Russia: The ultimate red pill

The more I lurk on Sup Forums the more I see pro Russian, pro communism, pro Putin threads e.c.t. There is a reason why Hitler saw all Russians as untermench and that reason was well justified.
Today I will enlighten you lot about modern Russians and their ways, culture and moral standards.

I'll start by saying that the real and true Russia died the day Lenin ordered the execution of Romanov family. Ever since, Russia has been in great turmoil and not much has changed to this day.

Every year on 9th of May Russia celebrates their "single handed" victory over Nazi Germany and the mark of the end of world war 2. Majority of those who celebrate on that day don't even know why and for what reason they celebrate it. It's just another excuse to drink vodka.

It's not uncommon for Russians to boast about their achievements in space from the 20th century, even if they have done fuck all ever since space race ended. They take huge
pride in their achievements of sending the first man in to space. That was the last notable achievement of Russia even to this day.

When Russians are confronted and forced to answer for their war crimes, such as annexation of the "buffer zone", Crimea and the rape of Germany, then they whole hardheartedly

deny all allegations as if it was science fiction. How can you annex something that belongs to you initially?
Rape is in Russian blood, If you go on your most favourite porn site and search "Russian forced" or "Russian rape fantasy", then you will find couple of hundred legit and

legal rape videos to beat off to.

During the cold war, Russia had a program which specifically trained a group of carefully selected individuals to be experts in chess, to show the world that they're the

master race, that they're the most intellectual and superior beings on this planet... only later to be totally BTFO by self-taught chess masters, such as Bobby Fischer.

part 2

Russians often like to portray them selves as the best and smartest in the world, in every aspect and subject. Meanwhile Russian education standards struggle to stay in top 30
on a global education standards scale. Sweden with their negro and muslim influx rank higher on the scale than Russians by education standards. Russian primary and secondary
schools very rarely teach English to their students, even if they do, most students don't want to learn a foreign language and students see it as a nuisance, just like the rest of the subjects. The only English literate Russians you will ever see and meet are those who have finished some kind of university where they force their students to study that shit to get a passing grade, or your average basement NEET who's had enough time to learn English through anime.

Stalin executedd all those who opposed him, sent a huge portion of annexed country state citizens to Siberia as slave labour, including fellow Russians. That's when Russian prison culture was born. Today, in Russia there are two types of schools, one being the regular school where you learnn relevant shit and the other being prison. Modern generation prefers the latter, because in their mindset there is no better school in life than prison. There you learn the values of respect, authority, social interaction and moral standards. But remember, if you are the one sexually dominating another male then it isn't considered gay.

In Russian prison and mafia culture playing chess between intellectuals (mob bosses) is a common practice. Once you start a game with one of these intellectuals, you will find that they like to finish the game fast with "Scholar's mate" 90% of the time. Any other strategies seem alien to them and it's all about who can pull off "Scholar's mate" first.

Lets see your geographic flag.

part 3

All the Russian generations in the "buffer zone" are not considered Russian by the natives and even the real Russians them selves. They are like exiles, they have nowhere to go, they are hated by one group and then by the other. Nearly 80% of the buffer zone Russians, even if born in the buffer zone, refuse to learn the native tongue and continue to speak Russian. Anyone who doesn't speak Russian or refuses to learn Russian in the buffer zone is considered fascist, racist and subhuman by their standards. Here's a fun fact! - 70% of the Russians in the buffer zone only know how to speak Russian, even if they were born there post-WW2 and attended public bilingual schools.

The worst kind of people you can meet from Russian culture are those who have served in the army in one way or another. They will boast about their acomplishments in the war, even if most of their claims are purely imaginatory. These people will demand respect from you in a passive-aggressive way. They will tell you magnificent stories of their heroic deeds in Chechnya and Afghanistan, while in reality Russians can't defeat some cave dwelling, mountain climbing Chechens for over 20 years. Inventiosn of thermobaric bombs are not helping them in the fight much either, and to this very day, some cave dwelling mudshits are BTFO Russian best army efforts for over 20 years. It's like USA VS Vietnam all over again, but apart from USA, Russia never learns.

