>Sup Forums in one picture
Sup Forums in one picture
The third frame is my hand clenching around my dick
yeah because fuck muslims you dozy cunt
its not hard bro
also itt: things that never happened
>posting more b8 because the original didn't get any bites
Sage goes in all fields. You're better than this, Polan.
All religion is based on the same lie.
Has yet to happen, though.
The statue of immigration approval meme was only started because we wanted more people to build shit faster. It was supposed to be temporary, but then came the leftists.
Oh no, something that happens once every three years! How will Sup Forums recover?
Shit tier bait
>when liberals hear about a black person getting killed but find out it was black on black crime
Its almost like conservatives have a subjective perspective. I bet they want to survive and not be killed by their enemies. what shit lords. Everyone knows killing your enemies is how they win.
It's the same
Your memes are stale strawmam arguments. Similiar to niggers memes about spices which they prob can't even tell you where the meme originated from.
>also itt: things that never happened
>White Democrat kills people
>He went to church once
>Rev up those statistics
>things that never happened
So is any metaphysical concepts
Like morals, law, rights, property and nationality.
If you believe in any of that I want you to prove they exist without a metaphysical answer
>not from Sup Forums
>comes to Sup Forums to be a prick
I want a reason why we should take you up on your utopian fantasy of anarcho communism, it's literally an oxymoron.
Op is a faggot.
Here you go, sweetie
pic related
I came here to suggest the same edit
Wow, you single handedly defeated the ebil nazis!
Pseudo christians should be gassed with jews.
red skinned nigger are currently too busy drinking firewater and building casinos to rebel about anything
lmao those do not happen u moron
A fictional character because that never actually happens. Sounds about right.
be. cause. it's. a. sur. prise.
Every time a muslim dies, even if they are the attacker, they were killed by white islamaphobes, so these numbers are clearly biased and wrong. In fact, if they had just not be islamaphobes, they wouldnt have died, so their deaths should not count as being the fault of islam in the first place. Racist.
hahaeha what about the crusads then and julie zyn alemaal pedofiele mar als een marokaan het doedt scheren julie over een kant!
what's all this reddit shit
subhuman language detected
>logical fallacies
good goy
>>something that never happens because most terrorists are muslims.
Yours? Yes They're logical fallacies!
Murdering invaders in your homeland doesn't count as terrorism.
When did that happen?
gOoOoOd (((GOy)))