
im a grown ass man and ive been crying for the last hour because i have realized how much power our enemy has. How doomed and cucked the west it. and more importantly how the white race is doomed. trump hasn't really done anything to help the west or stop degeneracy in the US for that matter. It pains me to see it all utterly just thrown in the fucking trash like our culture and people are just some sick joke. you guys say theres gonna be happenings that are gonna fix this shit but they haven"t come and i"m giving up hope what gives you the strength to carry on Sup Forums?

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Rainbows and having a good poo.

Just make a cool meme ...and watch those blue melt away!

I fight with this feel often. Currently I live in NJ and am putting together a plan to move farther north to a whiter, more country scene. Non-whites hate the cold, my brother. Just take up prepping (in general) as a hobby. Look stuff up on surviving in the wilderness, learn to shoot if you don't already know. Buy a Boy Scout Handbook (an older edition). Sounds cheesy but it will help. Try to find a place to live/job in a place that will survive a moderate nuclear strike on the US. Have a fallout shelter built/build one. Exercise. Try to find a like-minded chick (I haven't found one yet). IDK man. Hang in there. The Happening will come.

>make thread about your fee-fees instead of attempting to rationally discuss the issue


That advice was sort of uplifting... sort of.

"Try to find a place to live/job in a place that will survive a moderate nuclear strike on the US"

Nice. That should pull him out of his funk.


>like our culture and people are just some sick joke.

"our culture" - you dumb ass, "white culture" doesn't exist. Scottish culture does, German culture does, french culture does, celtic culture does, polish culture does, nordic culture does....

...but "white" culture doesnt.

Grow up and get real.

Shit is just starting to turn around, and it's not like we ever really lost anything. Why quit now? Don't you want to join the citizen patrols?

>what gives you the strength to carry on Sup Forums?

Coming here to laugh at pathetic cunts like you.

Pic Related: (((You)))

This hopelessness you feel is exactly what (((they))) want. You must snap yourself out of it and wade through the futility of it all. In any case, you can either enjoy the decline of Western civilization or you can pick yourself up by the bootstraps and continue forging a path to righteousness.
We are doomed to repeating this shitty iteration of life until we get it right.
So let's not be like our previous iterations. Let's get it right this time around.

Don't be sad Peter, that's why they call it Shpoople!

There are commonalities in all European countries. They are all united as a civilization. England or Scotland or Germany or Italy etc, etc have very intertwined histories going back millennia. They have commonalities with each other that they don't with other parts of the world.

You could say the same about all Asian countries, they share civilizational attributes that differ greatly from Europe.

This is a leftist ploy, that there is no 'white' culture. White is simply a racial term for being of European extraction.

Let me tell you something Nancy,life's not about not having problems,it's about dealing with the problems you got.

The first step is growing the fuck up. You are a man. Act like one.

The second step is repeating step 1.

BTW I know this is a liberal slide thread. I just want you to grow a pair.

I'm an ass man too, OP


>being this beta

They only have the power, you allow them to have. People will wake up, history repeats itself.

Taking the cock up your ass is a dick move faggot

Yes we lost. The counter-culture is now conservatism. It's hip to be square.
And that is the truth. And people are waking up to it.
Young people. Old people. All people.
And the pendulum begins to slowly swing back the other way. A great time in history.
And you are crying!?
Yes I know you see a dystopian liberal wasteland wherever you seem to turn.
That's the culture. You are part of the counter-culture. You are an underdog. A rebel. A individualist.
And rebels don't cry. Underdogs don't cry.
We kick ass and take names. Get ahold yourself already.
In the time when society is a haven of debauchery and idiocy, you stand for moral righteousness. How much more tested and valuable are you then? How much more of a free thinking individual does that make you? How mighty in mind and spirit have you become?
Why cry? Why cry when you stood for rightness in the end? When you were more lonely but still resolute? We are mighty. We are lions. No time for crying.

dont fall for their memes idiot. they dont weild nearly as much power as they would like you to believe

How someone can be as blind and unaware as you are is a mystery to me.

Gas yourself, faggot.

at least you're not living in a shithole.


Of course "white culture" is a softer type of race mixing.
White nationalism at the core is globalism lite.



>Yes we lost. The counter-culture is now conservatism.

Only because jews that be made it so.
