R.I.P. Australia

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You were nice while you still had morals and values. My country is now beyond saving.

RIP jew supremicy

I'm sorry that you're sky ghost isn't popular anymore

Wow the country full of criminals are a bunch of heathens.

Really makes you think.

>atheist intellectual

You don't need to be religious to have morals you stupid fuck

>you need to believe in god to have morals

Do theists realize they're saying about themselves that without god, they'd be out there raping, stealing and killing?

It beats (((christianity))), fucking kikes.

This is a good thing.

>You were nice while you still had morals and values. My country is now beyond saving.

You were a fucking penal colony. Literally immoral criminals.


I was never asked to fill out a census? The liberals stopped federal census years ago? Defunded the the department and claimed we don't need it as it is a gross waste of expenditure.

>despite a scare campaign
>those ticking "no religion" in the Census has now overtaken the number of Catholics

Claim 1: X is increasing.
Claim 2: "X is increasing" is a scare campaign because Y is now bigger than Z.

>not a single argument
>nor is the original claim well represented either


Your nation is growing out of primitive regressive idiocy. Be proud.

God forgives those who repent. Aussies had a good run

>athiest, but culturally Catholic
>still hate fags and degenerates and will vote against fag marriage

Feels good mang

Its fake news - literally, we haven't had a federal or state census in years.

and yet it's foolish to presume the building blocks of morality and civilisation will stay up when you remove the foundational hero-myths of religion

>look at me I gave things value arbitrarily in a random meaningless existence
>better give people shit for not randomly assigning values to the same things as I did

Nihilism or kill your self faggot. Don't be some uppity yuppie scumfuck who thinks he's enlightened.

Abrahamics are the literal jew.

hero myths were before religion, they'll continue past it. Praying to god is gay as fuck, get up and do something about your problems.

But they're not arbitrary values. They're desirable.

Now we can officially blame nihilism for all our failures tho, people would sell their soul (and their fellow countryman) to the devil just to try and appear compassionate. This mindset is now dominating how people vote and act in everyday life. We'll forget the man sleeping on the street to help an illegal immigrant sleeping safe on an island.

>baby boomers first generation to throw away religion and western traditions
>society immediately begins to decay morally and ethically
>literally live in a cesspit where anything goes, people live entirely for the pursuit of selfish gains and actively try to subvert society

>lel a society doesn't need religion and tradition

>literally live in a cesspit where anything goes, people live entirely for the pursuit of selfish gains and actively try to subvert society

Yeah this never happened when religion was more common

It is a foolish and naive belief that morals can come into existence and fundamental in a society without a centralised authority instilling them.

The Church served this purpose. The fear of eternal damnation and excommunication kept MOST of the population in check. Universal Code of Law was simply a more concrete attempt at enforcing accepted patterns of behaviour.

Some will always be outliers that will refuse civility - the accepted form and pattern of behaviour agreed upon to live within a civilisation - a social contract that people will be civil to each other, embody an acceptable set of MORALS.

Unfortunately civil morality is far more prone to meddling and corruption than religious morality. Civil morality can be bent and changed at a whim and this is why we see the normalisation of homosexual defunct lifestyles and even outright promotion. Many practices that are in direct opposition to the continual health and prosperity of our civitas, are openly celebrated just because they are in opposition of religious morality.

Anyone who supports the decline of the Catholic church in western society, proclaiming we don't need its 'outdated' morals and beliefs are absolutely ignorant of how our society was formed and founded from the start and most likely in full disbelief we could EVER got backwards. We already are. Before the collapse every society removes its so called 'moral shackles' and runs headlong into decline. Once any society succeeds in that silly endeavour, they NEVER, in recorded history, are able to reverse the damage done and flourish ever again. Some collapse quickly usually due to foreign conquest others - especially in a modern age like now where empire building is a thing of the past - languish indefinitely, until they cease to resemble anything like their former glory. All while claiming they are the most advanced healthy version of their peoples.

>Unfortunately civil morality is far more prone to meddling and corruption than religious morality.

Muslims love it when a country has no identified religion because it means they have less opposition to overthrow.

Half of Australia doesn't even like Muslims, regardless of religion.

>He thinks raping, stealing and killing are "wrong"

The jews are freaking out that they lost control over an anglo country ITT

>Its fake news - literally, we haven't had a federal or state census in years.

They stopped doing regular census and statistics here too, (((coincidentally))) around the time the agenda switched to globalism and mass people importing.

We used to have regular stats on race and crime, religion. All gone. It would be racist to collect those now you see.

