Alt Lite BTFO by Alt Right

>Alt lite cucks get less than 100 at their rally
>Roger Stone phones it in
>Posobiec sings awkwardly
>Cernovich claims only 20 showed up at AR event, gets BTFO
>Thernobitch BTFO
>Posobiec BTFO
>Alt lite liked BTFO

Spencer, Baked Alaska, and Allsup are the leaders of the alt right now.

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What if we archive that

>Alt-Lite cucks Alt-Lite

Fixed that for you

i love richard spencer t b h. he makes me laugh hard as fuck

its good to see people on the far right who arent trying to give off some tough guy vibe 24/7

makes it even harder for the media to pin him down

Pretty friendly (and / or low-effort) piece - doesn't mention Enoch's naming the Jew, and reports things from the viewpoint of the alt-righters. No quotes from alt-liters, eg.

The US sucks for this kind of thing because we don't have a proportional parliamentary system. Our free speech protections are second to none, but out electoral system makes it virtually impossible to start even 1 or 2-seat political parties. Doing so gives even fringe movements an air of legitimacy.

> baked alaska a leader already
Surely not - he just decided he's alt-right.

What's his claim to fame, anyway? I can't keep up.

the guy has a bitch voice, he has no gravitas.
you need a different leader

Ive never been to a rally and will never go to one unless we get a Batacalan tier terrorist attack in Oz - if that happens here I will legit go off the fucking rails and maybe even an hero

Can someone explain this to me?

When will the war happen??
I want blood and dead niggers in the streets.

Check out his new album coming soon i hear its FIRE HOT
This guy is better

Alt kike had been controlled opposition for them beginning

Roger Stone is awful. Sleazy GOP types need not apply.

It's a riot to make fun of his silly aesthetic, but the aesthetic makes him almost impossible to portray as a an angry/fanatical/fascist bigot. He just seems to friendly and goofy to be threatening. He also distances himself from the "scary" stereotypes without being a total degenerate like (((MILO))) or the rest of the Alt-Kike. Good guy in my book must be fun being a journalist

alt light ecelebs are literally just there to shekel in. they have no conviction or spine.

>last stand of explicit fagness


>It's a riot to make fun of his silly aesthetic, but the aesthetic makes him almost impossible to portray as a an angry/fanatical/fascist bigot. He just seems to friendly and goofy to be threatening. He also distances himself from the "scary" stereotypes without being a total degenerate like (((MILO))) or the rest of the Alt-Kike. Good guy in my book

The Movement has plenty of tough-guy leader types already and has since the 1960's.
On of the reason White Nationalism 1.0 failed to go anywhere is that they were all mimicking Rockwell without being Rockwell.
Hitler might have been a big man ,but he had many upon many smaller men supporting,building, and protecting that Big man image.


Are the alt lite as queer as the alt-right?

>Kike Enoch redeems himself by literally kicking out a rat-like jew off the stage and THEN names the jew while the noseberg is still right behind him

wtf I love TRS again

Good Photoshop Blueshare

You newfags don't archive shit like we used to all the time because you're giving clickbait websites views, which you shouldn't be

>wtf I love TRS again
WTF …like a mexican Indian opinion matters...

He is the hero of Sup Forums

Spencer looks pretty badass

he needs to loose some weight tho


>hurrdurr Mexican is a race

wtf I hate Dixiecrats now....

It's nothing. Spencer is a pussy. Baked Alaska is Jewish. And Allsup is a Civic Nationalist.

He's thehero Sup Forums deserves, but not the one itneedsright now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not /ourguy/.

>""""white"""" Mexican.

Sure Pablo.

What tough guy leader types are you referring to? Also Spencer is just about pushing his brand making money do shows , books ect. We need someone who is both tough and educated and charismatic even if there are half of what Hitler was it would work. Spencer doesn't even seem real in my opinion. Its best described he is the 14 without the 88.

Anyone who unironically follows Richard Spencer is a fucking idiot who deserves to be tricked. Guy does fuck-all for a living and finds himself in front of cameras all the time in the sharpest clothing? Yeah, (((pure coincidence))).

all that tough guy shit has been tried 100 times and it turns normies off, this is a proven tested fact

nobody wants to hang out with people who take themself too serious like that unless theyre already completely radicalized themself which is something that will never happen if the only glimpses they see of white nationalism is some pissed off skin head yelling into a mic about jews and interracial marriage

richard spencer is goofy and eccentric and its a good thing

>What tough guy leader types are you referring to? Also Spencer is just about pushing his brand making money do shows , books ect. We need someone who is both tough and educated and charismatic even if there are half of what Hitler was it would work. Spencer doesn't even seem real in my opinion. Its best described he is the 14 without the 88.

