusun high quality products,
4food delivery system,
5Car makeing,
6internet speed and IT technologys,
7K Movie and kpop is super popular in europ and USA,
9makeing medicine,
10Shipping industry and Ship building technology,
11Super computer made in Korea is world most greatest.
12Aviation technology,
13Space Engineering,
14K fashion is most coolest in the world
15Korean payment is highest and most rich country in Asia is Korea,
16Korean wealfer is as the same level of noth europ or west europ,
17Level of the democracy.
Why only Korea is such great in Asia?
Japs are copy everything of korea and stealing culture from Korea
That is why every Korean is saying jap has inferiority complex toward Korean people.
This is well known story.

I fucked a Korean tourist last week. Shit in bed desu

Korea is best.

Korea is shit

#1 in suicide
#1 in crazy neighbors
#1 in the list of worst countries in the world to afford a place to live

Korea is a testing grounds for already developed technologies from my country, and your country. Nothing more. They're also a perpetually occupied Nation (like yours) that must bow and prostrate themselves to hoomungus melica benus.

Take a bow.

Racist. Face the reality

In the Human Development Index, South Korea ranks 17th, Japan ranks 20th. In Where-to-be-born Index, South Korea ranks 19, Japan ranks 25. South Korea has higher standards of living than Japan.

Korean products = low quality copies of western innovations. Sad.

In europ and china especially France and Sweden, Korean movie is more popular than Hollywood movie and anime shit.

That's only because the HDI gives value to women development. If it didn't you'd be first or second. Right?

Reminder: Anyone "into k-pop" is just trying to cover a yellow fever fetish by using a feigned interest in a "cultural" item. K-pop is objectively complete garbage and less musical than the worst of American pop music cancer.

What? Korean prodact is one of the most trustworthy high quality brand like Samsung.
Korean prodact never break easy like shitty china and europ made prodact
That is why Samsung is top selling whole world

Kpop is already a culture of the whole earth.
Fashionable and dramatic and healthy.
It's just totally different of anime and American pop
Because American pop is too violent and erotic and also very shitty fashion sense compere kpop.
A lot of American singer copy kpop style

Wow all of those tech is already ruled by Korea? All of them? What a high tech country!

In the past 5 years, I have masturbated _solely_ to Korean women.

Korean woman is most beautiful and civilized woman
Why Japanese is so ugly compere korea?

>half the country is ruled by a fat deranged dictator and half the country is ruled by a literal wicked witch
I don't even understand how you can fuck up your country so bad that this happens but nice fucking work you cabbage-pickling, dog-boiling, mayflower-pilgrim-hat-wearing motherfuckers

go home kim

I legit can't fap to South Korean woman, they just look fake as fuck.

North Korean woman from the documentaries I've seen however, wew lad stop me from jumping the border.

Racist. Jap tech is far low tech compere koreas.
Ps accept this reality that Japanese is loser.
Can you deny the fact what op mentioned? Impossible because it's truth

That's pretty weird, dude.

With Korea, I lost 20lbs. Thanks Korea

can't be worse than you Amerikans



Yeah, Korean submarine technology is amazing, they even have submersible ferries

Jap rape babies

We know who you are korean shitposter.
Go post a thread about how japan needs more immigrants you sub-human.


>rape babies
it's not really rape if you accept payment for it, you see

All of those korea made tecnology is now world No one.
No one can live without the power of Korean tech
Pls respect korea and resurch why Korean is so smart compere your country.

My country full of koreans:
1. Men are short, ugly try hards who think that having gay fashion is somehow a sign of something other than fucking gayness - its not.
Also mad inferiotiy complex like OP. Constantly trying to prove that korea is best but start crying as soon as you challenge them. Fragile egos to the max.
2.Women are fucking fugly as fuck. Holy shit I cannot over state this. Korean bitches are fucking nasty dude. Short, stocky, mongoloid twats with no ass, no tits, no curves, just a retarded rectangle with crooked legs.
Fuck I hate these fucking gooks infesting this country. Fuck these fucking leaves for their multucult fetish.
1. Not niggers
2. not loud like niggers. Not a nuisince like niggers and pretty much keep to themselves and don't cause trouble.
3. Are generally smart so contribute to the tax system,unlike niggers.

Got Smile Laser eye surgery in Seoul, cost like $1000 an eye. Crazy deal. Now I don't have severe myopia anymore. Going back for more surgery, because America rips you off in the medical industry. Gangnam is fucking dope AF. I was getting quality wool sweaters for $40 each, bought some rare looking Nikes for $70. Bought a plane ticket for to Seoul for $490. Fucking deals for days!

Stop shilling for Korea holy shit, we have this thread every fucking day

If korea is so gud, why you went in japan?

Korean is well known as one of the most beautiful and handsom people
Are you chink who has inferiority complex toward korea? I guess?

