Travel ban upheld

>travel ban upheld
>wall is confirmed being built
>swamp is being actively drained
>highest economy and lowest unemployment in a decade
>mass deportation of spics
Time's up, shills. Once again, President Trump beat you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Libs are literally on suicide watch right now


daily reminder its only 90 days, its already over and he isn't going to bring it back because Trump now fears the lefts ability to disrupt him. Also this ban was very weak and almost entirely symbolic as it lets in people anyway as long as they have a relative or have a college or employer willing to sponser them. Also its only 6 countrie.

This entire fiasco is proof that the left is very powerful, they take away everything from us, and then they"lose" tokenly, and the right celebrates as its a big victory while they chuckle as immigrants still flood in from any country with ease and from those 6 countries in 90 days too

Baby steps my friend

You are right the left is powerful and entrenched, but we are more powerful and we take more and more from them every day.


too bad he's a neocon, once he destroys syria muslims will flood into europe

What do you think about Trump's wall project?

haven't seen a lot of shill posting this morning. where are the libshits screaming "GO BACK TO THE_DONALD REDDIT NEWFAG IM AN OLDFAG"?

Smiles all around!

>bans nations that have no ties to terrorism
>doesn't ban saudi arabia
Is Trump, dare I say, a pussy?

those aren't liberals you insufferable faggot

They're definitely here

Yeah there are plenty of Nazi LARPers that hate Trump too

t. buttmad Libtard who was just utterly BTFO

You're one of the good ones, leaf.

Sure, but there are countless discords/subr*ddits dedicated to wrecking Sup Forums. Im in a few myself - for recon, of course

Didn't gorsuch dissent?

how does one larp on the internet?
i'm further to the right than you are civicnat cuck

none of that happened, what fantasy world are you living in?

Just like you're doing right now my Nazi LARPer friend

>i'm further to the right than you

>National Socialist

LOL you are a leftie and you don't even know it.

That's all you have left, a single attack on Syria's gas weapons that stopped the rest of the world from intervening several months ago.

Give it a rest.

>leaving your containment thread

You're not welcome here. You never will be.

I love you father trump!

>daily reminder its only 90 days, its already over

That's why he just signed another one;

>Executive Order 13780, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, is an executive order signed by United States President Donald Trump on March 6, 2017, that places limits on travel to the U.S. from certain countries, and by all refugees who do not possess either a visa or valid travel documents
>Suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days (to expire July 16, 2017)*

He can keep signing these.

>isn't going to bring it back because Trump now fears the lefts ability to disrupt him

The supreme court just gave him permission to block applications without a ruling. They'll probably side with him in October.

He also has the fact your legodemperor is a kike slave.

Remember, the nazi larpers now support Tulsi Gabbard because lord Spencer told them to.

Hey stormfag, you're not welcome here and you never will be




Top kek

do you even know what larp means?
>National Socialist
he's been attacking syria all month and fucking with russia like clinton would
um no i don't
wtf i love based black men now

t. Nazi LARPer

fake news again

wow i'm triggered now

Nazis are easily triggered, it's pretty much their whole life

What happened?


The ultimate symbol of Trump victory must happen. Build the wall.

>travel ban does fuck all because it only targets a few countries
>Is it?
>It's not though.
>Aren't the deportation numbers just steady?

how much based nigger semen did your wife swallow last night?

>Hillary tries overthrowing Israel
>he thinks Israel is bad because muh jews

The majority of Israelis hate Muslims and Africans. They strongly support Trump and his wall. Benjamin even said Hitler didn't want to kill the Jews and wanted to help create Israel.

The Nazis were originally working with the Jews to create Israel and get the nationalist ones out. You're so unredpilled it's not even funny.

It's the marxist jews in Europe/America you should be worried about. The real ones Hitler tried to kill. There are two jew factions.


I voted for Cruz because I thought that Trump was somewhat liberal and I have been pleasantly surprised with how he has been doing.

>DOW Jones records
>Jobs pouring back
>Wall being built
>Illegal immigration down 70%
>Travel ban withheld
>Originalist appointed to SC
>2 regulations removed for every 1 made
>Budget balanced

God speed Trump! Like a true conservative!

It will user, it will

swamp being drained lmaooooo richest cabinet ever, filled with swampish billionaire ex oil ceo's and bankers, yeah you're right he's really kicking it to the establishment


>>DOW Jones records
>>Jobs pouring back
>>Wall being built
>>Illegal immigration down 70%
>>Travel ban withheld
>>Originalist appointed to SC
regulations removed for every 1 made
>>Budget balanced

New fag go back and watch the campaign, he always said he was going to put rich bossiness people in the cabinet

Why would you want poor people in charge of money

That's fine. You're only half redpilled. We all have to be at the halfway mark at some point.