Get bent Leftist scum. Figure that shit out on your own time!!
It isn't hard and if you were even partially active within the Alt-Right you would know what I'm talking about.

Divide and conquer thread?
>divide and conquer thread

>alt kike
>alt lite
Is this more divide and conquer?

Alt-right is fucking pathetic, kill yourself you fat beta cucks, you're the niggers of the white race and nobody likes you, even right-wingers hate your guts

>thinks the "alt-right" is an actual thing

so who exactly are you shilling for faggot?

Are you sure spending your money trying to divide Trump supporters by making one side seem normal is a good plan?

What happened to little racist Hitler

By the way, did you read about Karl Marx?
I mean, he was kinda jewish, but he wasn't entirely wrong.

t.shit skin

Yeah because its always the goofy and eccentric people who made great Fascist leaders right. Fucking idiots.

>Turns normies off

What do you expect them to just instantly become Fascist after listening to one speech. It takes time Hitler was laughed at for over 10 years no one took him seriously but kept at remained serious and eventually people took him very seriously.

>so who exactly are you shilling for faggot?

Keep crying.

Alt lite fags detected.

>Yeah because its always the goofy and eccentric people who made great Fascist leaders right.

You're dense.
Hitler was slander and mocked as goofy and eccentric for the entire time he was in politics.
You are right no one took him seriously for a decade or so until he got power.

Go fuck yourself. Leftist interloper detected.

obviously the movement should be broad, but we need to reject those who fundamentally oppose ACTUAL rightwing values. Al-lite types (quite unlike the Alt-R in general) are still egalitarians, which fundamentally divides them from heirarchy-supporters.

Just lol @ wanting another Hitler

You realize Hitler fucking lost? He was a delusional loser who destroyed his own country, which I suppose makes a lot of sense why you worship him

You dumb fucks will forever stay marginalized because nobody likes your ideas, nobody wants another holocaust, you're just as bad as the retarded commies dreaming about a revolution while everyone hates them

No one though are said Hitler was goofy and eccentric now your just revealing yourself to be fucking retarded they though he was a racist bigot who unfairly disliked the Jews. But he was strong and he kept fighting senind his SA man to battle degenerates in the streets he took the fight to the enemy when one else would and that gained him support and got him to power. Now being goofy and eccentric you fucking dipshit.

I enjoy these

>just lol
Found the Tumblrina

This. Alt lite / reactionaries can be just as big a threat as communist.

Teebeeache, proportional systems don't help us that much these days since no mainstream party would ever allow a identitarian party be a kingmaker anymore

Normie conservative parties would rather align with the center-left than be crowned by a Nazi party.


Stay butt hurt Leftist scum.
Hitler Lost a war where it took the whole world to defeat him= everything he did was wrong….

A fucking National SOCIALIST calling me leftist, hilarious

You're a white welfare nigger, ask Daddy Hitler for some gibs you pathetic piece of shit

>though he was a racist bigot who unfairly disliked the Jews.

Like I said , confirmed Leftist shill or Just a Jew.

if you just go in with this retarded ass tough guy attitude that literally every white nationalist movement since the 40s has attempted you're gonna get the exact same results

theres no point making the same mistakes over and over again. dont give the media exactly what they want. thats just counter productive

were trying to win hearts, not minds

He was at HWNDU I think

why do they look so fucking gay?

Pic related.

>Not answering a legit question

oh btw
>Posting in another legendary thread of [some kind of right] btfo-ing [some other kind of right]

>A fucking National SOCIALIST calling me leftist, hilarious
>You're a white welfare nigger, ask Daddy Hitler for some gibs you pathetic piece of shit

You presuppose your opinions even matter to me….
How quant.

Keep at it , your faggotry might one day will out the POZZ onto the people.

Imagine this song playing in the background while they do the bawse walk

>purposely misquoting my post

And i'm the shill? Meant to say thought. Also I said "they though he was a racist bigot who unfairly disliked the Jews." When I meant to say thought instead of though.

"Gas the jews, race war now!"

>>Not answering a legit question

Oh no, you've exposed me not doing the enemies research for him….

You're truly a talented man...

See how easy it is to expose them?