>ITT: Worst Korea apologists

Is it plastic surgery if I get my eye fixed?
My one eye is bigger than the other and I have hard time playing sports/driving because of it

of all of the two korea you had to choose the shitty degenerate one

Are you fucking retarded bitch?
This is another thing I hate about these mongoloid gooks, complete fucking delusion dude.
You going to sit there and tell me that the average Korean is better looking than the average blond blue/green eyed nord like me? Just stop. Your women are fucking uggo as fuck and you know it. Thats why plastic surgery is so rampant. Fat faced, crooked legged, soulless eyed cunts the lot of them.

Go home to Bukhan you Zanichi

Fuck off fake nip.

Nothing on that list is something another country isn't currently doing, or could do.

>3Samusun high quality products,
Korean made cars are shit and considered china-tier in western countries.

>7K Movie and kpop is super popular in europ and USA,
No they're not.

>14K fashion is most coolest in the world
No it's not. You're basically Japan-lite with some US ghetto fashion thrown in.

>17Level of the democracy.

HOw is this /poll related?

Fuck off to Sup Forums you chink eyed gook!

>Korean technology is better than Japanese
Not a point
>Korean electricity
Not a point
>Samusun high quality products,
And high quality explosions too
>food delivery system,
Again, not a point.
>Car makeing
I dont know, where i live japanese cars are much more polular than korean cars, i have never felt anything against a hundai.
>internet speed and IT technologys,
Technology is pretty fast in japan too with standarized high speed fiber connections.
>K Movie and kpop is super popular in europ and USA,
In the USA, yes. In Europe, No.
Nowhere near japan.
>makeing medicine
Not a point.
>Shipping industry and Ship building technology
Not a point
>Super computer made in Korea is world most greatest.
If we look at the Top 500 fastest supercomputers in the world we can see that between the first 10, 2 of them are chinese, 1 european, 5 american and 2 japanese.
>Aviation technology
Not a point
>Space Engineering
I guess JAXA doesn't count.
>Fashion is most coolest in the world
u wot mate
>Korean payment is highest and most rich country in Asia is Korea
That would be HK.
>Korean wealfer is as the same level of noth europ or west europ,
>Level of the democracy


What a racist nildick snow nigger . Is three Nordic country who has better tecnology and education and life better than Korea and samsung? Never.
Korea has much better economy and rich payment more than any Nordic snow niggers.
Nord history is snow savage like jap is totally island savage

>they shit up Sup Forums by making many retarded threads almost everyday

>Japs are copy everything of korea and stealing culture from Korea
>That is why every Korean is saying jap has inferiority complex toward Korean people.
It's globally known that Korea is perpetually butthurt and has a severe inferiority complex.

They fixed my astigmatism with a laser. Going back this year to get a hole in my retina fixed with a laser. FOR $100! They might be able to fix your eye problem, look into it. I went to BGN Eye Clinic

10,000 north korean spies you have to deal with
South Korea just copies western culter leaving there own culture to be forgotten
South korea only makes money off there tourist
Korean made cars are absoulute shit
there out goverment can stay together/corrupt as hell
and oh ya you guys have greeeaaat democracy you chinks

Sorry you are seems totally wrong. What you just post is full of buttheart and impossible fake.

You post is not a point

good taste

Calm down jap, your head is going to explode of so much negation.

No. Most of Korean think Korea is already better than Japan and its truth
How korea can have inferiority complex toward inferior jap?

Japanese are mixed with shitty ainu people, which is why they look retarded.

What does your crying have to do with beinh occupied by my country's military forever?

This! Japanese is kind of ugly it's wellknow

weed and drugs are illegal in Korea.
If you use drugs you get jailed for life.


>1000 an eye
But the average lasik price in the US is 1500 per eye, so including transportation it actually cost you more.

Watch out, I'm going to come there and conquer your women. Whatcha gonna do about it, gook boi?

Yeah and their leader is bat shit crazy you dumb fuck. And south koreas just a bunch of fucktards that rely on the U.S. for help.

China #1. Korean and Japan are shit.

Did you ever notice the japanese flag on here is messed up? The red dot is too high and not centered.

Smile Laser is only available in South Korea and Australia, there's no US comparison. It's $5000 an eye in Australia. Lasik prices in Korea were starting at $250 an eye. Smile Laser had a shorter recovery time, and it only made a tiny cut in my eye, instead of opening the eye completely open like they do with Lasik.

Looks like jobs didn't die, he's shitposting form Canada

Oh yeah, and japs? How was taking to nukes to face. Also, you invented anime. Both korea and japan are shit in my book.


Dadada keep larping OP
You're not Korean or Japanese


>implying Worst Koreans use drugs in the open

You are not fooling anyone gook scum.

2 pixels from the border both up en down

I guess if I trust anybody to know about borders..

You may talk shiot about my country, but about my autism.

You win this round fez.