Based fermented milk

part 4

One very disturbing and shocking Russian family value and standard is that men usually live with their mothers for the rest of their lives. Especially those who return from the army and have nowhere else to go. They will stay at their mothers place, waiting for the day they get drafted again, but that day never comes. They spend those days sinking in vodka and home made moonshine, while boasting to their drinking buddies about their imaginatory and delusional accomplishemnts in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Most of modern Russians have absolutely no idea how the country works, what kind of system they have in place and who controlls it. Average Joe citizen will tell you magnificent stories about Putin, but once questioned to give reasonable opinion on why Putin is a good president, they cannot answer. Russians are completely oblivious of what's going on in the government, they simply live by the lifestyle of "so be it" and drown them selves with tolerance.

Every year Russians host their military equipment parades through Moscow. Every year something goes wrong, something explodes or simply something does not go as according to plan. It's like a meme, they try to silence it but actions speak louder than words. The whole Russian military is a joke, most of their soldiers can only boast about how they got drafted, while the other half drinks them selves to death while waiting for orders. Here's a fun fact! - If you have inside connections within the Russian army, then you can pretty much get your self Kalashnikov AK-47 for a bottle of vodka... even worse, is if you have money, then you can buy your self decommissioned submarines and tactical nukes. They're so cheap, you could practically get it for free!

bump for the sake of trips

thanks for the thread. some parts are exactly what i was thinking about russians.

These are good. Keep going.

Fuck off kike

Russians don't generally watch anime in English. They have their own sub and dub groups that translate everything into Russian. As for education, most of Russia outside few select cities is a massive shithole, so yeah, their averages are going to be ranked pretty low.

> Nearly 80% of the buffer zone Russians, even if born in the buffer zone, refuse to learn the native tongue and continue to speak Russian.

In Latvia this is true for lower classes, but middle class Russians (or higher) generally integrate pretty well. Maybe not the older generations, but the newer generations for sure. 80% seems a bit much from my experience, although there aren't any real statistics on this as far as I know to confirm or deny this. Could be that more Slavic countries have a different situation, who knows.

It's actually pretty great desu.

True when Russians outside the big cities are concerned. Those who live in cities are usually smart enough to realise that Putin isn't that great. That said, Russians don't really have good family values, at all. Not that those exist anywhere these days...

oh, I could keep going all the way up to part 10, but definitely not today... maybe another day when RIDF, BIDF and JIDF are sleeping.

Don't forget the people who supported Hitler getting into power are partially responsible for the rapes and violence that later occurred against the German population which foremost was a victim of nazism. Also nazi Germans killed more people, from all ages like savage mentally ill barbarians.

So when will nazis regardless of where they live today pay huge reparations to people whose ancestors where genocided simply for bluntly speaking being more Aryan than the nazis, but that was bad and against the whole nazi plot so they surely had to get them out of the way.

>middle class Russians (or higher) generally integrate pretty well

Do they now? From my experience only a small portion of Russkies manage to integrate into the upper layer of society.. the rest devote their life to gopnik life styles.

Nosaut visus krievus vajag, tas ir fakts.

Not sure if severely mentally retarded or simply a murrican shitposter. Give me some sources where Bolsheviks raised Hitler into pover, cmon.

>yet another butthurt belt thread about muh russian oppressors
Grow up already.

>he responds with something totally irrelevant


Christian Russia is the last hope for Western Civilization.

Globalist Cucks are not welcome there. Russia is for Russians.

Degenerate Democrat propagandists lie about Russia. They are traitors to America and are beholden to their Wall Street masters only.

Fuck all these lying cunts. They will see you enslaved or see you dead because they hate you and they hate the Republic.

I've grown up, I have prepared 100 pound draw force bows in my collection for some end-game hunting sessions. End-game being hunting Russian subhumans while they run for their lives bare feet through the forest. It's top entertainment, you should come visit some day. I can show you.

Also, what kind of faggot would spend all that time typing out such a long thing unless they were paid to.

Fuck off shill.

He got pissed of when looking for signs of Aryans in Germany, and all his archeologist were digging up were Slavic settlements.

Hitler was an internationalist puppet.

