>Afraid that the neighbor wont accept it
>afraid that you get kicked out of job, and the boss of the job is afraid of getting kicked by his over boss jew controlled jew slave
>everyone thinks everyone around them is against them because of mainstream media
>everyone thinks they get assfucked if they say something

Why don't we realise that if we all just SAY it that we would be together as a people again? THIS IS MADNESS!
I'm really fucking upset about it, how can we trigger the shit that adolf triggered?
We are strong people that always were the most intelligent and smart on the planet and i know with 100% certainty that my neighbors, my friends circle, everyone i fucking know want's a radical change!

When will we finally explode to an new Reich? It is time.


Other urls found in this thread:


Have a bump. Least I can do.

Without a proper leader it never will happen. And don't even start with the AFD. They're far too Untermensch to be a proper leader. Also the proper leader will end up in jail quicker than you can say alhamdulillah if he starts anything remotely to what Hitler tried in his early days.

>how can we trigger the shit that adolf triggered?

In the situation you're in you'd need a Super Hitler. Your population has been denationalized, so you're fucked. You have nothing to unite you.

Let it out Heinz!
Just for a day, your inner Hitler is merely that part of Vishnu that inhabits every thing.
Praise him, no matter what, cause he is the one true love above the demigod and daemon. With his low you become higher than all exept him.
Praise Vishnu, Praise Rama, Praise Krshna. Come to us Kalki, the hellspawns overplayed their hand, their manic child killing schemes ushered in a the Satya yuga, Kalki won't be a person, kalki will be a new archetype in humanity and the wicked will tremble.


your country are dying
there are more germans living in colonies in South America than in your own country

prepare for a long winter

I dont know if your mighty reich will ever come back but please krauts, at least try to not get this faggot in office or will be a nightmare for the whole continent.
You know something is wrong when Merkel is your best option.

what is that red thing called? its a hammer to break glass in case of fire?
would it fuck someone up? never touched one

>t. 54%

Pfft, not watching Look Who's Back to understand how Hitler can make it in the real world. Fucking plebs. Actually the movie is really funny and very based until the end. They had to make it legal somehow... But it's damn good mein negers

Yes but they can't go public in Yermoney because it would ruin their livelyhoods and probably send them to prison.

I thought the end wasn't that bad.

He's implying the migrant crisis can be used to save Europe. We can all agree on that I think.

do it, wake the sheep already and get it going - longer you guys wait The Merkel will have her fucking army -and you will be really done - just like the UK you guys need a leader to get a movement going and wake the people the fuck up and bring them together- not going to be fun but this is crisis time and if you don't act soon you will find you will be the outcast of Europe again because the EU that is now, will probably start something with another country - anyhow your rights are almost nonexistent now and hunters are having their guns taken away because the gov't is afraid of this very thing because they know that folk are beginning to question - your are being subdued buddy -

What a beautiful post.
I know, afd is just another jew party. Voting isn't changing anything.
Nice doomsday message, remember you took a big part into overniggerin this world burger.
That's true, about 60% of white americans have german heritage, but since you guys are getting blacked too i don't see a future..
I am always prepared, hopefully just a yellowstone winter, and not a ((Black)) winter.
Merkel is like putin, a weird mix of likeness and propaganda, nobody can look through her true interests for our country.
Yes its mostly used in busses to break in glass in an emergency, niggers and turks steal it to use it as weapons, kek
Some german army guys applied as refugees and got accepted, they wanted to do an bombing to give refugees the fault, but 50% of this story is propaganda, i just think they wanted to show that every man on the planet can apply as refugee, i guess they just wanted to bomb merkel and release the whole story to finally wake up germany, but sadly it failed

I suppose you're correct, and there's a lot of good to learn. But they threw in the Jewish comments to accelerate his evil back to regular Hitler levels. Still, the movie is almost inspiring in a way, we don't need war losing Hitler again, but we can definitely impressed the sentiment upon the common folk in a smart, subtle and effective way without razing PC alarms. Requires being charming, but we got some talent on our side. Just takes some Germans with balls...


life is not worth living anymore


Do all turks have punchable faces or just the ones in Germany?