Especially when everyone fucking knows what they'd show.

As for the muslim thing it's just a waiting game. It's the same shit they pulled in the US. First deny anything is happening. Even when you change laws to flood the country. Then when the minorities are in a demographically assured position and the writing is on the wall for whites, openly state that you're happy white people are going away.

Soon enough they'll be lording articles about "the biggest growing faith" over us and laughing at churches being demolished at the same time. While also insisting there's no agenda.

>0.1% muslims in Czech Republic and Japan

Atheist scum leaving yet another void in a white country. Guess which religion (and culture) will fill it?

fuck off ahmed
You won't take away my gay sex and alcohol.
Over my dead body

What do you base your morals on?

okay, when else were nude fags parading down the streets with sex toys? when else were people engaging in casual sex, so much that many people have triple digit partner counts?

when else were children being brainwashed into and encouraged to chop off their dicks and take hormones to stunt puberty?

What's best for the long-term survival of the human(white) race.

Fuck your religion and your pedophile prophet.

>pedophile prophet.
>Sup Forums


Why is murdering, raping, and stealing bad?

We have been betrayed by both sides of politics as well. It was our 'conservatives' in the 70's which outlawed racial census statistics. We do not actually know our own population demographics anymore and haven't for decades. Any number anyone ever produces is entirely a guess or made up.

All I know is vast swathes of former white working class areas in major cities now have almost no white people in them. In Sydney - Bankstown and its surrounding areas have been surrendered to muslims - most of Ryde and 'inner city' suburbs like Balmain that used to be famous for a pub on every corner and white working class strongholds are now full of Asians. Where did all the white people who built and lived there for over a century go? Where I live - was literally built off the back of whites heading out west from Sydney and is now an lebbo/indian shithole.

Sydney is only white on the fringes. Melb I have heard is worse. That is almost 1/3 of this country.

pic related St Mary's Cathedral - the day any Church here becomes a mosque is the day I drive a truck of peace.

Why is life valuable?

you're talking to irrational cucks.
Life isn't valuable.
The only value is your own pleasure.
LaVeyan satanism is the only logical position.

All these faggy le moral rationaliste are just CHRISTCUKS in denial

not being a cunt

Not surprised you'd be an atheist, God abandoned your land long ago.

To expand upon this:
they only have said values bc of their milieu (christian and western tradition).
They're not redpilled for shit.
Had they existed in mexico c.ca 1400 they'd be sacrificing mofos on ziggurats and shiet

>Life isn't valuable.
>The only value is your own pleasure.

Then take a heroin overdose right now. It's the best you'll ever feel and you'll go out on a high note sparing yourself all future pains. You'll never feel as good as that first hit so continuing life is pointless. So is NOT TAKING that first and final hit, since your goal is maximum pleasure.

> the only logical position

I've yet to meet a single hedonist who had the balls to actually commit to their own logic.


>Life isn't valuable.
Except your own idiot, because it ensures you=more pleasure
>It's the best you'll ever feel and you'll go out on a high note sparing yourself all future pains.
You're assuming a single concentrated pleasure albeit intense>a lifetime of somewhat less concentrated pleasure, which is illogical, or at least baseless
>So is NOT TAKING that first and final hit, since your goal is maximum pleasure.

>I've yet to meet a single hedonist who had the balls to actually commit to their own logic.
Because your argument is not sound.
And pleasure varies from person to person.
Some may find coffee in the morning to be worthy living 50 years in absolute squalor fo instance.

Kike worshippers btfo.

Those are just modern day examples of the same "cesspit society subverting" behavior that has been going on since the dawn of civilization. People living entirely for the pursuit of selfish gain is the definition of most society's in history. Ancient greek society was filled with rampant boy-fucking, Medieval Europe (a VERY religious time) was under Serfdom, etc.

Just pointing at the problems of today and going "MUH LACK OF RELIGION" is as retarded as the SJW's that perpetuate this shit.

we literally had one last year???? are you retarded?

>atheist/pagan population increases
>homo population also increases
>single mother population also increases



>Without my sky daddy morality vanishes
Do christcucks know morality has existed long before their sand religion expanded?
Do they know basically all their modern morals is based on Aquinas dumbing down Aristotle?
Do they know their religion is a shameless rip off of Zoroastrianism?

Just a cohencidence.
It's Xstianity's fault anyway as a fast glance at history will show you, xstianity b so weak and meek kikes be able to dismantle it in only 1958 years lmao

>Implying our ancestors were doing anything as barbaric before Christianity.

