Anyone that wants to have children has not suffered
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Only dumbasses want to have children.
I have suffered, but I think I want to have children. Maybe. I have a great woman.
Says the guy who will go extinct because his genes aren't passed down. Ironic
People like this poster is the reason why I fucking hate posting with my flag
Can't even be taken serious because fucking niggers like him ruin it
t. niggers
If you don't want children you're admitting you're genetic trash.
My genes are worth passing on and I already have a dozen or so recipients of my donations.
Käften Mohammed
John Cena doesn't want any children. And I'm sure there are plenty of other successful attractive people who don't want any children. And a bunch of poor ugly short people who do want tons of children.
Ugly? How can that be if they're more successful?
Sweden saying Sweden things. The only people who hate children are children themselves. You'll understand when you are older.
Wow could your thought process be any more backwards faggot?
Only reason to get married is to have children
The companionship is just a very nice bonus
>Waaaaaaaaa i'm broken
Pathetic, you learn from the mistakes of those prior to you. That's why you have the opportunity to steer your children clear of unnecessary suffering.
...and this is exactly why Sweden won't survive the next century.
>hasn't suffered
What kind of infinite faggot uses terms like this. What kind of fucked up brain could even begin to fanthom this is an argument ? Shit
Evolved people are hypersensitive. Their senses are constantly insulted. Just being in the physical world is constant suffering to them. For niggers it's the opposite, they're blind and deaf.
It implies a leftist victim mentality sort of thinking. While the OP may or may not identify as right-wing he certainly doesn't think like a right-winger.
Just have non-white children sven, its the only way.
niggers because we dont want our race to die?
Fuck off back to syria, ahmed.
>tfw mestizo dating a castiza
>tfw she wants to have "as many kids as God wants us to have"
This is why you're dying out you retarded Nord, so much for the master race
I'm glad I had children. I'm only 24, just out of the Army and living my life with my beautiful wife. College paid for and my son has insurance that isn't a shit ton.
>swedes know true suffering
all your problems would be solved if you weren't an introvert, just fucking talk to people and you'll become better at it, I hope you never know true suffering.
don't forget about the VA Home Loan brah, once you get really settled, you can buy a house without a sweat
Sweden overtaking the leafs....
That's what I'm trying to do soon. After my lease is up. We decided to move closer to her parents because they love our kid so much but afterwards I think it's time to settle down and use that .
Each and every one of your wretched spawn will be crucified, and as for your whore, her eyes will be plucked out, her hands and feet chopped off, and she will be left to hear the agonizing screams of her children as they die.
Thats really rich coming from a genetic dead end like a faggot. Well, after you then you diseased creature
Do it my man, vets are literally the only people in the US today capable of starting a family before they're 25
Then do the world a favor and gas yourself if you hate the physical world that much :^)
Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't have kids, you bigot.
You're a literal pest, you spread diseases and degeneracy everywhere you go with just your presence. Lord knows I'll get the short end of the stick when the Whites finally chimp out, God forbid, but I'll be comforted in the fact that faggots like you are gonna get what they deserve for shitting on the family in the Western World
It's only hard until the kid is old enough to talk. Then it's easy, fun, and usually hilarious. The first year is brutal, though. It's the lack of sleep that gets you. So you suffer for a year, but you get a child that will love you for the rest of your life.
There is nothing more 'good goy' than willingly not having kids. Have fun being a 'cat dad', or whatever other faggy shit you'd rather spend your time doing.
How DARE you turn this around on me, porch monkey. A gay white man is still a WHITE MAN, something your subhuman genetics will never allow for you or your family.
However, if you apologize right now and admit that homosexuality is not deviant nor degenerate, I will forgive you and give you temporary access to white privilege.
Bang on the money OP.
so the bull having sex with your wife is a dumbass?
really made me ponder
>There is nothing more 'good goy' than willingly not having kids.
I just don't like kids, man. Plus I'm broke as a joke and don't want to try raising kids on food stamps and government handouts.
>shagging and impregnating the last orders in a pub/club
pick one
You fucking brain dead subhuman. My argument has nothing to do with suffering because you have a child. It's that if you have suffered you don't want to make another person experience the same thing.
>being this beta
Sweden literally is the most cucked country, so cucked that it's telling other whites about (((Anti-Natalism)))
It's actually the exact opposite that is the case.