>60 years of getting silently replaced by Turks
>*now* you are going to do something about it
It's too late, Hans. You need 50 policemen to give a parking ticket to a single Musloid (to control the consequent mass brawl).
Try to imagine what happens when you show them the door or cut their gibs.

You can join the Identitarian movement. How do Germans feel about it? Do they know about it?

All Turks, but those in Germany even more.

Germans made sure to get only the most inbred and aggressively retarded Turks and Kurds in (inb4 idk why).

It's like 65% plus the people flooding our country are Catholics not sandniggers.

Yeah we know.

You enslaved yourselves and we told you guys that like four years ago. Now that the frog has hit the boiling water do you realize that you guys advocated putting the lid over the pot.

Don't even know what to tell you guys anymore. The best thing you could do is not to work and not continue your genocide through taxes. Spend your time organizing a local ethnic gang your gonna need it to live and if your lucky it will warp into a civil war.

lets kristallnacht germany and austria

Oh vey, careful about what you say in public. Austrians decided we want to be an Überwachungsstaat like Germany where "hate" is severely punished.

just don't make this hard, accept it and die german bruh.


Guy on the left is squashing his arm fat into his chest

How can we help, user?

>%90 releasing inner Hitler
What a lie! It's your people that choose Merkel isn't it? Doesn't seem like your population has any love for Hitler.

You won't trigger as hitler did, as you were killing wrong people last time. You killed none of jewish financial elites and plenty of european nations so you deserve being colonized and genocied by turks

go away dirty shitskin, you literally made germany what it is today.

I have questions about Germany, pls answer

Do they really put people into 3 schools, by age 10?
> Gymnasium - good school for smart people, can go to uni automatically
> Realschule - okay school, can be trained in """""apprenticeships"""" or transfer to uni
> Hauptschule - can only get an """"apprenticeship"""", cannot go to uni

wtf is an apprenticeship?

And what is it today? Germany is fine.

its basically from hitler's time where stupid, normal, and smart people got seperated, today it's different, today the rich get into gymnasium, middle class into real, and the normal trade workers into haupt

Do the Hauptschule students get good jobs? Can you really have a good career with a blue-collar, trade job?

or do you have to go to uni and get a real uni degree?

I'm a black American. My wife is German. It's very nice here.

This was the case during Suvar's school reform in ex Yugoslavia, everyone made fun of it because it was absolutely ridiculous.

What a load of bullshit
Every german girl I've talked to ADORES refugees, Islam, gays and DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN, not even 1!

This. Tax the niggers and other scum. This kills the nigger.

But the sad part is: you need politicians for this.. soo.. good luck.

the sad fact is hans,90% of germans want more refugees and you are in denial

your people have no fight left,you have gone from autistic nationalists to autistic globalists

that german is totally brainwashed lmao hes ok with race mixing

Germans just seem to be made from the same mold. Ask 1 german girl her opinion and that will be the opinion of at least 80% of the population.

If you fight to protect kikes you don't get to be butthurt when we kill you.

It varies. Keep in mind that the average German household has less than half the money the average Greek or Italian one has since our enslavement in '45. So by local standards you can be halfway well-off with just a trade. But you'll still lose sixty percent of your income to social tax (nig breeding). You will still have to pay your "voluntary" insurance while unemployed (in 2015 the monthly fee averaged around the price for a fistful of purest gold at over 125 Euro for me). You will be driven out of a job if you ever complain and when you then fail to pay the state after having been isolated they send Antifa to finish you off in a lynch mob. As of the start of the refugee crisis, several entire villages have gone into full radio silence. We presume most of them lost but police keeps them quarantined to methodically to say. Meanwhile we've had armed refugee militias cleansing out "Imperial Citizens" (royalists, that is - any ethnic German with an inconvenient opinion becomes one of these because "Nazi" no longer worked). And you'll still have to work to fund all of this because America -will- nuke the second our "government" gives the word. After all, it exists only to make those two-thousand years of our culture existing up to your blessed Israelites, and as per Netanyahu those control you absolutely.

Tl;dr: Even good careers inside a death camp suck. Remember us the way we were if we can not return to life.

s-sorry Wilhelm-san

if it makes you feel any better, I learned German for you

This shit went down before either of us were born. Do not apologise. Ever.

That said though I am genuinely happy that our language lives. It's a good one to have around.