Have fun checking under your bed for jews, Ahmad.

No they're as delusional trumpeters are tbqh

I just checked it, the decision to stay the court order was unanimous. Justice Thomas voiced dissent towards partially lifting court orders only (because it will invite a wave of litigation regaridng what is bona fide), Gorsuch and Alito agreed with him.

In short: complete vindication for Trump, liberal media BTFO.



pick one

>he took time to make that


>>travel ban upheld
This is a revised / lite version of the ban, not the same one that was actually banned

>>wall is confirmed being built
No its not, it will never be built, its too valuable as a rallying cry for stupid people

>>swamp is being actively drained
Replacing politicians with materialist CEO's = draining the swamp okay

>>highest economy and lowest unemployment in a decade
The economy requires 4 years to normalize, effects now are felt because of effects put in place during the Obama administration

>>mass deportation of spics
Yeah this is actually happening

Mate after Trump figures out he can make bans on immigration, no one from the ME that's undocumented will enter the states.

foreign semitic desert tribes do not belong in our home, regardless of whatever the fuck they call themselves.

Again, there is much reason to celebrate from President Trump's efforts and results, but we can never get complacent again.

Our enemies from within are only going to become more desperate, violent and criminal and we must be relentless in killing progressivism in N. America.

But in the meantime....ALL HAIL PRESIDENT TRUMP!

>when you find out non state actors from saudi arabia that did 9/11 weren't living in saudi arabia

elite jews have hijacked us foriegn policy so american boys are sent off to die in israel's wars

holy shit you are bluepilled
sorry where did i say i was a socialist?

LARPing involves actually getting off one's fat ass, dumbfuck.

go fuck yourself, you subversive entryist anti-white cuckold interloper.


How is a travel ban on non-terrorist states going to do a single thing when the backers of terrorism like Saudi Arabia and Israel now have carte blanche in the USA???

>omg le ebil nadzeez

Go back to reditt

Which war did Trump start again?

Oh that's right. He bombed Assad's hanger saving Syria's ass from the UN after he gassed his own citizens.

/sg/ is the cancer killing Sup Forums

never thought about it that way


It doesn't matter if they're documented, no non-whites should be entering the country at this time, other than extremely exceptional .00000001% cases.

the CIA provoked the war, trump got america involved
>assad gassed 6 gorrilion children
yeah okay shlomo
trump loves nonwhite immigration, he wants more spics to come in legally

You are not welcome here and never will be. You'll be driven out like all other invaders.

Guess I'll have to get serious about it. Why does it always have to be the Slavs?


>America says chemical weapons were used, have our radar as proof
>Syria/Russia claim Assad just happened to hit all the chemical weapon bases perfectly on every shot on the radar
>there's a chemical weapon base in the middle of the road
>they verified to us that our radar wasn't wrong and they were dropping weapons
>doesn't explain the road

You're the most bluepilled Assad asslicker ever. Please neck yourself.

A kike is a kike is a kike. Israel is a right-wing ethnostate, which is great; what's not great is that it's in their interests to buy our politicians, support AIPAC, drain every bit of blood and treasure possible from the US to support Israeli geopolitical ambitions (not to mention the slaughtered of soldiers in cold blood and the repeated theft of US intelligence and technological secrets).

I support the existence of Israel to the extent that we need a place to deport the American jews too, and if you don't want your enemy to fight to the end with everything they have younjees to leave them a path of retreat. After that, I don't really care. Potentially Israel could actually become a true nation for all the jews of the world, but they don't want to be. They refuse to take back the Dome of the Rock and formally end their thousands of years of exile, because they've become adapted to and comfortable in their exile. It's all they know, it's how they thrive. Until then, Israel is nothing more than a brick-and-mortar hub of an international parasitic body. Nice beaches though.

Love you guys.

Slavs to what?

You fuckers are the ones who created the communist marxist empire that allowed the bolshevik jews to fester in the first place. Hitler wouldn't have had to lift a finger if it weren't for you bastards.


Israel took advantage of us under Obama, true.

But name a country that didn't take advantage of that limpwristed pussy?

Iran was threatening us with nukes and still extorted us for 400 million.

Who gives a shit about Syria? Our country is 56% white, literally years away from being on an irreversible path to becoming an unlivable mestizo/mulatto/african/amerindian 2nd world Brazil of the North and you think he important thing to worry about is ether Assad used chemical weapons on the ISIS and Al Quaeda sunni savages attempting to incorporate what was once a stable and peaceful secular state into a global caliphate?

