What now Medshits?
Romans were Nordics that died out when they imported niggers from the middle east and africa
today's Italians and Greeks are not related at all to the real romans
Romans weren't blon
There were of Anatolian, Eurasian steppes stock... not Nords.
Central Asian, dude.
There were probably blondes among them because the mixing with mesolithic/early neolithic blondes happened during the neolithic.
Civilization has its roots with brown/red/auburn haired, fair skinned, and brown eyed people from Asia of the Caucasian and gook variety.
Romans were Sub-Saharan. Everyone knows this.
Uh yeah no....The people you are talking about where blonde.
Behind every "_______ aren't white" thread there's a Jew.
Your a fucking shill retard.
what makes mart sharters such wewuzers? it's always americans making these claims
even one of the major wewuzers, Madison Grant, was a sharter
why do every subhuman tries to get for themselves what the mediterranean men built?
First niggers, then nordics
kek, you are the pale version of nignogs
we wuz
We all know (((who))) is behind "you're not white" threads. Don't feed the shill.
How come northern whites adopted the southern and Mediterranean cultures, ideas etc. and live in well in their societies but others can't?
Freedom of speech.
Who can't?
They weren't blond. The blonds among them were probably an extreme minority. There were probably more gingers than blondes.
Elite men most likely did horde hot blonde barbarian girls for themselves... like they do now.
THIS. Does everybody just have the sticky hidden these days? ffs
The deal with blondes is that dark haired, brown eyed Eurasian men mate with them for their beauty instead of their smarts.
Smart, successful men collect hot blond trophy wives. Over time this led blonds to think they were smart when their smarts come from Eurasian warlords who weren't blond.
American education everybody.
here's the good version
that's what italy looks like. idk about the south but in the north most people are brown/light brown/blacks/and some blondes.
>we wuz vikang emperors
literally you
Here's the real redpill, you dumb cunts.
fucking wrong mate
that's how the people of all the mediterranean countries used to be , now the difference is that black hair is more prominent than brown
but a lot of people have curly brown hair, just like most roman emperors had (adrian for example)
What would having a few blonde romans change exactly?
*imported Jews
Niggers are an annoyance, not really a real problem. Jews are the only real threat to whites. Niggers are animals and tools.
fuck off Gaul nigger
Yea the problem is most people outside of Italy have only seen the "Mario/Mafioso" sicilian type and assume that's the entirety of the peninsula.
In truth central italians already look p much like your average white guy, and nothern italians are still often of celtic and germano-lombard stock to a degree
Well duh the modern italians are roman. Just like modern chinese are real chinese.
When invaders come, they mix with the locals. Everyone today is really a mix of something.
you just posted some european phenotypes that can be found in all europe..
Post the version of this where its some black eyed brown skinned frizzy haired italian staring at a tan white man with light brown hair and blue eyes.
I really hope you are not taking that cherry picked picture as a serious argument
>what were north african slaves
>what was becoming a roman citizen after serving properly for a period of time or if your owners granted you freedom
There were literally Syrian Roman Emperors. Get the fuck out of here with your "we wuz kangz" tier arguments.
Roman subjects in North Africa
Welsh.. the Brits that look Spanish.
Anthony Hopkins is married to a latino woman and Sean Connery, a dark Scot, lives in Spain.
They wuz "Celts/Indo-Europeans" and shiet.
Thanks, saved.
>all these HOL UP faggots ITT
wew laddie
Hope this is true
>t brown haired brown eyed masterrace
So you be saying we wuz kangs and shit?
Romans had in majority dinarid and alpine phenotypes.Just like modern italians
syrians weren't arab at the time. They were a greek colony for a significant period of time before roman conquest iirc
but they still had in their majority semites,(like modern syrians)
Syria was very greek, and I doubt Romans would accept semites into higher class circles
a lot of greek colonies were not greek,they were hellenized.That means that the majority of the people in the colonies were arabs that could speak the greek language
Syrians of the time of Rome looked the same way Syrians do today. Syrians were not and are not "Aryan" or "Nordic". Fuck off.
oh, again these d&c threads
There were Arab Roman Emperors for fuck's sake.
how the fuck they were arabs in syria in 350BC nigger
TOPLEL how come i missed this one
arabs are semites,like Phoenicians
don't bully nords when it's americans wewuzing
Are Mediterraneans considered white? They are Caucasian, like Whites, Arabs, and South Indians.
> Not this thread again
> The usual burger with the culture of a pidgeon and intellect of a dimwit
Do change sometimes, Sup Forums.
