Syria General /sg/ - Jawlani Fuckery Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>GolanH/Quneitra Jun 24
>Raqqa Jun 24
>Mosul Jun 24
>S Syria Jun 23
>E Syria Jun 18
>Dara'a Jun 14
>E Ghouta Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jun 25
>Tiger forces advance down Raqqa-Ithriya Highway
>ISIS sleeper cell activates in W Mosul, ISF conducting counterterror ops
>HTS & allies attack SAA in Madinat al-Baath, Israel AF strikes SAA tanks & artillery pieces (twice)
>pro-gov sources:HTS & FSA opened fire on Israel held territory, trying to provoke them
>Palmyra: SAA capture Arak Gas Station
>Sy-Iraqi border: SAA enter DeZ province, liberates Al-Wa'er Dam, Al-Wa'er Canyon region, 12km to T2 Pumping Station
>IS fully encircled in Raqqa
>SAA will not halt operations in west Raqqa despite US interference
>Idlib once again shaken by militant infighting
>RU navy frigates and a submarine fire 6 Kalibr cruise missiles on Friday on IS, Hama region
>SAA captures Al-Abjar Hill along Hama-Raqqa border
>SyAF return with a vengeance over Daraa after reconciliation deal falls apart
>Aleppo under attack as militants target civilian areas before Eid


Other urls found in this thread:

fuck ASSad


>Israel sent two drones to the Philippines to assist in fighting against Daesh.

How can you hate Israel if they're fighting Daesh all around the globe?
Sounds to me as if you're just retardedly anti Semitic.

The Jewish regular says
t A settlement with a population of 1,305 !ukplMOKO72.

24 Resistance Axis @Syria_Hezb_Iran 3m3 minutes ago
Replying to @Syria_Hezb_Iran
#SAA, #SSNP & #PLA have advanced 3 KM SE of Rajm Suraykhi after repelling an attack on Bi'r Al-Qassab earlier today

#As usual ,rebels attack and end up losing evenh more territory then before offensive

with a population of 1,305 !ukplMOKO72.
is banned til 29/6/17


Does Helmut Kohl over here make all the topics now?

Back to Syria

Is Maher dead? I want proof of life in 2017

imagine a world without a shia/sunni split

Croatian Syrian journalist says Baghdadi is dead for real as his pics are on social medias now.

Baba Bashar doing drive-by handshakes.


Why is Israel attacking the proxy of their Saudi ally? Saudi Sahwat when

President #Assad druving his car and passing by a check point at ine of the villages of Mesyaf in the countryside of #Hama #Syria


You're the Israeli who spams rotter shit on krautchan Sup Forums.

You've been identified,

This is less believable then the doctored Bin Laden pics.

suggesting not to post Hez QTs
They are unfair.
I won't be able to sustain my streak...

If that's his beard. just imagine his god damned pubic hair.

Hello lads, how are you all today?

Imagine a world without muslims.

>He thinks the Saudi Jew alliance is soild and not just too greedy cunts trying to get the most they can out of something

Guys I can't atop listening to this cancer I found. Pls send help

Good evening my Mugul friend

Memes aside, how are they sure that they've taken an area?

Do they check every square inch of all the land they get in a successful attack/counter-attack? I don't understand how it works....surely they can't be sure it's 100% clear of enemies once they take over an area, right? I'm talking more so about the fighting taking place around the ancient city, and desert/towns on Jordan's boarder.

Do they have multiple reconnaissance planes flying over checking the entire area or something? :o

Jews playing both sides what's new

Hello Sri lanka bro. Is a /ptg/ raid underway here?

This is Qatari D&C, theyre gonna both lose to Ikhwans if this keeps up. Mizrahi Sahwat when?

You think Hez qts are unfair? You have no idea of real temptation. Let me show you.

Pro-government forces liberate strategic area from ISIS in Syria’s Badia

>BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:02 P.M.) – Pro-government forces, led by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), have netted another strategic gain in the southern Syrian desert.

>According to the Syrian Ministry of Defense, pro-government forces have liberated the area of Bi’r al-Dulaiyat from ISIS terrorists. More specifically, the village of al-Dulaiyat sits virtually halfway along the road that connects, from north to south, the town of Arak to the T-2 Airbase and then on to the border town of Al-Bukamal.

>This most recent victory is part of the ongoing push by pro-government forces to expand their zone of control along the Syrian-Iraqi border and thus further limit the strategic mobility of ISIS through the extensive Badia region that sits between the two countries (a space where the trans-national movement of ISIS forces has been traditionally unopposed).

Hey pakibro, gainz make our days better

Different nose, brows and ear.

You should be listening to this cancer instead.

North Syriajava, their newest ally

Why don't you like heavy guitar music?
Not necessarily heavy metal but any kind of (non pop) rock.

SAA can smell the jihadis a mile away.
listen to balkanshit lad, always cures my cancer but give me a new one at the same time
shit's still going down in Quineitra and Jobar, I'm pretty tired but comfy

Just because you only listen to Viking/Pagan LARPmetal doesn't mean Arabs don't have rock or metal.

>Rebels took several positions in the city of Madinat al-Baath, SAA answering with Elephant missiles
We know how reliable r*bel media is, so don't be surprised if it's nothing lads.