Putin is the hyper dominant male who's endangering the social order established by the International Oligarchy.

Russians are fucking great. And the women work with you, support you, and help you succeed; where as the opposite is true for western women... generally speaking

You're even hiding your flag, how am I supposed to know what country should I invade to visit you?

The gopniks are the ones you see the most because the rest are at school or work being productive. If you look at university classes you can find quite a lot of Russians trying to get degrees and being productive. I.e. CS classes in technical schools or technical universities are around 50% Russian +- (though they are also the ones that drop out the most). Those who fail then get into diploma mills such as and get their degrees there. Not quite upper class, but not gopniks either. At least they're productive, and let's be honest, there will always be a lower class that's like this whether it's Russians, Muslims, the Spanish or whatever.

I always thought Australians were masters at shitposting... I've learned my lesson and changed my mind. Thanks leaf

kek, check pic related. Come whenever you're ready.

Annexing land is not a "war crime", homo Schlomo, in fact there is no such thing as a war crime. There are those who win wars and losers.
>b-but if your enemies lose you lose

After the Western faggots who have committed suicide in the name of the Holohoax will have been driven from power and China will rule as the supreme superpower, this clown kikery will no longer be socially accetable

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their lever, then beat you with experience.

I should give a fuck about you opinion why exactly?

>pic related.
Um, sweetie, u literally lost every war you ever fought with russia. Winter war - surrendered right after the winter ended and lost territories, then again u sided with the eternal losers-krauts to get them back, but lost again and that time even had to pay contribution. I m not even talking about how quickly we conquered your shithole 200 yrs ago.

Because you are a leaf, nobody likes you. You should be eternally grateful that someone from a civilised country even takes their valuable time to read and reply to your comment. You should cherish that moment as if it was your last. In modern world nobody takes Canada seriously, that's why you're being run by a SJW white knight, liberal democrat French imposer.

your post was not read.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but Finland and Sweden are not the same thing. I can only applaud you for your efforts to remove the cucked Swedshits from the history, but that didn't suffice.

>Winter war - surrendered right after the winter ended and lost territories

I thought they surrendered after we rekt Mannerheim line. The last battle took place in 20s February 1940, and then they sent (((diplomats))) to Moscow begging Stalin to stop.


Awww, papa couldnt protect a little mongoloid. qq What were you doing meanwhile? Nothing. And nothing u will be able to do the next time.

>There is a reason why Hitler saw all Russians as untermench
The memes start early I see.

>Majority of those who celebrate on that day don't even know why and for what reason they celebrate it
Sounds like most people in Germany, or nearly anywhere else in the western world, enjoying holidays without knowing why.

>even if they have done fuck all ever since space race ended.
Because since then, it started to be a joint operation. Usually you only got into space by using russian engines after a certain time.

>That was the last notable achievement of Russia even to this day.
If you only know memes relevant for the normies, then yes. As a physicist I know a great deal about the contribution of Russians to physics and they are seen as one of the best scientists, among with the US, Germany and Britain.

>then they whole hardheartedly deny all allegations
Is this supposed to be an argument when all wining sides of the war are doing that?

>If you go on your most favourite porn site... find couple of hundred legit and legal rape videos to beat off to.
Consider the difference: In Russia, the women actually still fight back when being raped, in porn from the US, the women get raped by niggers, like it and even get paid to do it.

I won't bother reading the rest, devide and conquer shill.

>pro Russian
Damn right, faggot. Russians are white brothers--why wouldn't I support them as a people?
>pro Communism
No. Communism is what fucked up most Russians, just like it does in every other country it touches.
>pro Putin
Olgino trolls. Putin keeps the Russian Federation together, but does nothing for ethnic Russians.
The Russian Federation is full of Turkics and Caucs, and that's added to a population that endured nearly a century of Jewish communism. OF course their education is going to look bad. Just like how the US is shit because of the "60%."
You even recognize that part of their culture is ingrained from the commies.
Russians in the Baltics, as you said, are a national disgrace. Communists took the worst dregs of society and pushed them out into the open. And even then, as the Latvian pointed out, they're making progress.
>Russian military
Oligarchy paradigm. Rich Russians (read: educated, mostly ethnic Russian) manage to get out of conscription, leaving the post-Commie workers and Turkics. No wonder the military culture is cancer. And no wonder conscripts who don't care do poorly against motivated goatfuckers.

