Does /pol travel? Or does everyone sit at home all day/work so hard that we assume each person who posts from a specific flag lives there, or that's their ethnicity? I've been all around Europe this summer, and I have to say London is the most degenerate place I've been to so far
Does /pol travel...
I've been to London. It's actually been a few years. It's gone downhill. The cheap places to stay no longer have eccentric Brits living in them; they're overrun with hostile migrants who sling trash everywhere. Last time I was there, I got sick from the pollution, and every time I blew my nose the tissue was grey/black.
amerifat here
I'm skinny, athletic 5'8" 140lbs , native American & Caucasian
I have drove through British Columbia and the Yukon territory from San Diego , visited Mexico (Cozumel, Tijuana, ECT)
Been hungover in the Cayman islands
Been offered shitty weed in Jamaica
Gambled so much in Vegas I know my way around the strip
Drove East through Texas and stopped at several godtier food stops that I saw on TV channels
I've taken a small Cessna plane to the "top of the world" barrow Alaska and Wainwright (my tribes homeland to visit my family)
I am a believer in Christ
How am I doing so far?
Looks like in your pic you are taking off out of east coast, I want to say jfk.
Also I like the traveling part more, sitting in an airplane watching the world go by, the airports and people watching, waiting for my next flight. Then there's flying different planes, seeing the different service airlines have. It's just so much fun
I've been to almost 20 countries and that's because I found a flight on a plane I wanted to fly on or because I wanted to try an airline.
Sup Forums is not your blog
>spirit air
Neck yourself poorfag
I pay Jamal to fuck my wife as much as possible. He lives three hours away and lets me come into his house and even watch sometimes if I pay an extra grand. So yeah, I do.
>bragging on the internet to anonymous strangers about going to vegas
I've never been on an airplane. Too scared after 9/11.
Itll all mean nothing when you die
I travel a lot. Been to 4 Asian countries so far (Korea was best) and I regularly go to European cities for weekends. Paris and London are, I can confirm, lost and only Blitzkrieg can cleanse it not even joking.
Traveling has only 1 purpose: social signalling of culture/education. It's a way for females with void lives and no interests to show what nice people they are.
>muh learning about other culchas
Open a fucking book.
work, paying denbts, and going to school. i need to go on vacation...
went to scotland last year... it was fucking beautiful. went all around the country, top to bottom, coast to coast.
before that went to japan by myself, basically walked and took the train from kyoto all the way up to hokkaido. the most fun 3 weeks of my life. basically an adventure, i barely slept but i felt invigorated the entire time.
I've been to every continent except South America which I would love to visit someday.
I've been all over Europe. Paris, Barcelona, Florence, Milan, Bavaria, Brussels, Amsterdam, etc...
Been to South Africa, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, China, The US from NY to LA...
I'm much more left leaning that most Sup Forumstards though. Maybe travel really does open your mind.
whats so good about korea? not being an ass, but any pictures i see of korea make it look so depressing... not north either, i mean south.
looks like theres nothing to do except eat and drink.
Flying over Boston down to atlanta
Got my CPL, bought a PC-12. My job is also my hobby, flying around the world in my lil bird.
If some anons go to EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, I'll be there all the time from the 22-31 and up for beers.
The thing I liked was that it suited my personality. Maybe that means I have a boring personality. I do like Korean things though and have a lot of positive memories of Korea because I have always seemed to have had Korean friends. Objectively speaking Japan is more fun and generally aesthetic (cities, nature, women, etc).
No I don't travel. Foreigners visiting Russia is a shining example i don't want to be one of them.
Unless you're on a diplomatic mission travelling and know what you're doing it seems meaningless.
It's insane over here in a very cyberpunk way and it's not depressing (aside from being a foreigner without limited knowledge in their language). It makes me look forward to the future, unlike Western Europe and North America where most of what we see is just the decay of once great empires.
>being a huge faggot
ive travelled to almost everywhere in this country except for the north because its a shithole filled with angery peruvians and bolivians and ive left the country 3 times to travel to brazil for vacation and argentina twice
im planning going to the us next year
Fucking this
Vacations are for housewives and teenage girls trying to contract genital herpes
i still hate both countries tho :^)
I travel around 3-4 countries a year, trying to pick at least 1 or 2 new for me. This year I already visited Vietnam (1st time), Andorra(1st time), Spain, France (1st time), Italy and Monaco (1st time). This year I reached a total counter of 32 countries.
I enjoy travelling, but not as a typical tourist. I try to blend in with the locals becoming as much local as possible to experience how does the regular life tastes like.
i travel but i haven't traveled internationally yet i live in the uk and have visited most the major cities i am planning to head over to the states next year and visit some family i have in PA
yeah i had some korean friends so i know what you mean by that. some good memories of playing drinking games at bars in ktown.
sounds cool.
You should visit Buenos Aires (great nightlife) and If you like nature Patagonia (Calafate, Bariloche, el bolson, villa la angostura, san martin de los andes, esquel etc.)
Did you visit Berlin? Way more degenerate than London imo. Shit even Paris is more degenerate than London
How do you NEET niggers get the money for travel? Does Sup Forums have rich daddies?
Ausfag in Canada waiting for a connection to New York, New York.
>implying travelling isn't the best place to read
Canadian in France here (have to attend cousin's wedding). Lots of muslims and blacks but no one has given me problems (so far). Personally I only came here so I could hook up with a French qt. Hopefully there are some pretty ladies at the wedding.
So Sup Forums, what does a Leaf have to do to bang a cute French girl?
I work a basic job on an hourly wage. The power of swiss money baby!
It is. It's also much safer than our cities where I'm bothered every single day by some homeless black. I don't have to be on high alert here.
I hate traveling because I get to travel for work a lot. This summer I'm in China. I might go to Kazakhstan for a week. Or not.
But that's where you're wrong kiddo
We get to remember everything
Every morning ray of light
Every laugh
Every decision you have ever made has been so important that it's incalculable
>What is chaos theory
I kind of got that feeling the last time I was in Amsterdam, felt awkward being a tourist and couldn't properly relax until I got home.
I'll still go back to Scotland to visit family but I think I'd like to see more of Canada/US than flying over to shitskinistan europa again
I was just in Norway for two weeks. Aside from letting in a few refugees they are ethnically homogeneous. they are much wealthier than Americans. Could live there except it gets dark nearly 24-7 in the winter and I'd get depressed af
I went to
Sri Lanka
Liked the place in descending order.
I'm definitely Thai, and not some fat fuck from Scandinavia here to suck ladyboy cock :^)
Yeah I wanna head out to the Middle East before it totally goes to shit
How do you travel alone? What do you do at night?
I used to travel. I stopped now because I realized that was an empty pursuit and it was more worthwhile to see if I could establish myself in a career and make something out of myself other than a hippie.