See r/k selection theory for instance or poor niggers shitting out 8 children.
Swedes are very stupid.
>I don't like kids because buzzfeed made a whole article about how childbirth is damaging to the human body
Whites who have children are against the Juden.
why is AN the last and perfect philosophy?
You mean the most Jewed ideology
you can't avoid suffering, you may only pass it on
W-what? I didn't say it was harmful to the body, just that kids are expensive as fuck.
t. a dude with a bunch of friends and coworkers on food stamps to pay for their kid's food.
>tfw fags are now an authority on whats white or not
My how the mighty have fallen, its gonna be funny sharing the same gas chamber with you although I'd probably request to be moved to another chamber, I don't want to die with a gaping faggot
>oogah boogha, muh genes
stop being so proud of something you had no hand in
While it's the ultimate philosophy on paper, it will never work because it only affects intelligent people.
The game of life is one you lose automatically by opting out. If you've decided not to have children, you're a maladpation and will be removed from the gene pool.
>Muh suffering
Are you a nigger perhaps?
Man, there are a lot of white people on food stamps. I hate it too, but it's true.
Aww fuck man that sounds like shit, It's especially tuff to get a job with all these companies hiring poo in Loos and chinks. Hopefully you'll find luck someday, for now try to do what's best. Have kids when you have the money for it.
I want kids. Lots of them. On every continent. I want to be like Genghis Khan and spread my seed far and wide.
I don't want a family though. That shit is beta as fuck and lowers your testosterone levels considerably.
it'll never be applied, but it's a powerful framework for a better society. Imagine if we acknowledged the human condition and blissed people in pain out until death and sterilized at birth. I can't wait until I become president
either way, I'm ducking out of this thread before the "subjective suffering" faggots shit it up. Subjective my ass. It's OBJECTIVELY BAD, there are DEFINITE HARMS if one possesses a central nervous system, fucking retards
>not partaking in the greatest pleasure known to man
>wondering why you're suffering
Fucking Sweden. People like us need to have children.
I've suffered plenty (more than some fuck in SWEDEN of all places), and I've got more suffering to do most likely.
It's because I suffer that I want a child, children, lots of children. I want a happy, loving family. I looked hard at the list of jobs and careers, and I've found some that I am well-suited to, but none that I care about.
Every one of my motivations as a person boils down to trying to start a family. I want my own house, away from this terrible nigger hole and its shitty public school system, likely in a different state. I want enough money to pay that mortgage, taxes, utilities, and still have enough to feed and dress 4+ kids and a wife. I want a sweet and loving wife with a low risk factor for adultery and/or divorce.
What the fuck is the rest? Anything that you can't enjoy alongside your family life is garbage.
Poor Sweden, you so cucked. But, it's the future you chose.
You don't know REAL suffering cis white patriarc faggot
You argument does not explain people who've suffered having children for millennia. Basically, it's a stupid argument and the world is better without your genes being continued.
Nice mound. Would fugg.
They were all unevolved, and thus had insensitive minds.
I know where you're coming from but most people live in a world of delusions due to human psychology.
Humans are physiologically incapable of seeing reality for what it is unless they are really damaged.
>giving a shit what others say online
Suffering is just the spice that makes happiness taste good, you homo lord.
Your "sensitive mind" is just the conditioning of a trained animal. You've been intellectually castrated for the amusement of your political elites.
Reading your posts makes my gorge rise. Convert to a religion or something. Whatever makes you into less of an insipid, sniveling child.
Torture victims must be the happiest people on the planet then
He said it's the "spice". You don't empty the fucking pepper shaker onto your plate, do you?
Everyone suffers
Those who still wish to perpetuate a doomed system are either ignorant or refuse to accept man's destiny. There isn't one correct way to live your life.
nice outlook on life, edgelord.
>Swedecuck doesn't want to have children
Why am I not surprised? This mindset is why Somali bulls are impregnating your women instead.
Somalis are unevolved. You just proved my fucking point, dumbass nigger.
My friends told me this when I said I want to have a big family, they regularly mock me too. It's probably my fault for still being friends with people who only care about having money to smoke pot and get drunk, though I have no idea how to meet new people.
>make troll post with the Swedish flag intentionally left visible
>burgers and others still take the bait
you're fucking stupid
Thanks for pre-typing this.
I'm in the middle of Argentina. Moot pls fix my flag.