Really because it seems every fascist that got to power was tough educated and charismatic. Mever heard of any goofy fascist getting to power have you fucktard?

I want official headcounts.

Who got more - Thernobitch or Spergy Spence.

And what were the total attendance records?

Nigga is you retarded? Not every Mexican is a beaner. Some of us Wuz Spaniards n shieet

> unironically wearing the label of alt right

Richard Spencer is a homosexual

"Whites are the superior race. It's the jews fault I sit at my computer all day long. Also jews aren't white."

>Answering a simple question
>Doing enemy's research for him
Refrain from exposing yourself further or alternatively think before you answer.

Yeah its funny now they just say




I guess shills don't understand that they won't be fooling anyone here.

You're a shill.
I literally highlighted your words exactly.
Keep shilling you might maybe maybe get some form of legitimacy.

>everyone I don't like is a shill

Christ you niggers will never learn

Faggot shill
you are our bitch
You have to come here and do this shit every day
We own you
You serve us with your faggot shitposts
You accomplish nothing
We still run this
And you run nothing

He was always like that
Yea he married a kike, but he hardly ever said anything anti-white or necessarily pro Jewish.

Yeah in the middle of a sentence you fucking idiot.

>I literally highlighted your words exactly.
Did you highlight mine exactly also? You misquote like nuts. Man up and answer his question, who are you shilling for while accusing others for shilling?

Head counts are difficult due to all the unrelated normie lemmings frolicking around the areas, but from what I've seen Spencer's rally had roughly twice the attendance.

>if you let a fat man stand near you, that means you are fat too

He was Milo's bitch until he cut ties after the priest diddling thing got public

>Refrain from exposing yourself further or alternatively think before you answer.

Sure thing Buddy….
Do the same.
Don't comment on others comment exchanges if you haven't read through all of them or you simply lack the mental faculties to properly understand what is being communicated.

my guy fascism is dead and will never come back. we live in a completely different world now

something like fascism may arise again, but thats well well well in the future. you're getting completely ahead of yourself and dont recognize what richard spencers or the alt rights goals actually are

trust me when i say this you arent gonna scream jew into a microphone and win the hearts of everyday people living in the year 2017. you're only gonna turn them off and create enemies for yourself later down the track when a true white nationalist revolutionary rises

>Deflecting this hard
You have a knack for proving everyone right, it seems.


You have to go back Diego.

Fucking Mike Enoch got his dumb ass banned from Australia last month for trying to sell tickets to his show for 88 bucks.

I still don't know what people who don't have any national feeling are doing in here. Why waste your time arguing with people that disagree on of the most basic of fundamentals. If you never had a shiver down your spine when you heard national your national anthem then you should just fuck off, no point in being here.

alt-light = nigger loving race mixers = 90% of /pol

Wasn't he invited by the Dingoes

I remember when i was young
Like 5th grade i think.
A bunch of friends got together and talked about making a club
Like everyone was all about making this club up
Establishing officers and rules of conduct.
So when i get home from school i make a symbol of this group, uniforms, dossiers, membership cards, application form.

I bring all this stuff in the next day and no one cares about it, and they call it stupid and sorta fascist.

I feel this is whats going on.

A bunch of man children fighting and calling everyone stupid names so they can be king asshole on the shitpile.
But at the end of the day their impact on the actual movement is next to nothing, overly exaggerated , nieve, uninforment,shocking and childish .

>trust me when i say this you aren't gonna scream jew into a microphone and win the hearts of everyday people living in the year 2017
you have never been to kentucky than
one of the most racist states in the US

>Being this fucking stupid

Oh ok so you think magically in the future its just gonna pop up and everyone will love it. No it has to start somewhere and the sooner the better if it is consistently spread eventually it will be normalized and people will start becoming fascist. The same thing is happening with communism and we need to counter it. Being goofy faggots isn't going to help anything.

How did Baked Alaska even end up anybody worth talking about? The guy stinks and is purposefully trying to make the Alt Right look bad in the press and on video.

mike enoch is a retard. people say richard spencer is a shill, but mike enoch now that is a shill

all his speechs sound like they were written by a hollywood director for a feature film about the horrors of the klan

>>Deflecting this hard
>You have a knack for proving everyone right, it seems.

Nigger STFU and go shill somewhere else.

Jumping into a conversation and defending Leftist shills as if they are making a valid point or observation.

Get lost faggot and stop using "everyone as if you speak for some crowd and have some influence".