If democracy turned out to be a fraud, and the history you were taught turned out to be lies, would you be able to keep living?
Be honest
Why the fuck not
Yes, Ancap. Stop asking stupid fucking questions.
Christ those are the best tits I've seen all day!
She looks brilliant.
>basically implying that my culture is on lies and Ancient Greek Philosophy in which any great writer,artist and leaders relate to is bullshit
wew fucking lad.
It already happened. Democracy is an abomination. It's disgusting.
I am going to leave the West ASAP.
She is perfect but her face looks a bit like a coal burner
Its bulshit because theres no "demos" anymore
that those threads with bait pics
i beg to disagree because most of the countries have adjusted their democracy because they had to. You can not control 100 million people under democracy because you have immigrants.
And so there is European Democratic Parliament, Russian Federation, Republican Chair etc.
It's just a picture of an attractive white woman.
Stop watching cuck porn.
A system with no checks at all against jewish media and education subversion
Yeah, democracy is total horseshit
Her name is Maitland Ward
Maitland Ward
Yes, that's apparently a name.
What kind of pussy you have to be to die over lies?
Democracy is mathematically inconsistent. You've basically been lied to all your life. en.wikipedia.org
>Check out those pumpkins
Sorry OP, you were saying something?
One of my goals in life to see the end of democracy in my country, and to have it never return.
Democracy is not compatible with survival.
>Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
thanks bongs
It is a fraud and I'm still here, so yes.
modern democracy is nothing like the ancient greek version
Democracy is the biggest meme history ever produced.
It's the most corruptible shit imaginable, people for who you vote keep repeating THE SAME shit all over again and don't do shit and new generations keep buying that shit.
Id rather live in a Fascist regime which does not repeat same shit all over and lie to it's citizens about how there is no problem.
>implying I ever fall for {{{their]]] lies
This is what has already happened and it's actually brought me back to life desu
yes lad, democracy is a meme
I'm just focusing on getting ready for it to collapse to try to build something from the ruins
Stick around faggot, we need all the allies we can get
>If democracy turned out to be a fraud
What do you mean, "if"?
Democracy is incoherent; voting is irrational.
FFS, why wouldn't you be able to go on?
Fucking ancaps.
God bless those tits.
Democracy is necessary for life?
That's what your average normie has been taught for a century, if not longer.
democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time
life sucks
the world is shit
deal with it
monarchy worked well
>democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time
Monarchy was much superior.
To what degree? And how do you mean fraud?
>Better than Fascism, Republicanism, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Merchantilism
t. Jew
>Trust me goy, democracy is still better than anything else. Now gibs shekels plx.
Obviously Democracy is a fucking sham. Its just there to give people the illusion of choice. Its buĺlshit.
Yea because I can still jerk off to those titties.
Picking pumpkins, nipples protruding. Very disrespectful.
I would work to make it a reality
what the fuck are you talking about
It is a fraud
bluepilled normie go away
this. so much. it IS a fucking lie. equality is the biggest fucking piece of shit lie ever told in human history. egalitarianism is a mental illness. if anybody asks you for equality give them death since that's the only equal thing in life.
I'm asking for a very specific reason... I'm thinking that maybe a certain someone did nothing wrong... how do I face this fact if its true?
stop posting nigger loving coal burners
Yes and I would live on fueled by revenge towards those who lied to me.
>I'm thinking that maybe a certain someone did nothing wrong...
I know that feel user.
I would continue to work my inconsequential job and playing videogames the rest of the time, so yes.
I could be living in the Matrix for all I fucking care.
>stop posting nigger loving coal burners
???????????????????????????? proof?
She seems nuts
>Nothing wrong
He lost the fucking war m8.
>He lost the fucking war m8.
When you've fought (literally) the entire world, you can feel free to criticize him for losing that fight, you unworthy soul.
Hitler did do something wrong, he didn't have enough ovens.
I know this is a meme, but it's probably more true than anything else being said ITT... how did our ancestors let things get this bad? Why would anyone think we could be trusted with individual liberty after what we've done?
This feeling is crazy, isn't it? Don't let it be all you can think about.
>If democracy turned out to be a fraud,
No chance. Democracy works well in most places, the problem is in America, our democracy is run by corporations and billionaires who just don't value human life. The misery index means nothing to them.
Not posting best cast member
What the fuck are you asking. You sound like a little bitch.
>If the history turned out to be lies...would you be able to live.
Yes you fucking queer. I'd be able to survive. Jesus, what a sniveling little shit you must be irl. I can tell you one thing, history wasn't written about anyone like you ya pretentious cock jockey.
She's a ginger, mate. AND a carnie.
Always look for the tricks of the Eternal Hibernian
You sound pretty upset, like this is a really sensitive subject. I understand why, so there's no reason to take it out on me. I'm not the cause of your pain.
I sound upset? No, just disgusted by you. And if you had any self respect you'd feel the same way after reading what you wrote.
i love pumpkins now.
I have already come to that realization and I'm still alive. So yeah.
I already accept these truths to be self evident. I work hard and live everyday to gain my freedom and a better understanding of my history / heritage.
Well yes because those things have in fact happened and here I am, drinking in the afternoon
>I sound upset?
Yes, like you're crying and pounding the keyboard. I bet there are keys strewn about your mom's floor after that post...
but that already happened you fucking retard.
>did nothing wrong
implications are being made
I just came here for the picture.
and checked
yes, lies everyone lies
>Implying that any of us were taught history that wasn't lies
ofcourse you silly twat
and become the alpha dog of pumpkin farmers
yes, because I'm past my puberty
Swastika for ants
I am not even agreeing with certain someone - just pointing out that this argument is not very good.
You can do everything right* and still lose. World is kind of a cunty place that is.
That would give me more reason to live.
I wouldn't be surprised
This 100%
>Democracy is a fraud and the history you were taught is a lie. Kill Yourself.
Democracy is a fraud. That's why we live in a Constitutional Republic.
Leftist usurpers demand we believe we live in a democracy so they can move it towards tyrannical socialism.
>thinks "demokratia" has a different meaning from "res publica"
Fuckin plebs.
Just be thankful you're not a rube anymore
Thats part of the appeal.
>Swastika for ants
i actually googled that, just out of curiousity.
this came up as second choise on first page lol
heh, there we are
Yeah, I'm a facist anyway :^) democracy is doomed to fail.
It is though... that has been well established
Democracy was almost always a fraud since the organizations decide who will be candidate. For example for southamerica its the council of americas.
This is why hitler one said: "what differenciate our authoritarian govermnent of those so called democracies, its that we have the support of our people". I like the world play in the quote
History has always been a mix of truth, lies, half-truths, omissions, and bias/slant. Democracy is a fraud. In fact, we should go back to the system where only property owners can vote in national elections here in the States.
So, yes. I can go on living, since everything you asked is already going on.
>implying everything you're told isn't fake