She is a 18 yearvold modle and a pornstar

She is a 18 yearvold modle and a pornstar


I need a link to find out if she's doing her job well.

Why is this political

Is she disabled, retarded or just ugly?

Was she your GF ?

you sound upset

I feel like I'm seeing more and more people crop up lately that simply do not look human.
What's happening?


She is a pornstar, so I guess she is all of those things and more.

She's just your average suomi

Not politics, you dumb chink.

because its not. a bunch of faggots are derailing the topics, posting thier crud...

This has shattered my view of Finland

Pussy pics plz?


And looks uglier and less feminine than a boy.

Not to mention she is too old.

I'm guessing this is a male. Something wrong with the face. Can't pin it down.

wut yo on about mate ?


and why are u posting this le here?

