Alright pol I've managed to convince my gf, dad, and one of my friends that refugees and jews are trouble. But I want to take this further and prove to them that the holocaust never happened. Please dump all your screencaps and info pics in this thread. Thank you!!!
Holohoax screen dump
Other urls found in this thread:
Also requesting information on the 'Rape of Nanking' hoax and the fact that Communist Chinese and Koreans invented war 'atrocities' just like the Jews.
Just quit while you're ahead you risk undoing it. Let them find their own answers now you need to have patience.
who girl
What am I watching? It's v. cute but also v. irritating.
what a stupid fucking video. fuck your thread, kike.
What a qt, need source
>But I want to take this further and prove to them that the holocaust never happened.
The holocaust did happen though just not in the way the kikes have made up for money gain.
You're going to need a lot more than infographics to prove it didn't happen. Go on the Holocaust Handbooks site and actually educate yourself on why six million didn't die. You can't rely on this site for all of your info, you need to read books. Start with Lectures on the Holocaust by Germar Rudolf, it's a great intro
what is the source on that qt?
as to answer your question: you're retarded, the Holocaust did happen, my great aunt barely survived Auschwitz. Stop believing stormcuck talking points
top qt
never post an image more interesting than your question
stop wasting your time convincing people that something didn't happen when it did happen. BE USEFUL.
tell them about the masturbation machines and the holocauster
What the fuck is that webm?
no john, you are the faggots
Math doesn't lie and has no bias.
Tfw i posted this 2 mins ago
Easy answer to this: German effiency.
Wörk wörk
Better question: why are you not allowed to investigate this?
Which is why your pic is retarded. Glad you agree.
Oh wow, well your great aunt is obviously very reliable, i know for a fact she would never ever lie about anything, so i guess i was wrong all this time; the holohoax did happen.
tell your great aunt thanks for correcting the record and showing me the error of my ways.
There were't six gorrilion jews in germany at the time. See pic related from 1945 US State Department archive document
Then there's the gas chamber lies...
Elegently there was more then 1 bakery desu senpai
What if I told you that not literally every death was caused by gassing and cremation?
This is addressed in
Sure is a strawman in here
I used to date a girl who look like her, bat shit crazy she was. Good time though.
What if I told you that they were placed in camps, but they died because of lack of supplies and typhus, not because of gas chambers disguised as showers.
Not only this lad family went through WW2 hell. There is plenty more. Denying that Holocaust ever happened is as autistic as praising kekistan. The only thing I disagree with is muh 6 gozilionz. Way too many.
Dont do that OP. You will end up as
>the autistic boyfriend
and your gf will be embarrassed for the rest of your relationship.
Neither typhus nor typhoid fever cause people to lose weight like that picture suggests. What a bunch of horseshit.