Is it too difficult to understand that most of the populations that settled and lived in continental Europe for the last 3000 years were of Indoeuropean origin? That is especially true for Italy, were we know very little of the origins of 'ancient western' people like Etrurians or Ligurians or Sardinians.
Additionally, Romans were always a very 'mixed european' bunch aesthetically, as you can see from surviving literature, names (Corvinus vs Caesar, Rufus vs Niger, etc...) and art (statues especially, as well as coins), and there were plenty of blonde, brown, black and even red hairs.
As a final note, as one might know from opening any history book, Italy has been a battlefield for most of its history, but, with the Exception of some parts of the deep south, it was mostly a battlefield of other European people.
that doesn't make all semites arabs does it
Also, first poster best poster.
Only Italians, Spanish and Greeks are considered white by Sup Forums and stormfront.
i called them arabs because ,the term arabic is the summation of all semitic nations ((( except (((israel))) )))
>the term arabic is the summation of all semitic nations
No it isn't
And that is stupid.
There's plenty of Lebanese and Turkish people that are neither of Semitic nor of Berber nor of Arab origin.
you guys are so autistic and retarded it really hurts my brain just to read these threads
Reminder that Romans used bird shit to dye their hair blonde.
Rome was sacked 6 times.
Everyone in rome was a rape baby, and they never won wars with anything but auxillaries.
Prove me wrong.
fuck off back to with your retarded underage homosexuality
Man that board is shit
Philip the Arab was a Syrian Semite not an Arab, Arabs didn't spread to Syria until the Muslim conquests. His name is a misnomer
oh yeah fuck my historical accuracy wow.
Lets go back to playing pretend.
White is much more than just skin color.
There is history, religion and culture too.
A muslim or an ex muslim won't be considered white no matter how he looks.
But a dark skinned Mediterranean will always be counted as white. It's complicated.
In ancient Rome, blond hair was initially considered to be a symbol of a prostitute, and these women were required to bleach their hair blond or wear blond wigs. After slave girls were acquired from Scandinavia and Germany, noblewomen began to wear more wigs made from their hair, and the stigma attached to blond hair diminished.
Hair dyes were popular in ancient Rome, and historians have found more than 100 different recipes that the Romans used for bleaching or dying hair. Early Romans preferred dark hair, and at one time, blond hair was the mark of a prostitute. Light hair became fashionable after Greek culture reached Italy and the Roman legionnaires began bringing back fair-haired slaves from Gaul. Women, and some men, applied bleaching agents to their hair and then exposed it to the sun to achieve a golden or red color. Wealthier people could afford to sprinkle actual gold dust on their hair to create a blond look, as did the ancient Phoenicians. Another way to achieve a lighter shade was to cover the hair with flower pollen and the crushed petals of yellow-colored flowers. When harsh bleaching agents caused hair loss, Roman women resorted to wigs made from the hair of blond slaves.
leaf detected
semites= brown people from middle east
arabs= brown people from middle east
go the fuck back to ur gayass retarded containment board
fucking americans I swear
yeah the most romans had dinarid and alpine phenotype,it is rare to find a dinarid person with blonde,but it is possible..The most romans were like that
>it shows the meds winning
That's how you KNOW a medcuck or a Jew made that bait image. Here's a better one.
There must be like 500 white ethnic groups, white skin is just a feature
No the term semetic is the summation of all semetic language speaking people who decendants of shem. Being Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egypttians etc
Why do you retards care about hair colors? Are you women? What kind of 'man' cares about what his hair or eye colors are?
Hellenic people can have blue eyes and blond hair.
Romans/Italians are not "hellenic people" whatever you think that means.
But yes, there's greeks, especially womyn, with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Romans were nigerians igbos, both have r1b haplomemes and high iq.
>When harsh bleaching agents caused hair loss, Roman women resorted to wigs made from the hair of blond slaves.
>In ancient Rome, blond hair was initially considered to be a symbol of a prostitute, and these women were required to bleach their hair blond or wear blond wigs. After slave girls were acquired from Scandinavia and Germany, noblewomen began to wear more wigs made from their hair, and the stigma attached to blond hair diminished.
>The blond hair of Germans and jet black of Indians was preferred for artificial attachments, but it is unclear whether their desirability stemmed from their color or texture. While black Indian hair, documented in a late source, was no doubt obtained through trade, the blond hair of Germans was one of the spoils of war, at least in the early Imperial period. Both Ovid and Martial refer to "captured" hair (captivos crines), making an explicit link between the commodification of hair and Roman power.
Romans took germanic hair as a war prize to offer their whores.