Assad is on the side of christians, Russia, and stability that won't have millions of arab "refugees" pouring into white homelands.

Trump is the best president that wee had in nearly 100 years, and having to do some bulkshit in Syria doesn't change that. But the fact that you would wake up in the morning and change your beliefs and principles to match the actions taken by some democratic politician is pathetic. It befittinf of someone raised by a single mother who is using a politician as a replacement father.

>Implying ISIS isn't in Syria and hasn't said they would come to countries by pretending to be refugees
>Implying Iran isn't one of the biggest funders of terrorism


>trump says he won't get involved in syria
>"gas attack" conveniently happens
>oy vey we gotta bomb that evil dictator assad
>Iran was threatening us with nukes
ok shlomo
yeah trump is an uncover anti semite we get it

None of that has anything to do with Obama, that desert tribe was murdering our soldiers and stealing our intelligence (and then giving it to China) long before Obama.

Iran is one of the best countries left on this planet; a homogenous, patriarchal, traditionalist society that is also lretr developed. The US, on the other hand, is largely owned by radical leftists, invented modern feminism, normalized multicultural egalitarianism, and spread degernate democracy and nigger-worshipping pop culture to every inch of the globe that the sun shines on.

The United States founded by literal Whigs, is the most degenerate country to ever exist, the most powerful weapon the left has ever wielded in all of human history. You have to be able to sympathize with how Iran would do whatever it takes to stop the cancer of progressivism from spreading to them.

I'll never get tired of Trump winning. Vanguishing the sjw's!

The interlining shills you're taking to are subhuman filth, but don't go too far in the opposite direction. Trump is a moderate pro-democracy, pro-Israel baby boomer, and he is the most blatantly pro-white politician we've had in 100 years. Neither of these things are contradictory, it's just a sign of how utterly fucked the modern west is. But we already knew that.

Obama banned Syrian refugees and bombed Syria. No-one gives a shit. He bombs Iraq. No-one gives a shit. A white man does it. World ends

barely, he still favours mass nonwhite immigration

My Mexican food took forever and the waitress apologized and informed everyone the cooks had been deported earlier that day. Was all smiles my friends. Shadilay

This is bullshit. We are living under tyranny right now. Minorities and immigrants are under attack by the government and I refuse to stand idly by. Drumpf must be removed from office. He is in the pocket of Putin and hates true Americans..

Guys I am getting sick of winning. Currently enjoying a good cigar in celebration.

>he still favours mass nonwhite immigration
>literally wants to build a wall, deport illegals and stop muslim refugees from coming into the country


In public he says he's fine with legal immigration, yes, but a man who is pro-mass non-white immigration does not want to build a physical wall seperating is from our largest source of non-white immigrarion. We'll see what happens.

I know Trump has been disappointing in some ways, but at the end of the day this is still a man who retweeted White Genocide memes, retweeted black coker statistics, and at the height of an election gave interviews to obscure European magazines saying things like "Paris is not what it used to be", "Look what Belgium has become" and "Merkel has destroyed Europe".

Trump was the best we had. He's a big step in the right direction, other than the horrible affect that the election had on Sup Forums. To call this redditified board a shadow of its former self would be an insult to shadows. Fighting the civic nationalists who want to turn this board into another toothless, harmless, castrated race-blind conservative outlet talking about tax cuts and wars for Israel as our genetic in-group is destroyed is a full time job.

>Trump was asked: “Do you want to curb legal immigration?” Trump responded by saying he prefers merit-based immigration of skilled people. The interviewer pressed him again on the scale of legal immigration, asking “[are you] not looking to reduce the numbers?”

>“No, no, no, no, we want people coming in legally. No, very strongly,” Trump replied, as two of his economic advisors sat beside him — top economic staffer (((Gary Cohn))), and (((Steve Mnuchin))), the Secretary of the Treasury.


This ""reddit colony" thing has backfired horribly
Sup Forums is a wasteland now, and there's nothing stopping the normalfags from invading the other boards

Legal immigration has been declining for a while, while illegals are still pouring into the country.

>he can't debate anything else in the post so he calls me shlomo

Like the guns/drugs, the shit skins will still find a way in and blow shit up tho.

huh sure
>Migrants to drive 88% of US population growth
>iran is da big bad goy and wants to kill us all!!1!
heard it all before straight from the kike's mouth

>b-but it's a m-moral v-victory right?