>family values
COMMIES. They destroyed the Russian Church, and it is extremely difficult in the current situation to resurrect it as anything but a government puppet. The (white) Russians here are very close-knit and moral.
Coping mechanism. Russians have never had a say in government (not that democracy is good), even when the Soviets technically claimed to be democratic. It's ingrained in the Russian psyche to be ruled, and they try to make the best of it.
>equipment failures
See above. This happens in every corrupt, post-communist shithole.

tl;dr, Go fuck yourself.
t. ethnic Russian burger

Probably a butthurt Pole or hohol, desu. I like all Europeans, but this kind of D&C is garbage.

>If you only know memes relevant for the normies, then yes. As a physicist I know a great deal about the contribution of Russians to physics and they are seen as one of the best scientists, among with the US, Germany and Britain.

Funny you mention it, because I am also a physicist, a nuclear physicist to be precise.. I have worked with several Russian "intellectuals" over the years and I had enough with them after several times they insisted that I replace the heavy water coolant system with pure vodka coolant systems. Their intentions were pure destructive, and once I asked where they acquired their PHD's, they kept silent, quietly mumbling to them selves "Putin, cyka bljat"

Couldn't agree more, can only add that Russia looks like a big and exuberant christmas GULAG decorated not with tinsels but with worms, rotten bodies and colorful mildew, the Paradise for the gangrenous and tubercular Kremlin Elder and the Hell for every free individual who adheres to the Western Values. As a prostitute in the leprosarium, barely suppressing vomit, our democratic opposition is forced to play these cruel games, submerge into the bubbling pus of abscesses of dictators, suck from bedsores of General Secretaries and ulcers of the Tsars, rub their bodies off the lichen of the Orthodox church.

Russia looks as the last train to the abyss driven by the fake misborn midget Putin. It sounds as an old jamming gramophone playing a disc of old Soviet newsreels. It smells just as Europe’s privy, it feels as a miscarriage of the Western Values, as a totalitarian pigsty and a communist hencoop. A tiny bloody midget, hands covered in shit up to elbows, standing on his knees pissing into his own soup, shitting into his own pasta.

And you know what, it stinks. There is a strong, disgusting and ugly odor of totalitarian exercises, feces of tortured people and foot wraps, and yes, it stinks and stinks and stinks and stinks. It stinks of totalitarianism, my dear friends.

And they think they can get off with this! But buy how wrong they are! Trump is no Brezhnev you will never be forgiven for what you’ve done with Ukraine the democracy shall destroy you Trump is no Brezhnev and this is not FSB to pass this shit off as democracy do you cocksuckers even think you can wrap yourself into a red flag into a spangled flag and you couldn’t care less the flag is spangled and you can now torture torture torture piss into the eye and think it’s dew from the sky.

This is not FSB you Nazi scum. Shit into the eye like dew from the sky.

You are a templar and are advocating communism. Da fuq is wrong with you. Pick one.

>NatSoc physicist
Stop, I can only get so hard

>some shitholes are angry again.
get the ticket kid and go back in line.

didn't read the post at all did ya

unbridled autism

>then you will find couple of hundred legit and legal rape videos to beat off to.
You got issues mate. And if it's depicting a real, true, sexual assault, then it's not "legal" at all.

Why don't you go and look some of that shit up before shitposting... those videos are labelled under "fantasy" while in some videos you can clearly see Ruskies beating the shit out of the victim for less resistance.

At least we don't have faggots parading in front of little kids naked on our streets and a 600 mln euro monument to victims of homophobia like some peope have in Berlin.

Why would you even search that in the first place? And why would a site like xhamster or xvideos etc. have something like that when it's against the law? It's not legal, despite whatever you might think.

"law" is easily circumnavigated, that's why laws change and are modified each generation. If rape video is classified as "rape fantasy" then by definition it is not rape, even if depicted in acts as such.