Will we be able to cull ugly people in the future?

Sup Forums loves to talk about niggers and gyppos, but what about ugly people from all races? They're the one who suffer the most at the end of the day. They've got shitty life prospects because of their appearance, and god knows the physique matters in the society we currently live in.

Does Sup Forums think ugly folks should be cast away?

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Human experiment or the purge

HOLY SHIT SHE IS SO HOT. too bad she fucks only black guys ffs

>Will we be able to cull ugly people in the future?

you better hope not, Abdul


Someone shoop the controller to be upside down plox

this is not a homo board. please consider browsing or Sup Forums instead

Gonna need a source on her.

lol she is pornstar from blacked you idiot

yes i cant wait for someone to kill me since i have no balls to kys

I wouldn't know I'm not a cuck.

just imagine that pure petite girl getting dick of average black person (20 cm). hot as fuck, her getting stretched like never before. white race cant satisfy gems like her

I'm an ugly person and it really does suck a lot. You get to know the harsh reality of life and how the world truly works but you can't do anything about it. Having all the info without the means to use it to your advantage is stressful.


What a surprise.

pepik, stop

>Sup Forums loves to talk about niggers and gyppos, but what about ugly people from all races?
If we started getting rid of people from the ugly end of the scale and moving up, it would be a long fucking time before we got to a white person.

So at least elaborate if you think ugly people are the problem or society we CURRENTLY live in.

That isn't going to happen this thread is retarded sage.

>Be 6'5"
>But "God" gave me a small penor, shitty personality, uggo face
What a joke. I ain't laughing. Kill me, Pete.

>small penor
how much, honest

also get swole as fuck

big motherfuckers can be ugly and if you are really almost 6'5 if you get swole no one ever will tell you that you are ugly


Alena Ushkova


I don`t want to marry her, I just want to fap to her.

tfw ugly : no friend, no gf, no job cuz shit impression at interviews, should i kill myself



Let nature handle them. If they manage to reproduce then there's good reason for it.

>Alena Ushkova
she ugu

It's happening already what with women getting fed and housed by the state and ugly men financing it.


>mole on face

Don't. Go for a walk beside the mountains. Switzerland is a beautiful country.

I love this guy

>Be ugly
>don't get any (you)'s

here you go uggo

pls dont cull me
im sorry

Ur joking? Who is she?

He is a Slovak, don´t mind him, we´ve got a lot of retards like him from the East

YES ! Plus usually the ugly ones have the most rotten personalities, cuz everything social they do, is a struggle !

I would so wreck that.

Every way possible.

No because ugly people can contribute in other ways, it has no baring on your physical or mental abilities.

Alena Ushkova ;)

Most of Sup Forums would die

What does it matter? You can still do everything any "pretty" person does, except no one will think you're pretty or hot


I've dated a few girls with that look/build and I can confirm that it is insanely hot to fuck them.

There is nothing better than looking down at her face while she sucks you off then turning her around and destroying her little pussy.

The only downside is that every time I went out, it would get out of hand with guys hitting on them. I'm not a jelous person, but I'm still not a cuck and won't let some spic or nigger hit on them in front of me. This led to some fights, but still worth it. Also they know they're hot and the only way to keep those girls is to treat them like shit, the second you kiss their ass, they get bored and lose interest.

ugly people have to overcome barriers to breed thus nature takes its course

no need to worry about it let god sort it out

They have a much lower quality of life. If you could choose to shoot a bunch of gene therapy into your fetus to guarantee it'd be a perfect thing you'd be a fool not to.

actually being ugly can help you to focus on more important matters

I assume OP is a faggot

the threads about ugliness really make Sup Forums looking like RL.

>tfw average
got myself a gym membership today so that's a step in the right direction.

They're useful as an underclass to serve us. Once we get robot servants they can die off.

Nah, the bar for ugly will only be moved up.

lol you're an idiot

top 10 forbes is not a ranking for top model

>Implying the "underclass" is uglier than the elites.

