Who here

who here
>/anti immigration/
>/not against homosexuals/
>/doesn't deny the holocaust/
>not actually racist

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So you're a Jew shill?
You'll find many others like you here.

no I've just had a healthy childhood without getting bullied by black people or hanging too much on forums(or something) and recognize that mass immigration is unsustainable, not only for the natives but also the immigrants which are coming in such a number that we can't take care of them all.

Me, I am not racist but I bet most people would say I am.


I don't hate anyone. I wouldn't even mind pic related.

Duktig pojk


I've been called racist before because I am anti immigration. I don't believe in biological differences between "races" but I do believe that certain groups act a certain way because of their culture(as in, muslims are way more likely to rape someone here because of the society they grew up in and the beliefs they've adopted).

There are biological differences between races don't be naive its just 'dark science' and is taboo to study, look it up it's true. But that densest mean I don't treat every person I meet with respect and treat all individual as what they are individuals.

>we all agree that racism is bad, right?
>and degeneracy is totally cool, too!
>and dont forget the six gorillion!
kill yourself you pathetic cuck



You're a grubby little Swedecuck, that's all you are.

I'm not anti-immigration, I believe immigration should never be a handout or charity, an immigrant should always make the country better. A country should only accept immigrants that are better than the average.

I'm not against homossexuals, though I believe homossexual "couples" shouldn't have the same rights as heterossexual couples.

I don't deny the holocaust, I deny some of the holocaust.

I'm a scientific racist, which means that at an inividual level, I don't care about your race.

But the very definition of "race" is outdated and has for many many years been regarded as pseudoscience.

Guilty as charged

I do hate me some muzzies and Israelis though

I am
>not racist
Racism is for the dumb, and by being racist you are ultimately helping Satan and the jews by dividing everyone

>not against homosexuals

>not actually racist
stopped reading right there.

yea more or less i am that OP

i consider myself a nationalist libertarian

Can you explain what you mean about the homosexual thing? Are you talking about marriage rights?

I myself think the whole concept of homosexual marriage is stupid(christians have been killing homosexuals for centuries and now you want to take part in their tradition), but it they want to do this very arbitrary and ultimately meaningless thing, why shouldn't they be able to?

>anti immigration
> not against homos but i think it shouldnt be promoted
>couldnt give a fuck about jews dying
>racist to a certain extent

But that was the end of his post

The noble prize winner geneticists even recognised races are different they are not just skin deep I'm not saying we are not all human but wee are different,, dude what do they teach you in school?
what is that link i'll click it if u show ur flag.

Reporting in.

>/anti immigration/
if you mean stopping all immigration for the foreseeable future, agreed.
>/not against homosexuals/
i'm not against them, but i do think they should occupy a lower ring of society and should be denied marriage rights and benefits.
>/doesn't deny the holocaust/
....i can understand being against saying it never happened, but I definelty do deny he traditional narrative. I'm not quite "it was all typhus bruh." but to accept the narrative as is, is asinine.
>not actually racist
I am a racist. Race exists. I do not hate the other races, a man cannot help what race he was born into.

A No-Go Zone will be coming to you soon....you'll come around.

>/not against homosexuals/
i'm not against them and should be denied marriage rights and benefits.

Also if racist is wanting to live in a 99%+ country with only non white tourists then yes I am a racist but otherwise no.

Yes, I'm talking about marriage rights.
Homossexuals should be able to marry and have some of the rights of heterossexuals, but not fiscal benefits.
I'm still debating myself on adoption, but so far I believe it should be harder for homossexuals to adopt. For example they can only adopt if they can ensure that the child will have regular contact with grandparents/uncles (heterossexual couples from where the child can draw male/female role models that are part of the family).

And of course homossexual marriage should be under the state, and never under the Catholic church.

this is actually what i said pre much. There are differences can't beleive people don't think so


First of all, the no go zones are a myth. Second of all, I'm a lower class swede who lives in a stockholm suburb with 35% immigrant background. It's been this way since the 70s and, even though it IS worse here than in richer areas, the situation has been quite well when we were taking in a reasonable amount of immigrants. It's only in the recent years with the refugee crisis that sweden has got this attention, but it's not like the big cities in sweden were 100% swedish until 2010.

And I bet you already know this but your local low income area wherever you live in the US is 10x worse than the worst place in Sweden.

