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It means the travel ban is back.
Gorsuch: "Remove Kebab."
See you in October.
i think since there are a number of lawsuits, where green card holders were barred from entry in the mixup, they are allowing the stay to be in effect until they review it. everything else can be implemented.
the butthurt on this will be beautiful
thank you cheesus
So we get a huge liberal salt day???
>foreign muslims with zero relations to the US are banned
Also, "Canada is a shit too."
Muslims BTFO
Muhammed BTFO
Goats BTFO
Hawaii BTFO
Washington State BTFO
Democrats BTFO
they mean the powers that the constitution expressly gives to the president are powers given expressly to the president
WA state here.
Some of us are not idiots.
And then some.
Looks like I'll need a truck to move all the delicious salt.
It means Trump is going to be winning so fucking hard that he has to go on Twitter tirades to pull the narrative away from how much he is winning.
It means muzzies have been BTFO... unless Uncle mo is a citizen.
>does being a refugee make you american?
jesus fucking christ.
why is this not the most active thread at the moment?
This news is yuge!
btfo but leave the falafel
honestly I am OK with muslims who actually want to assimilate to western culture. Uncle Mo is somewhat more likely to just work at the CITGO and settle down.
Does anyone know the number of justices needed to issue this sort of order? It could be indicative of how BTFO the left is going to be when the court decides the full case later in the year.
If university applications are considered "Bona Fide reason" for being in the US, then what's to stop these liberal universities from only accepting foreigners because fuck Drumpf?
5 justices supported this stay. One more than needed.
Leftists 100% will receive permanent BTFO status in October and Trump will be free to ban whomever he pleases
I presume he's referring to refugees granted political asylum by the US which is much smaller than the number of "refugees" you hear about
All of them agreed. Dissenters would be listed. This is probably going to be 9-0 or 8-1 sotamayor dissenting because shes an idiot
federal funding being cut.
Libtards permanently BTFO
>No you can't ban me, I actually have a family member in the US
>Alright what's your last name
Relatives or gtfo. Europe, UK, Mexishit and Cuckanada too.
Many universities accept state/federal grants and need to take in a certain amount of US/state local students. Besides universities already take in shit tons of rich Chinese students so they can milk them for money
We all know that would never happen though.
why wouldn't it trump can influence it and they have quotas for local students to qualify for the funding m8
Trump is perfectly willing to cut funding.
It means nothing. The travel ban most likely won't be enforced.
Good job, America!
Maybe I can forgive you for bombing us.
- Nagasaki
What ever you have to tell yourself m8
Huge improvement, and hopefully it leads to those traitorous federal judges who blocked the ban being replaced. But I don't like allowing their relatives in just because they're related, if they want to see each other so badly they can do it in their goatfucker country, not here.
2-7. RBG has a rep for being batshit to keep up too. I'd bet money she's going to shit out some impassioned plea to sweeping emotional principals that has almost nothing to do with the Law.
put them all on Greyhound buses and drive them back to the middle east.
Let the salt flow
Cross the ocean in a bus? They'd all drown!
That's how it starts. Wait until they are a higher percentage of the popularion, then you get Europe
Post salt
This, unforunately.
Otherwise, Mudslines fucking btfo, liberal courts btfo, san francisco fag judges btfo. Maga
it means unless proven otherwise the president has the right to initiate any travel ban or immigration policy regarding non americans. Good luck trying to prove otherwise. Precedent since the founding of our country as well as past islamic immigration bans on the books.
lel, why the fuck would we do that?
It means (((You))) have to go back.
>he thinks countries are giving to give up all American tourism just to spite Drumpf
>plaque on the statue of liberty trumps the constitution now
Wew lad
>#NotYourCountryEither faggot
Holly shit. It was unanimous. You know Dems are fucked when Ginsburg sides against them.
And the banning of Japanese immigration during WW2, etc
Someone had to pay for that guys computer. because you know he didn't pay for it himself.
>haha, rest of the world, how about you shoot yourself in the foot to ideologically support us?
how about you go and fuck yourself you slimy libshit? my country will do whatever is in its best interest. hurting our own economy to placate a political movement that isn't even in fucking power does definitely not belong among those things.
>muh french statue
Of course it was. The president clearly has the authority I ban anyone at anytime.
Newfag detected
You leave goats out of this. I've had a goat burger before and that shit was amazing.
So, when they get to customs and are asked the purpose for their visit and they say "None", they are sent back?
but if they say "Visiting my cousin", or "attending a business meeting" you have to let them through?