Why do you faggots have to ruin everything. Go be a faggot somewhere else.



But superficial recognition is mostly for assholes! You can find other means to use your knowledge aside from applying it when people "like" you, and consider that even the ugliest of fuckers can make adjustments to their physique and dress style and not look half as bad. Sure, it takes a little more effort to do anything involving people, but remind yourself that you can always be more present and more empathetic than some hot guy/girl who is going to get what they want anyway as they saunter through life barely even thinking. When you let go of your opinion of yourself, you'll find that people start to give less of a fuck about what you look like, given that you're useful or impressive/interesting in other ways.

Be useful, faggot, don't lament that you don't have the privilege to be a useless-but-good-looking numbskull. When "the shit comes down" those pretty folk will be good as sheep. Or sex slaves.

History PhD. Top female student in our cohort was a sweet-natured Armenian toad. She knew she had no dating prospects so she put everything she had into her work. 10 years later she's still unemployed; no university wants her since young people are ruthless, and she can't face spending the rest of her life as an archive troll hidden away in a basement.

The trick if you're ugly is to aggressively pursue some line of work that gives you the slight chance of gaining some sort of power or substantial wealth, so that people will make the effort to convince themselves you're not ugly as they position themselves to leech.

I'm ugly
I can't be a natsoc, I'll never be accepted and part of the society.
I was always a good guy too, always put others before myself and not even then I was accepted.I never had a girlfriend or real friends either.

By some pure coincidence and magic the very moment I changed my life philosophy into that I don't give a fuck about others, and call out other's for their bullshit my life became better, but I don't trust fully anoyone and never will. I don't give a fuck about other's and that you cast me away, as long as you leave me alone.

Now I also I love seeing other people's misfortune, and I don't give a fuck about if they don't like me.

>tfw pretty in an effeminate way
>should probably be culled
>still support nationalism and white pride

That's just bitterness user, and it'll only get worse unless you get out more. Be funny and learn (I mean REALLY LEARN) to eat pussy.

Worked for me.

>that image
Women's rights were a mistake. Feminism was a mistake. Western culture was a mistake.

Women are a mistake.

the only thing I eat now is other's suffering.
And believe me it feels good.
Really fucking good.

I learned that long ago that I have absolutely no chance in society, even my parents said clearly when I was pre teen that I'll be a loser forever and no one will like me. They were right, but now at least I have fun too.

Thats not even a BRAPPP image

yeah its called okcupid u fat fuk

Not the same guy, and I can't remember her name, starts with an A, but I think she was/is Miss Russia. She got knocked up by a Tatar Jew rapper.

Alena Ushkova alena-u96.deviantart.com/gallery/

agreed motivated ugly people ensure the continuance of ugly people. As well as random genetic mutation

She's within the normal range for looks.

She just did a History PhD, which is an awful life decision.

If she had studied something useful there would be no problem in employing her. For any non-sales position people would think that she must have gotten it due to competence.

You must be the kind of people calling me a noob on online games.

How did you learn to eat pussy ? Any specific tutorial to share ?

Her head looks huge on her body. Weird shaped.

nah I call them faggots.
And I'll call you a faggot too.


The sooner the cucks on this board purge themselves, the better this place will be.

Learn to draw out the "A-B-C's" with the tip of your tongue. Oh and don't ignore the clit.


yeah go and die in an ocean of piss

The state is controlling breeding patterns, ugly r-selected people are having lot's of kids while the genetically superior K-selected people almost have none.

ugly people will always exist because what makes a man and women attractive is different
but a female can inherit her fathers features and be a an ugly girl, and a boy can inherit his mothers features being an ugly boy

You're right that conditions are more opportune for r-selected breeding, and that the state helps to foster that because of its self-preserving nature. If the useless eaters feed their power, naturally they will protect it. Eventually their system will collapse under its own weight, and that's precisely when nature will take care of them.

Force scarcity and natural breeding patterns will form again. Europe shall be rebuild on the standards of the best K-selected men but first that horrible welfare state must collapse.