I'm all of those

>everyone I don't like is a jew

How fucking dumb do you have to be to be a Nazi LARPer

'Gay marriage' is a contradiction, like 'round square.' The purpose of marriage is procreation. Gays can call it whatever they want- but don't let them fool you into thinking what they are doing is marriage.

>The purpose of marriage is procreation
That's why you don't have a job nigger

/anti immigration/ yes
/nationalist/ yes
/not against homosexuals/ nope
/doesn't deny the holocaust/ nope
/not actually racist/ nope

go prep your bull sven, seriously

Not against homosexuals as people. Only that it is a sin.

However i commit sins too often myself of the non-homo-kind so i cant say too much except have them know that it is indeed a sin.

I think laws should not discriminate based on race, because laws are not good enough if they fit the general, but they also have to protect the right of the individual. And there are individuals who are black and don't commit crimem, so being punished on the basis of beng black is stupid. Obiviously also the
>evil white men
stuff is bullshit.
But despite my believ in that I am a racist, because racism does not have to be based on facts, feelings are enough.

Because we have niggers there sven


>Gay Muslim Imam

Um yes, That's right fellow goy, hahah

You are being lied to by your media and elected officials. Many sources show that no-go zones have only increased, while local Swedish law enforcement are told to stand down, and your rape statistics in recent years are among the worst on the planet. You make excuses, but things are on the steady decline for your nations, with no end in sight. Your nation has truly become a tragedy.

Don't worry about where I live. I live in a county in Indiana that is 98% white with right wing conservative,representatives running the show, with no rape epidemic...you should keep your eyes on your own paper.

It's ok to think biology determines behaviour.
It's the nature vs nurture question and most often it's both. though laws should be based on behaviour itself and not on the biology of the people commiting it.

For the moment I would say I'm in the same boat. Immigration is necessarily a bad thing though if done legally w/ background checks. I hate Islam apologist though when they commit taqiya on a daily basis. At least most Christians are honest in the bad shit that could be found in the Bible.

I honestly don't know how you can say that considering all the videos that have come out of journalists being assaulted in Muslim-dominated neighborhoods. You are either the typical in-denial swede or you are a shill.

Homosexuals provide nothing of value; and instead cause a decay of moral values as well as needlessly limit the amount of reproducing adults.

The holocaust is too questionable and too convenient for the Jewish elite for it not to be, at the very least, exaggerated. It's worth doubting at a minimum.

Racism does indeed exist. However; accepting the fact that different races have different characteristics and attempting to determine/profile these characteristics is nothing more than science. The majority of modern day racism stems from liberals damning this field of study leading to those who doubt the modern standard of 'race equality' to become aggravated. HOWEVER, it's important to remember that racism isn't inherently wrong. Racism is something that exists instinctively in all races (to varying degrees). Racism itself is another field of study that will never receive proper evaluation due to the left's damnation.

>Against migraron


Marriage plays an important role in society. They exist so that people can procreate and raise their offspring in a stable environment.
Homosexual couples are infertile. When you allow Homosexual people to marry, you are sending the message to society that marriage is not about family, but rather about feelings. This more or less destroys the institution of marriage.

You'll never stop people being gay but you shouldn't promote or celebrate it, If anything it should be frowned upon, Russia has the right idea

Don't mind the brit; it's past his bed time.

>it should be harder for homossexuals to adopt
I don't get that. When you have to choose between 2 couples what's the defining factor?
I'd say it ought to be money. If one is not rich enough to provide a good life for the child they should not get it. Also for how long they've been a couple, stable relationships are better.
But wether it's male-male or female-female or male-female couple doesn't matter as much comapred to the other factors so it might as well be dropped

>a healthy childhood without getting bullied by black people
One of the older Swedes?

This board is for countries that are over 60% white Mr. Mulatto

>you are being lied to
I literally live 5 minutes away from Rinkeby, me and my mum go there weekly to buy fruits from the market. There are always police stationed at the square and a police car outside. Are you sure it's not you who is being lied to?

I'm not denying that there are problem areas, there's a reason there needs to be police stationed there. But there ARE police stationed there. All the time(which most suburbs don't get, usually 2-3 suburbs are patrolled by a police car).

Journalists are hated because there are idiot somalis and arab teens who love american hood culture and live in the illusion that the police and jouranilists in sweden are out to get them. I'll admit that this is a problem, and it's why I'm anti immigration. We need to intergrate these people before taking another challenge of intergrating new immigrants. But if you're a regular guy, not a police or journalist, and you're not caught up in drugs or gangs, you're not at a huge risk in these areas.

sounds like a jew to me

Too bad Muhammad, your refugee camp of a country can't call itself 'white' anymore.

