I fucking despise liberals, yeah. I vote Republican. I'm a right-leaning Libertarian, and all that. But someone, please...

I fucking despise liberals, yeah. I vote Republican. I'm a right-leaning Libertarian, and all that. But someone, please, please, please attempt to defend this absolute shit. LITERALLY one of the largest criticisms of Obamacare was people not being able to afford the insurance, in families or individually, making just enough not to get assistance, and getting penalized for it. This makes that worse, this makes it so you practically can't get healthcare AT ALL.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? This is just a fucking torpedo measure to make sure it doesn't get passed at all, right?

Your source is Facebook click bait.
You might want to read some real news before flipping out. The whole point in click bait is that you click and they get add revenue. So it's going to be inflammatory.

>dont be insured
>get sick
>pay tiny amount to get insured
>insurance company pays medical company thousands/tens of thousands
>stop paying for insurance immediately
>you got taken care of by people who pay into the system, never paying close to what you cost it

They added this to keep the insurance industry alive a bit longer so that the entire healthcare sector doesn't collapse before other measures can be introduced to save it, and drive costs of the *actual care* down, to the point where people don't need insurance.
Then we can finally let the health insurance industry die a natural death.

Any other questions

>another fucking penalty for going uninsured
What the hell is wrong with these people? It is unconstitutional to force someone to purchase something against their will or else pay a penalty.


google before posting, idiot. there is no mandated payment.

You can only go 9 weeks without insurance, after that, it is a 6 month period where you CAN'T get insurance.

it stops situations like

read before you post, faggot. I said "pay a penalty." This doesn't mean pay cash necessarily, and I was of course referring to the penalty in the OP, as in the 6 month waiting penalty.

Companies take higher risk by accepting those who have lapsed insurance since clearly those people dont take care of themselves, I see no problem.

Its not forcing you to do anything. Before you were charged money by the govt if you had no insurance.

After this you can have no insurance at no penalty unless the insurance company you eventually decide on decides to do whats mentioned in the OP

Yeah, it's so much better to lock people out of healthcare at all for six months because it was too expensive to pay for two months, so then it's too expensive for them to do anyways because some assholes gamed the system.

Seriously, how often does this happen? I feel like way more people fall into the dead zone and get fucked than people doing that. The "THIS WILL KILL PEOPLE" meme is dumb but this is damn fucking close. Six months is way too fucking long.

Fuck Obamacare for doing this, this never would have been an issue in the first place if that halfassed bullshit hadn't been shoved down our throats.

There's no way this gets passed without Paul/Cruz support right? Isn't the bill basically forced to improve so they get their votes?

Is the subtitle incorrect, user?

Keeps people from popping on and off insurance with ease, which means lower rates as healthy people decide to just keep insurance rather than deal with the delay.

Trump is a blubbering POS. He suckered you yankees in good though I gotta give him that.

>lock people out of healthcare at all for six month
How does this lock people out of healthcare? It locks them out of the insurance industry.

If you go 9 weeks without insurance, then you clearly DON'T WANT coverage. Why cry when you go a little longer?

Oh it's because you wanted to game the system. Get fucked.

>does it force you to buy insurance
>does it force you to pay tax
>can you still get healthcare

it's everything the anti-insurance crowd wants

So what happens when someone who wants or needs the healthcare and does want to take care of themselves can't pay and doesn't qualify for assistance for two months? Too bad, they're just fucked? Clearly they're awful people for not being able to pay exorbitant rates just to see a fucking doctor.

>what happens when someone doesn't provide for themselves, take care of themselves, or support themselves
they get fucked, as they should

Are you dense? Have you seen a medical bill in this country in your life?

>Can you still get healthcare

If someone can't afford the insurance how the fuck can they afford the bill to see the doctor in the first place?

>If you got 9 weeks without insurance, then you clearly DON'T WANT coverage

Please go fuck yourself with a cactus. I've been without insurance since Obamacare hit because they changed the term of the family plan, I got dropped, I can't afford it individually in my market and I don't qualify for enough assistance to afford it. I absolutely want healthcare. What the fuck am I supposed to do, then? Not to mention many, many families who have the same damn issue.

Yeah, sure, I am glad they remove the tax penalty, that was fucking stupid. But that was monetary. This precludes them from coverage at all, how the fuck is that any better?

Republicans have to cancel mandatory healthcare insurance for American citizen because otherwise they wouldn't be able to fund advanced military presence in Eurasia. Half of federal budget is being spent on servicing US debt, and aid to Israel is frankly a far higer priority than your prostate cancer, Joe.

We have similar penalties over here. Our medical aid system works well,

Every other source I'm reading is saying that the Senate got rid of the mandate

I hope so. I saw others reporting on it, but I haven't seen that. They'd be stupid to leave it in.