Abu Kamal when?

hohol overdoing it again thats all.

Good morning fellow /sg/ autists. Why so many kikes today? Has there been anudda shoah in occupied golan heights?

Doesn't look like a fucking nothing to me

>وضعية بادية تدمر بعد سيطرة الجيش السوري والحلفاء على الضليعات_حميمة وبذلك تكون القوات بعيدة عن مدينة دير الزور90 كلم
google made no sense, translate pls

Nose is completely different.

They are flying as AL-Quaeda air force.
This is just damage control.

Any news on the potential kotel in Raqqah province by SAA?
Im fine as well German bro.
>shit's still going down in Quineitra and Jobar
Another offensive by durka jihadis?

>Just because you only listen to Viking/Pagan LARPmetal doesn't mean Arabs don't have rock or metal.
I don'T lsiten to those LARP bands but this shit looks at least a s cancerous as tthem tbqh.

>Lose ground
>Launch a counter-offensive
>Claim on twitter that some point has been recaptured
>Get repelled
>Lose more ground

>Another offensive by durka jihadis?
yup, plus two or three jew strikes to boot

Jobar is SAA offensive though

24 Resistance Axis @Syria_Hezb_Iran 1h1 hour ago

#Syria|n "rebels" to #Israel|i media: If you want calmness in the north, we must work together against #Iran & #Hezbollah
#Syria|n "rebels" to #Israel|i media: We want to cooperate with Israel & call them to intervene in the war

#Reminder how stupid rebel dogs are . Jew is playing the oldest trick from the playbook "divide and conquer" and rebels are taking the bite.

>second and fourth from the right
would shoah with my dick/10 if you know what i mean senpai


xD syrians hate assad

Redpill me on the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) please. Who are they?

Are Israelis the dirtiest faggots in existence?
Honestly, fuck Israel
Hope it gets mini-nuked

Humvee convoy army has overdone itself again.

why are the Jews doing this?

also I didn't know Syrians could look that hot


>Battles for Syria | June 18th - 24th 2017| Daraa city

Kurdish militants, Al Qaeda affiliates, Turkic mercenaries.

Fourth from right looks like she could be 7/10 with makeup and a good camera angle

the eternal jew trying to kill everyone that looks even remotely white

pic relation

the SDF are "okay" there anti head-chopper and assad-neutral
the one main drawback of them is that they are run by kurdish nationalists who intend to create a "rojava" a kurdish nationalist concept
they recieve funding mainly from the U.S and israel and the west
a lot of /sg/ has a hard-on for hating on them but i personally i have a more "neutral" stance on them

so in closing there "okay" but sorta shilly for the west and kurd-nats

So FSA 2.0 after the normies in the west realised the FSA were violent jihadis?

> some random tripfag pretending to blend in

Ungrateful cunts.

Israel's been getting messages to join in. It looks like we're going to get pulled in even more.

>Viking/Pagan LARPmetal
You made me remember Falkenbach. Thanks.

>blue rectangle in the overview map doesn't correspond to the detailed map accurately
This should be punished with a beheading



Hiya. Do you support Hezbollah, or are you smart?


and tehy are wanna be commies (commie in 21st century kek)

only thing kurds are good for is breaking Turkey up one day.

ok that's a lot more info thanks man.

Parking a cobalt bomb in front of Pissrael only a matter of months now, you don't need no rockets to glass Tel Aviv. This is coming, and big time. They won't even know who did it

Sorry, but I don't reply to filthy kikes.

>pulled in even more
implying dindu nuffin.

SDF is kurdish forces combined with a few former rebel groups. Turned into the biggest proxy of western countries because the older ones had infighting and were completely useless. They are already used as an excuse to build military bases in Syria (The US has already 4 in SDF controlled territory). SDF will definetly try to claim the occupied territory so it is going to get rough.

You guys would stick it in mud if you thought it would wiggle.

people need to stop shilling for hez sure their pro-assad and thats ok but their still terrorists

(ignore that name fagging i was doing fo a few posts that was fo something else)

How has no one pointed out your ID?

Now thats normie-tier bluepill right there

Bulgarian volunteer fighting SAA was killed in the Israeli airstrikes.


Dont give free (you)s to jews

Personally I'd prefer the west leaves and just let Assad control Syria but hypotetically could the SDF establish a legitimate democratic government and take over if the war ended?

>Kurds are the good goys despite Israel supporting them
>Hezbollah are terrorists
You can turn off your proxy Chaim.

Syrian army & friends control "Aldilaat Humaimh", approximetely 90kms from Deir ez Zor

fighting *FOR* SSA

imagine (even if it was anounced to at least some local leaders) that someone like Assad would casually show up at your check point.

>non govement force
>takes over territory in destabilized countries
>commits attacks/bombings etc
>exists for the sole reason of commiting said violent attacks
yeah....sure their "not" terrorists

I dont think so
there is a strange lack of burgers spewing absolute nonsense


(((they))) get payed 10 shekels for every (you) they receive



>but their still terrorists

>kurds are good guys
never said that pal but cool leap of logic man im "neutral" towards the SDF
>hez are terrorists
cuz they are i dont give a shit if their "pro-assad' their STILL terrorists just because they support assad dosent give them a free pass in my book