Islam is not race, thus I'm not racist.
And why should I deny something, that should happen again?

>There are always police stationed at the square and a police car outside
>needing police to feel secure
yeah, I always thought the
>sweden is overrun with immigrant crime
was a meme, but seems it's true fi that's your level of argument

But it's not just journalists who are being assaulted. Come on dude. Just go on youtube. It should be illegal to be this ignorant about your own country.

Thats the problem. YOU ARE NAIVE, A NAIVE SWEDKEK.The first time I was mugged by a minority was in second grade and 4 of my neighbours have been killed, never seen a white person stealing or killing.Being raised in sweden is the equivalent of being spoiled by rich liberal parents in the heart of california, where you dont even have to worry about being cold.Like them, You don t fucking know the truths of life.Sheltered guy.


What do you mean by "not racist"?

Sven, why do you have light hair and eyes?
Your skin? Your facial structure? Body type?
Why do - educated - Europeans on average have an IQ of 100-105 while Sub-Saharans have around 80-85 (educated, the average is much lower)? IQ is genetically determined for the most part.
Why are do Europeans have much higher strength potential than Africans?
Why are Africans generally much faster than Europeans?
I do believe that imperialism is a factor in why Africa is this shitty, but THIS shit? Don't you think there is something something with the people living there?

Pretty similar to me.

People on here are just vulgar and rude for the most part, I don't mind race realism, but a lot of people here have convinced themselves they aren't really racist just speaking truth.

That's fine and all, but you can tell by words used here that there are slurs picked up from Stormfront like muds and shitskins. It's a small thing but it's very hard to discuss these topics with all the vulgarity.

>The first time I was mugged by a minority was in second grade and 4 of my neighbours have been killed

>never seen a white person stealing or killing
How could you in a nation of gypsies?

So if the Africans behaved and followed the law, integrated etc., they wouldn't be a problem to you?

>muds and shitskins. It's a small thing but it's very hard to discuss these topics with all the vulgarity.
I'm foremost here because of the vulgarity. Normal jokes just don't make me react anymore. I need insults and dark humor and bantz and inside jokes.....also some habbenings and political education. I don't come here to debate in a calm manner but to laugh and learn and better myself

>/anti immigration/
Depends on the reasons. Im not against immigrations to hire skilled professionals if it can be evidenced that the void can't be filled with nationals. Also, I live in a fucking island, I need some immigration to sustain the gene pool.

I'm nationalist, and I believe puerto ricans have a rich culture that is very different from mainland americans (if they have anything that can be called culture).

>/not against homosexuals/
What two persons do in their bedroom is their business, but I think gayness has been to much accepted.

>/doesn't deny the holocaust/
Don't deny it. Just dispute the numbers.

>not actually racist
Hispanics > All :^)

His country is far whiter than yours, idiot,

Yep.They are fucking bragging about sucking the welfare money out of your country,they have like 7 children per family.In their culture work is sin as shameful and a sin.

Why would the world lie to Americans about Swedish hardships with Muslims? Most of our media is in the tank with the failed policies of multiculturalism.

I sincerely hope Sweden rolls back their immigration policy, and even deports many of your non-working welfare receiving Muslims....your culture and history are too important to risk over Swedish, liberal mindsets, that have been proven to be wrong.

Good luck to you.



children should have male/female role models from within the family and should be around said role models often

hence I said it should be harder for homossexual "couples", as they should be able to ensure that the child is in contact with heterossexual couples (grandparents/uncles)

Vi finns broder. Vi finns.

TBFH. I Take 10 gypsies over 5 muslims anyday.

Did you read the post I replied to? He claimed it was a no go zone, I responded saying that there is constant police presence.

I don't mean to sound like a dweeb, but I'll treat everyone I meet as an equal. I can buy that you might be able to see patterns across different ethnic groups, but I've met tons of idiot white trash small town retards, and there are quite a few smart arabs and black people are my university. By that I mean that the individual differences far outweigh the trends of the whole ethnic group or "race": By not racist I mean that I'll treat everyone I meet from the start equally so I can actually see if they are stupid, smart etc.

>Doesn't deny the holocaust
Get the fuck off my board you kike loving nigger.


He should have send his pic of monkey soup to Gordon Ramsey!

