If energy/matter can not be created or destroyed

If energy/matter can not be created or destroyed..
Is intelligence/thought/sentience energy eternal?

If all energy/matter/space/time had a beginning(according to BB), does that mean those "elements of energy" if you will were also present from the beginning?

Is.. The universe sentient? And are we not able to understand its sentience much like how you cant read some else's mind?

I really made you think.
t. Universe

I was in a deep thread here in Sup Forums about the universe being a simulation and I seen some good points, you may have been there. A sentient universe as he home to all of creation is an interestung thought user.

>universe being a simulation
Here, hit some more weed.
Is anything, like, real, man?

You need some coke and a few hours for this and it doesn't invalidate life as less for being so, however cheanges the idea the way once would perceive consciousness and our universe as a whole or as one layer of many.

But for what purpose? Is there any evidence its a computer simulation?
What does simulation even mean in such a context?

>unnamed billionaires

Mass can be transformed into energy and vice versa. However, the latter is only theoretical.

> At the end of the universe when only photons exist
> all photons will become entangled and collapse the universe into singularity - that is a black-hole surrounded by its event horizon. >Virtual particles pairs will appear at every point on the event horizon instantaneously with one particle falling into the singularity and one escaping the singularity.
> As this happens, the singularity will began the process of losing mass through Hawking Radiation.
> Space will began to expand in proportion to the mass loss of the singularity.
> The Universe is reborn.

>black holes
user we don't even know if those fucking exist.
We see "effects" of black holes which can be up for debate as to what the origins are, doesn't mean it is what we describe currently as black holes to exist.

>to get out of the simulation you need to enter into another simulation
wtf user you think anyone took that thread seriously?

The double slit experement for an example.
I dony support or agree with these cunts, its a massive money laundering/recycling front imo, but the thread has some deeper points and the quantum conundrum or thr double slit experement which is nearly 100 years old but is ine of the deepest questions of physics and life

>light is a wave and a particle
This is not evidence its a simulation.
All it means is you don't understand light because you're a huge faggot.

Answer: No
Think of a mandala
It's not destroyed each time it's used
And it doesn't stay the same
It changes
That's the rule OP missed out which completes his picture...
...Everything is in a constant state of change.

>the universe always existed and is changing

still means eternity and infinite exist and is God. I win.
life did not create thought. It's impossible. That means thought and energy would need to be created in order to exist.

It merely changed form from God.

>If energy/matter can not be created or destroyed..

Energy can be created but you must also create the opposite of it. Like if you want positive energy you must create negative energy too (quantum fluctuations) so universe doesn't freak out

>Is intelligence/thought/sentience energy eternal?

Intelligence is a result of the combination of energy. The combination will be broken one day but energy will stay.

>If all energy/matter/space/time had a beginning(according to BB), does that mean those "elements of energy" if you will were also present from the beginning?

Correction: All energy in our universe had a beginning. We don't know if there are other universes.
Considering we need a first mover and it's either a God or another universe I would say there are other universes.

>Is.. The universe sentient?

Not as a whole. People are the universe. However empty space is too big in our universe a d light speed is so slow that universe as a thinking being would appear to be nor thinking. Too slow bandwidth.

>And are we not able to understand its sentience much like how you cant read some else's mind?

Sentience would be observable. When the universe starts throwing rocks at us I'm unexplained ways we might be onto something.

>Sentience would be observable.
Yes, but you lack the sentience to observe that sentience.

Its the base binary of all information, just as electrons leave our quantum world for micro seconds and then return, and we also cannot deduce exactly how small am electron or photons are, and then they display binary states of existence. The only real thing in this universe is our conscious minds, for that can chanhe the state of matter itself, the act of observing changes the outcome and our free will awareness that exists independently of our brain is what shapes this reality.
I can't make this more clear.

Don't you worry. When Google creates Artificial Intelligence and it absorbs the entirety of the universe into its being we will have a sentient universe.
The Jews are behind this of course...YHWH must be created!

>If energy/matter can not be created or destroyed.

Not created or destroyed =/= not CHANGED. The energy in your brain will be in the Universe until the end of time, but for most of that time it will be useless heat floating around in space, doing no-one any good.

>life did not create thought. It's impossible.

Prove it.

>deep thread
>pseudointellectual muh simulation meme.
Pick one.

Pfffft holy shit user. No. It is constantly being depleted. All energy depletes.

Thought is just electrical/chemical energy being used up. It is not "eternal" in any way.

No, the universe is not fucking sentient, what a retarded question. There is zero reason to believe that. In reality, there is either a mechanism for something to happen, or there isn't.

Read a fucking science book, you sound like a 12 year old reddit atheist. Fuck off.

The universe isn't digital though.

Time depends of memory.
By eternity you mean unfailing memory through endless time.
You want to eternalize the mind,
which is not possible.

wrong but almost correct.
Entropy is constantly increasing as per the laws of thermodynamics. Energy can only move from high to low across temperature differentials. All systems move towards equilibrium in which such differentials no longer exist. Eventually there will come a point in the history of the Universe in which no transfer of energy can occur.