M8 I can trace my family all the way back to Galicia, Spain over a thousand years ago. My entire family have the typical straight black/brown hair - either bright blue or green eyes and white skin typical of the celtic ancestors of that region.

My ancestors fought in the reconquista and 3 are confirmed members of the Knights of Santiago.

Even today I am a member of the reserves in the ADF and every conflict going back to the Boer Wars my family has had multiple members serve - before that they fought for Uruguay until the 1880's when they moved here and some of my ancestors fought under Artigas.

Some of us fight because it is instilled in us through family ties and culture - never have I found - and I have done a full ancestry background check as a anniversary present for my grandparents a few years ago - a single member of the family who was a criminal or non religious anarchist.

If my family and others like them had lived in Mexico a thousand years ago instead of Spain most likely they would have fought and possibly died fruitlessly to stop such madness. Genetics matter.

>>Life isn't valuable.
>Except your own idiot

Well there goes consistency.

>You're assuming a single concentrated pleasure albeit intense>a lifetime of somewhat less concentrated pleasure, which is illogical

You supposedly don't care about living for the sake of living, so the onus is on you to prove the opposite. Further, you need to take into account that you don't know what happens in the future. There could be endless pain for you. Disease. Getting crippled in an accident. You could be put in a situation where you can't even end your life.

Thus is it not just rational to experience the most pleasure you can and die immediately after, it's the safe choice given your view on life.

> Strawman

No, it's your logic. You're just not man enough to follow through.

> pleasure varies from person to person

Drug induced highs are one of few tried and true ways to maximize pleasure and your opinion on that doesn't matter, it's biology.

> Some may find coffee in the morning

Laughable how you revert to the most pussified liberal bullshit when challenged. It was ever thus with self-proclaimed Satanists.

The real reason you're an edgy little faggot is probably that you're jobless, living at home and trying desperately to justify your failure at life.

Upboated fellow rationalist masterrace

about time kike

>USA is the most christian country on earth
>Its also the epicenter of fags and single mothers

The Juden wont beat us in the Religious category.

Moses can jump up and down all he likes, but the Juden muss RAUS!!!


The online one? The one that wasn't mandatory and they had to beg people to do? The one that if you gave a reasonable excuse, were exempt from? The one that was compromised not once or twice but a half dozen times by outside groups looking to undermine the flawed digital security of our government for shits and giggles did so easily and then added in over a million fake census entries?

Oh yeah I member.

Why catholics and not all christians? There are way more Christian churches in australia than Catholic churches

Fake news kys faggot

What did the census say in terms of racial demographics?

the typical aussie is far too bogan for muslims to gain any hold

i'm university educated and even i'm considering tossing bacon into the Perth mosque

full of shit mate give me any text looking like this

>27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

>Christianity flourishes and overcomes persecution for 2000 years
>societies turn away from Christianity and collapse within decades

really activates the almonds

It has been illegal since the late 70's to collect census data on racial demographics.

I did a paper one, and making up all those arguments against it doesn't invalidate it.

We've been under secularism for the better part of the last century and have seen a rapid decline in morals, and men and woman alike reduced to base creatures

So I think it's fair to assume Religion is the source of morality

>not a single argument

I already explained, I'm a fedora.

Making up? it was a national scandal for more than a month??

Are you a died in the wool lil johnny cock sucking liberal fanboy?

>All atheist countries are thriving
>All christian countries are turbo nigger
Really remotely deactivate the atom

>be stupid edgy atheist
>can't into grammar
Checks out.

>people actually think there aren't natural morals and they HAVE to be told how to act otherwise they will wild out like niggers

I'm not saying everyone can have the luxury of being irreligious, but let's not pretend that morals can only be handed down through some transcendental force.

Is there any way you can infer on racial demographics? I know the French have the same problem, they use the amount of people with/infants born with sickle cell as a rough indication of how many blacks are in france

sorry, I should have said 'bringing up'. yes, those things happened, it doesn't however invalidate the results that were gained from it.

Are you a dyed* in the wool anus sucking Melbourne SJW?

fedoras are just Xstians with Scientism in place of SKydaddy anyway.

evolutionary progress, tech progress=xstian escatology

bigbang and shiet=poor man's prime creator

muh sciencemajiscians=priests

scientism=xstianity but dumber

Oh look it's this post again.

>judging literally anyone else's country
Top kek

>all atheist countries are thriving
Lol, no. Sure our economies are good, that way we can buy Mr Goldstein' media and products, but our nations, our spiritual nations, lie in ruin.
>Christain nations are turbo nigger
What is, Poland?