BTW: most people here don't deny the Holocaust happened, they just think the official narrative is exaggerated and overblown. And they would be right


>in favor of cutting immigration by 85%, and cutting down on the gibs to force the moochers to go home
>believes in nationalism for everybody, all countries
>wishes Hitler would have finished off the Jews
>supports anyone of any race joining our movement and becoming nationalists and rightists

NOT RACIST -> but posts a meme of Brazil that obviously represents one retard, not the majority of amateur cooks

Shillbot detected

>supports anyone of any race joining our movement and becoming nationalists and rightists

They are welcome to have their own movements, but they can't just mooch off of the White man again.

>Race realist (races aint equal)
>not against lgbtxyz

>children should have male/female role models from within the family and should be around said role models often
Sure. Should. But there is the problem. If someones sex is male doesn't mean he is a good male role model. A butch lesbian might teach masculine values just as well.
I agree with your sentiments but as a law I think it'd be save to drop the sex of the couple as a factor.

Being a race realist you should accept that you're one small step above a nigger

That would apply to me.

Fuck off back to t_d civic nationalists

You don't like our culture, but you're on your hands and knees, pleading with us to become a $tate. You're lazy, you can't run an economy, you can't run a country, you're moochers, and you're touting your superiority over mainland Americans?

Our culture has admittedly become diluted, on account of too many immigrants like you swamping us for gringo's economy, gringo's money, gringo's social programs.

If you're such a great country and culture, answer me, were there more Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico, or here on the mainland again, Pablo?

>/anti immigration/
>/not against homosexuals/
Only if they do not politically organize. Also no marriages and definitely no fucking adoptions. And no homosexual propaganda, keep your unlucky fate to your kind.
>/doesn't deny the holocaust/
I don't really care about the holocaust and nor should you. Attention gives it value, value gives is usability and credit for misuse.
>not actually racist
If they stick in their countries, then no. If they come here in really really small numbers (under 100/year? Had to plan this) as a specialized workforce (ie.: those better and more intelligent of them) I don't really mind. But I say race war now, if shit is going where it is going now.

>He claimed it was a no go zone, I responded saying that there is constant police presence.
When you need constant police presence there it is a no go zone. The idea that I'd be not save because there is no police present because the people around me are cunts is disgusting. Society doesn't need to be like that.

OP says he is not racist but puts a meme from Brazil, implying we are all morons that make monkey soup...

and you identify with this retard?

I'm in a fairly diverse part of the country, and I do meet very impressive, well-spoken blacks who aren't on the dole, and who have good careers. The problem is, it's a package deal, and 80% of them are useless. But a percentage of them do stand out, and I would want them in my country over meth-smoking trailer park white trash any day of the week.

>implying we are all morons that make monkey soup...
>implying you are not

No chauvinism, friend

Not sure how to answer your question. The criteria for migration should ideally be based on merit with full restrictions enabled as soon as population increase reaches a net positive for all but critical sectors like health.

That's fine, but there is a deeper analysis about this than simply 'board culture', it speaks a lot about the type of person.

>/anti immigration/
>/homosexual but.../
>/homosexuals are degenerate and should keep their perversion to themselves/
>/the holocaust happened and anti-jewish shills are literally aiding Islamic anti-semitism for the destruction of the one stabilizing force left in the middle east since the fall of the Ba'ath Party/
>/races should keep to themselves generally but work together for the betterment of the nation. if they fail in this regard they should be purged systemically/

a no go zone by definition is a place where police/military/officials don't operate due to an insurgency(originally) or rowdy teenagers throwing rocks at the police cars.

I'm a white nationalist but I wouldn't day I'm racist. It's about love for my own people; not hating others

As for fags, I don't care what kind of grass shit they want to do to each other behind closed doors but I don't want to be bombarded with gay propaganda, I don't want it normalised, and I'm highly suspicious of gay adoption

The holocaust undeniably "happened" but the real red pills are the reasons it did (Jews being slimy) and the manner (6 billion didn't die in gas chambers) and the numbers (probably around 2 million killed, most of them from disease, famine, exposure). It's still sad in my opinion just because innocents including children died needlessly but the real (((elites))) who were running the newspapers and banks kind of had it coming

>/anti immigration/
>/not against homosexuals/
If they keep to themselves, and most of all, DON'T get any political influence and stay away from politic related matters at all times.
>/doesn't deny the holocaust/
History is written by the victor obv, I hate how one sided the whole WW2 victim game is, over exaggerated and exploited
>not actually racist