Also the picture is really cute. It's the little things that make a day brighter.

Apart from what I already said though:

Hey there Negro Nigel, how's your empire doing?

AfD should be looked at as testing the waters. They'll of course do the usual routine of fracturing and making right wing look bad (remember that they are pro-Israel with all that entails), but the talking points they make presentable now will be talking points that the coming government will blithely go out of their way to ignore. We could get actual momentum for a civil war going, especially with CNN now coming under fire for the Russia shit.

The way he says "I can work with this" is meant to convey to the audience (at least the normies) that Nationalism = Hitler and muh holocaust.
I would agree that the meaning is a double edged sword though. The Right will use the immigration and multicultural crisis to assert itself, as it should.

danke! I like how the German Duolingo certificate bird is so cute.
I have been on Duolingo for almost 3 years

What the hell is up with that guys arm?
and speaking of photoshop what the hell is up with the turk in the middle's face? or the turk in the hat behind the blue guy's face? or that turk in the front with the knife and the tan jacket's face?

Fucking roaches man, their ways are not our ways....

I think I'll try that site out for myself; thanks for the tip. Been meaning to improve my French for a long while.

They often keep their breeding in the family. Like, no further removed than a third cousin. It tends to fuck their proportions up, but keeps them easily mind-controlled. In this case I would go with the photoshop explanation though.

I'm currently learning Japanese there
It became available like a week ago

it will be coming along just swell,we just need to leave you 1st


Meanwhile in real life Merkel has 75% approval and is likely to win the next elections in the landslide.

Good luck. You'll be left worse off than us and the second we're gone though. No atrocity prop without scapegoats after all.

Can you guys send us some of that hitler chakra? We could use a bit of our own right now.

the other day I was at the bar, you know.

There was this guy. He was such a prick.

He shows up drunk, he doesn't pay for anything, he's mumbling incoherently about this and that and leaning all over anyone who might buy him a beer.

And as the night goes on, he begins to become noticeably horny, sitting up next to girl and smelling them, rubbing their shoulder or leaning in a little too close, and most of these girls have boyfriends across the bar mind you.

This goes on for hours, everybody is talking about what a prick he is behind his back and wishing he would just leave or do something stupid enough to get kicked out, but he always plays it safe enough that the bouncer doesn't have to get involved.

Then one girl just screams at him "Get the fuck out."

That's it. No debate, no particular event prompting it, she just yells it loud enough for the whole bar to hear.

Immediately we all stand up and start shouting him down and pushing him out. It was spectacular. Nobody else wanted to do it because they didn't want to seem the bad guy, but the truth is that everybody wanted it, and there was nothing wrong about it. We threw him out, and no less than seven white dudes surrounded him when he wouldn't leave the lot and gave him the ultimatum: walk away, or stay for a party out back.

Dude just walks away no problem.

All it takes is one woman's scream and every man in the vicinity will immediately surge to destroy whatever is grieving her.

>TL;DR white knights + redpilled women in distress

Start finding redpilled women and start baiting some muzzies

Think of it as trying to catch a falling knife. Say some thing too soon and you get cut. Just gotta wait a bit longer.

But you killed none of jewish elites, you were only killing poles of a jewish ancestry. Hitler did nothing to take care of jewish problem and did shitload to murder european elites.

And proof for that is that all the zionist jews were still alive when commies came and conquered Poland, and those jews became new political elites and replaced polish elites which hitler murdered together with stalin but stalin only those from east front(now Belarus and Ukraine)

weak little german bois cannot compete with turkish bulls

Release your inner Hitler, Hans. Do it, go on. What are you waiting for? My permission?

why haven't you unleashed your inner Mosely?

the Aryan blood refineries aren't going to power themselves.

Fuck no.


Remeber we are on your side OP, don't fuck us yet again. Brothers in ARMS!

I thought German were always silent and most German probably will vote merkel. Here you can find lot of German people comments about how migrant crisis didn't affect their lifestyle and economy is still doing well.

Most Germans are brainwashed by media and politically correct thinking

itt: crazy nazis propagating ww3 get supported by other races that were called inferior in the op and fought against germany in ww2

quintessential pol stupidity,
when people from different races find unity in feeling their race is superior

My new favourite reaction image