Not really as I said we are allowed to collect data from a national level census - by default any other attempt is going to be inaccurate guesses at best. All I know is we are bringing in roughly 200,000 or more Indians every year for over a decade for example. How many total is not allowed to be asked or discussed. Numbers like that are usually quickly and quietly mentioned then pretended like they are superfluous matters, not worth discussion or further consideration.

Yeah you are just born with a sense of morality
It isn't taught to you through society which was built upon religion

A shithole country.

So much for eternal anglo

Why is that? What was the reason they gave for not providing racial data in censuses? I don't understand how that even happens in the first place

>What is, Poland?
A shithole?

nah mate I hate both of you cunts - liberals are just lapdogs of globalist traitors to this country and modern labor is filled with former closeted marxists.

>yes, those things happened, it doesn't however invalidate the results that were gained from it.

Our own government census bureau could not prove they did not have a proved tampered and flawed census result. Rather than call it off and restart we simply stopped talking about it after the news cycle moved on.

Now we have a trickle of (((News))) referencing it as fact.

>the typical aussie is far too bogan for muslims to gain any hold
>i'm university educated and even i'm considering tossing bacon into the Perth mosque

2.2% already in "estimates" which if anything would downplay it. They estimate we have about 4.9%, so about double.

We're also a significantly smaller country so in real numbers you have about half a million. We have just under that number.

At this level they have already established a foothold and are existing as a cyst on society. They're a country within a country and they're creating a more radical second and third generation than the first one ever was. They're also growing significantly unlike the host.

Your countryman here talks about the loss of entire sections of big cities:
>All I know is vast swathes of former white working class areas in major cities now have almost no white people in them. In Sydney - Bankstown and its surrounding areas have been surrendered to muslims

You're also right next to the single biggest collection of muslims anywhere, in Indonesia. Substantial numbers of ISIS adherents also found in the Phillippines.

I get that aussies have a shit talking nature and don't worry as much about offense, but you have a real problem and you're not addressing it at all. You're no different from the rest of the west in that regard, I'm not trying to shame or blame you. Instead try to realize the risk. Given that we're not and you're not allowed real data, all these estimates might be literal propaganda to hide the truth. The government here has already been busted on several such attempts.

They hide crime stats in special designated numbers to obscure the reality. They neglect to mention they have an abysmal clearance rate on crime and a lot goes unreported. I see it happening daily, so I actually know - just in this little town we'd have hundreds of filed cases a week if cops did jack shit about petty crime.

Well they're not the ones overrun by fags,muzzies and POCs in general and going extinct real fast

Also linking religion to economy especially in our times when the average Xstcuck has secular values anyway is really dumb

Nevermind that the greatest growth for the West was 1900-1970 b4 the great decline in cuckstianity

>A shithole
A 99.8% white Ethnostate is a shithole? A country where the populace is right wing as fuck, has high moral standards, and has no foreseeable cuckening in its future is a shithole?

Crawl back into your jungle you sunhuman Argentine Baboon

>2.6% muslims = no problem

The question is: what share of under 5s are muslim? I bet its alot more than 2.6%

The czech republic is also an ethno state and better in every way and they are atheists >America 99% christian
>Japan virtually full atheist since shinto is not a real religion
Not cucked

(((Racism))) - Globalist 'conservative' PM Malcolm Fraser and lil johnny boy sold us out and started huge import of Arabs.

Hammurabi code


At least Australia rejected Islam utterly. They just need to realize there is more to life than drinking Fosters and catcalling Shelas.

implementing it cost millions of dollars, only for people who didn't agree with a gender question to boycott it and attempt to destroy it, and you would have the government restart it, and spend millions more dollars? paper census forms were available for all those who wanted to ask, you didn't have to use the internet at all, any of those arguments that include "I couldn't get onto the website" are invalid since that option existed. And as with every census ever, there will always be people who joke report or simply do not report at all, that's what the margin of error is for.

if you don't like it, leave.

>chzech are atheist
Gonna need a source monkey man

>America 99% Christain
That's not the right figure, it's somewhere around 73-75% but that ain't the point, the point is that we are a SECULAR nation, which means the teachings of God is not allowed to be proclaimed in our schools, on our public lands and in the town squares.
Do you know why that is?
Because some fucking kikes took offense to it, and twisted the meaning of OUR constitution to suit their collective will
Instead of freedom OF religion, we have "freedom" FROM religion
Neck yourself