Religion of peace general

webm related. these kids WILLINGLY entered a freeway at night and risked their lives just to share their peaceful culture with the goy truck driver. problematic plumpfkin shitlords BTFO

Who tricks them into coming?

Most of em have no education, can barely read/write in their own language, let a lone english, etc.

What makes them think they can actually compete in a western country where the standards are only getting higher and higher and getting a job even for an educated person is getting harder and harder?

It makes no sense, are they just lied to and told they'll be rich as fuck by just living in a western country?

I don't understand breh. I bet most of them could actually be more financially successful back in their own homelands.

This isn't Post WW2, there's no boom of unskilled/low skilled jobs,in-fact these kind of jobs are dying what the fuck are these people supposed to do? They're 100% going to end up on welfare and probably never getting off, and if they get forced off they'll have to resort to crime in order to survive......jesus christ europe is going to have insane crime rates in the next 10-20 years, fucking hell.


That's it. That's the end goal.
Destabilization - and it's working.

basically gibs me dat monei white boi

it's a popular way of robbing vehicles. i think a few days ago one of them died getting run over or shot by the driver.

they create roadblocks then either ride the truck hidden in the back to cross the boarder, or they just rob the contents of the trucks.

gimmiedats swarming and looting is nothing new

The only people I hate more than this rabble are the lefties who let them come here, and protect them from the law.

We need to fight this infection with flamethrowers.

>What makes them think they can actually compete in a western country...getting a job even for an educated person is getting harder and harder?

They don't intend to get jobs you fucking idiot. they want free gibs and don't plan on working.
When youre a gimmiedat you go to the countries with the best welfare.

Yeah no it's yes they get told there will be rich free money on the street of our country. The Jew non profits bring them to are country and they try to go to Germany, Britain, France, and Sweden as well as others. Some go to here in Hungary I saw one in the town and say to him "I fuck your sister" only in Hungarian and throw my McDonald's at him the dumb fuck

imagine how many people get gang raped like this

What makes you think they aren't going to rape and kill Europeans and just take their things? This is war and Europe isn't even putting up a fight.

is it illegal to not slow down and just ram like 25 of them? they're literally standing in the middle of the highway in the middle of the night

No, this is illegal invaders in Southern Europe forcing themselves into lorries and buses to get to Western/Northern Europe.


what do you think would happen if the guy accidentally ran them over? he'd get hounded like a rabid dog even though it could not be his fault that some fucking mongs entered a highway at night. but if they pulled him out of his truck and mauled him, would justice come as swiftly? course not

this has been the case here with gypsies for 2 fucking decades now where they often have more rights than we do bar some overzealous riot cop beating them the fuck down, western europeans are not aware of this but it will happen there as well

Digusting behaviour. What an utter waste of perfectly good McDonald's.

It's been like this for years, here. We're second class citizens in our own countries when it comes to justice and accountability. It's one of the big reasons I do not consider my government to be legitimate.

I've had gypsies stalk slow traffic pedestrian crossing and jump at the last second hoping I'd hit them. if that happened my life would literally be over there, I'd get hounded by their 20 cousins for the rest of eternity and all medics would declare his body completely shattered and everyone would go on his side.

by comparison one of them sideswipped my brand new car in their disgusting unregistered 30 year old 3 series and just run away and did anyone lift a finger to help? course not

We had, very possibly, an islamic attack a few days ago in Amsterdam. Bunch of pedestrians got hit by a car that every witness says accelerated onto the square. The police say the driver was suffering from diabetus and was "unwell", despite showing similar behaviour before being stopped by police. The square is covered from every angle with cameras, yet mysteriously there's no footage of the attack.

We've also had these cases with the extended families of muslims hounding the victims of their relatives while a criminal case is going on. Police do nothing. They even advise people to not press charges, and perpetrate a narrative that victimblames the victims of muslims.

And what to think of Britain, where the police facilitated multiple child rape rings? No, our enemies are in our governments.

>No, our enemies are in our governments.

could not agree more

>The police say the driver was suffering from diabetus and was "unwell"
Still nothing beyond that? Bunch of lying bastards.
It's like nobody talks about the muslims hit by a car near the mosque in England after it was discovered the 1 death in the incident actually had a heart attack moments before and the driver probably just hit them since they were in the middle of the road and he wasn't paying attention.

Yeah, I just saw a news article about how a radical mosque is being "threatened". I've seen it before: Typical false flag threat that only looks genuine to mouthbreathing lefties who want to cosplay that they're fighting Nazis.

The muslims had forgotten to fold their threatening letter, yet took pictures with the envelope it supposedly came in. In the official photo's the press took in front of the police station they have folded it. Twice. And I do mean they folded it once, took a few picture, folded it again, and took some more pictures.

And as usual, nothing will come of the investigation, because the police isn't going to pick up muslims for threatening themselves.