>show up in a christian nation with fake identity
>utter the word "asylum"
>spend the rest of your life taken care of by tax payer money
>hardworking 3rd world person comes to america and works hard and has a family
>the kids go to (((school))) and learn to hate white men, america, and radicalize because that's what the fucking education teaches them
literally why all the fucking 2nd generations of these immigrants decide to go nuts. our schools teach them to hate america and especially white men
this is why immigration not only is bad cause they're low iq retards, but the kikes control education so their kids are radicals
Well yes. That law is very plain to read, had precedent, and should have never been blocked by the lower courts. Sometimes I fear "muh feels" overrides law
Proof will obviously be required.
>but if they say "Visiting my cousin", or "attending a business meeting" you have to let them through?
That's not how it works, you have to provide some proof.
The law is pretty black and white on the issue. I don't have the exact wording but the president pretty much has full authority to ban anyone he wants. The 9th circuit courts were way out of line for over turning it, like they should lose their jobs.
Burden of proof is on them.
They'd have to show their cousins names, they'd call them up, confirm their family, yadda yadda.
It's probably enough of a roadblock that the government will just constantly say "nah this isn't legitimate proof, go back"
Why do people on the left AND Sup Forums call it a Muslim ban? it is just six countries. Pakis, Saudis, Iraqis, Chechens, every other Muslims is allowed.
>some shit that kike wrote on a statute
wow its nothing
>Supreme Court is powerless and their rulings mean nothing
I never understood why people try to use this as an argument
>our decision making process in 2017 should be based on a sonnet created by a woman from 1883
because they'll use whatever fits their narrative.
don't expect any logic from them, they do not give a single shit about it. they'll discard rules based on the fact that they are old and "it's 2017" and the very next moment they'll pull up some quote from around the same time.
the left has never given a single shit about coherence or the moral high ground. they only pretend to do so every now and then to ensure that the right keeps trying to stick to it
>plaque on the statue of liberty trumps the constitution now
Yeah, a plaque that was placed there by a fucking kike whore in like the 60ies or some such bullshit
>South Carolina
I want to find out where this faggot lives and lynch him.
Trump fucked up and called for a ban on Muslims during the campaign, which is actually illegal. The travel ban doesn't use the word "Muslim" so it's 100% legal, but everyone knows what he means. Christians from those countries pose no threat to us and everyone knows it.
You just don't understand these people. In spite of their apparent belief that all cultures and societies are equal, they believe that their way of life is not a culture, but the default mode of human existence, and that access to their society by outsiders, by extension, is a fundamental human right. Most of these types do not actually hate white people, although their actions might lead you to believe so, rather, they are ethnocentric to the point of almost being white supremacists themselves. These are people that believe that the U.S.A (and the "west" in general) does indeed owe every man woman and child of the world something; access to their idea of a "default" human life, that is, a "western" life, complete with all the rights and benefits that go along with living in these societies.
The education bubble.
If they accept any more sub-prime students the bubble will burst and much of higher education will close up.
This is nicely put ausbro, exactly how i see them as well.
This so god damn much.
And what about their children? Remember Pulse
Yea, but these people have shown they are willing to crash the economy, culture and country in furtherance of thier ideology.
Its the same shit as "human rights" and ideas about the necessity for secular laws, or democracy. Creations of thousands of years of European, and later American culture that modern Europeans and Americans are so used to that they are literally unable to consider them as anything but the default mode of existence for a human being.
A man has no rights in nature, he secures them by participation in a society that agrees to afford him rights and to protect them on the condition of his adherence to that society's rules. A state's only obligation as a political entity is to its citizens; those who participate in this system. At least, that's how it is supposed to work in theory.
And I have a degree in one of the leftiest sounding fields there is.
>they believe that their way of life is not a culture, but the default mode of human existence
which explains pretty well why they think that white countries have no culture
get them worked up over his twitter feed nice and early so he can MAGA all day long.
>a ban on Muslims during the campaign, which is actually illegal
Incorrect. All existing SCOTUS case-law is absolutely clear in affirming, over and over again, that (1) there is no Constitutionally-protected "right" for non-citizens to enter the United States, that (2) Constitutional protections are not guaranteed to people who are not lawfully admitted into the United States, and that therefore (3) the political branches of government, not Courts, enjoy *ABSOLUTE* discretion when deciding who they do or do not admit to the United States, *UNLESS* the rights of a person who has been admitted are somehow implicated. Denial of entry/deportation of non-admitted aliens is not even understood to be "punishment" such that any kind of due process is even implicated, let alone some kind of nebulous right to not be discriminated against.
There is absolutely nothing in any of the Constitutional jurisprudence pertaining to immigration which suggests that a ban on entry for Muslims or any other kind of group. The Chinese Exclusion cases have been affirmed as binding law as recently as 2016.
>travel ban somehow is against the first amendment
What did he mean by this?
>*that a ban on entry for Muslims or any other kind of group is unconstitutional.
>Hawaii BTFO