White dude BTFOs dindu horde looting in South Africa
full vid?
also is the is the looting common there?
Deus Vult, Hendrik.
Dude it took me like 30 mins to make that video and too lazy to find on jewtube.Wont let me paste facebook vids
Yea looting is quite common here. It's africa.
It's not looting. They are appropriating goods whites stole from them.
don't know where it is in SA
What's going to happen to south africa?
Are we going to see full race war/white genocide or are you secretly on course for peace and prosperity?
Zimbabwe, but not as rapid a decline. We have a strong white private sector.
where is this
Did he drop one of the dindus? Would he go to jail over it?
Even here shooting at a fleeing person would land you in jail
Ive seen so many videos of whites blasting dindus with shotguns in SA. Its like your national sport at this point. Need some buck shot next time that bird shot is just pestering them.
You don't know about the Coligny story?
It probably was there, about thirty farmers took up arms and forced the police to do their job and shut down the looting through threat of violence.
Shotguns have better stopping power than a pistol.
So what's your exit strategy? OZ? US? NZ?
Do you guys still have to carry around 3 trillion dollars to buy a banana?
Is there a chance of Whites put up a good fight and winning against subhumans?
always losing those french basterds
>a mob of 30 vicious chimps running from one man with a gun
its beautiful
You're thinking of Zimbabwe.
$1 = R13
1.2kg of bananas from Woolworths = R29
but but but one guy with a gun cant do anything against a group of niggers
but but but ut but but but but but but he would run out of bullets so you dont need guns haha i win
share some
make my day brighter burgerbro
Oh I know I'm just saying its like there is no penalty for popping off shots at dindus. Godspeed helmet cam user. Hope you make it to Uruguay or something bro.
Nice resolution you fag.
What do you mean? The white genocide has been happening there for years.
cant wait when the racewar kicks off in sa
This happened in Benoni
Nigger hunting season is OPEN.. lol
>kicks off
it's been happening for years
Got Brit passport
>1.2kg of bananas from Woolworths R29
Fucking woolworths
Open season when!?
Fuck you, it's my first post, poes
When and why?
webms for retards (or whatever it called now) is really easy to use
Zimbabwe. Can confirm. Only SA will have more rapes and less resistance. See the group Die Antwoord to understand how SA will welcome being raped to death.
Almost none. Get out of SA now.
You seem very clever, please expand on these insights?
I used webm
About two days back. Not really sure why. They are always unhappy. Not enough free housing or electricity etc
How segregated are communities there?
Do whites live in their own enclaves?
Is there fear just going walking down the street or going to school?
if all it takes is ONE white man with a gun to fend off what looks like 50 niggers, i think theyre gonna be fine
What bro? Nah its safe as the ball pit at McDonalds.
Not surprising
Just maybe a fringe group like Die Antwoord. They are definitely not a representation of South Africans. Most people can't stand them
Hey at least they have the constitution though, right?
Next time use a flame thrower on the kaffers.
Some places are more segregated than others. I'm renting in a white enclave rn while I attend Stellenbosch University.
Depends on the area. I'm alright but I fear for my gf daily because of the murder and rape epidemic. She constantly gets hounded by dindus.
>How segregated are communities there?
Very much still segregated on racial lines. There are white, black, coloured and Indian areas in all major cities. However there is also a class element to this; ie. if you can afford it you can live in a nice white area even if you are a non-white.
>Do whites live in their own enclaves?
See above.
>Is there fear just going walking down the street or going to school?
Yes and no. Some areas are safe, others are not. If you walk around at night in big cities then you are asking for trouble. Going about your business day-to-day is usually no problem.
I went to one of their concerts in Durbs lol
Are people getting redpilled? Even in my country people are waking up so I'd imagine you guys are already mobilizing for racewar.
I saw them here in Germany a couple of times. Yolandi showes her pussy around a lot. For some reason I like the music.
Some, it's difficult to tell proportions but too many white kids here are rich and have blinders on.Whites don't want a racewar, we just want to be left alone.
>Theroux STILL a raging liberal
It's fucking maddening!
South Africans are born redpilled. We have lived outnumbered by blacks for 400 years. This is not new to us.
New Orleans is rough but its not 52+ murders a day like in some SA cities.
apathy is a silent and slow killer, but it will always kill
52 murders nationally a day.
That is a nation wide statistic.
>we just want to be left alone
Fucking this
Yeah well check out that nose and you will know why. Theroux was a large reason why in the late 90s early 2000s people thought white nationalism was a joke. Shills like Metzger would get on shows and look pathetic
My bad was confused with the rape stats.
Ok. Not to argue with you about your own country, but unlike most Americans, I have actually worked/lived extensively in Africa. My observation on SA is most SA either don't realize there is a white genocide problem, don't want say anything because that would be racist, simply take it as as crime problem, or truly welcome cultural diversity - see Zef culture and just about any university or govt institution.
ZEF culture is a byproduct of post-apartheid reverse racism. There are many homeless and poor as fuck whites in SA now.
What option do I have? I want to start a family, raise kids. There is no significant white movement in South Africa. What the fuck would you do? Fuckall, SA is lost.
Rape is much worse
One every 26 seconds
ZEF culture is made up man. It does not exist.
Die Antwoord are a performance art group.
Not even whites in Brooklyn Cape Town act like that and they are scum whites
Whoa boy. Slow down.
>fucking this
means I agree with you.
Honestly, I think emigration is the best option. It's tough if (like me) you don't have an EU passport, but there are ways to do it. We are young and have options. This country is sinking but its not down yet. There is still time to make a plan and get out.
I don't know the terminology exactly but its like wiggers here. Poor whites who grow up around blacks and adopt black culture.
Wiggers = Zef. Digits confirm.
Poor whites in SA are Afrikaners, and would never adopt black culture.
I have a Brit passport, both parents were born there. I moved there with my mother in 2012 and worked at Sainbury's as a bakery assistant. Got accepted into good universities but I was classed as an international student, so the fees were almost half a million Rand per year. No one would gib me a student loan, or any loan, since I hadn't lived there for 5 years. All this while fucking eurofags and chinks come and get into Uni on student loans. The government don't care about their own people they left in the diaspora.
I had to come back to South Africa as I couldn't imagine not getting an education. Went to shitty university of kwazulu-natal with constant protests burning down building and general dindu behavior because they accepted majority poor dindus from townships. but hey, At least I got a full bursary back here despite the quotas. Fucking cunt Uk (I still intend emigrating back there again)
all white south africans should do like this dude kill the niggers before genocide you
There you go then. No problem. We've still got another 5-10 years of sweet white privilege to enjoy here before shit implodes. Until then stay sharp and good luck mate.
Me too dude. Why haven't you left yet?
I'm fucking off next month :-D
Was that dumb nigger really trying to wipe finger prints off pants?
It is all and ACT. The guy's name is Watkin Tudor Jones and is from an upper class english family.
Just another eternal Anglo who desperately wants to be a nigger, but making money by pretending to be a low class Afrikaner who is part of a made-up sub-culture called Zef.
Ancestral passports...
Unfortunately if your family has been here for 300 years, you don't get those.
Guess I'll be fighting niggers.
You can't come back if we win btw.
try to immigrate to europe or us both can use some white people.
>Die Antwoord are a performance art group.
I thought they were zionist controlled, like most mainstream artists are. I mean die antwoord doesn't even fully claim South Africa has a genocidal problem and if questioned they refuse to give a straight forward answer.
Try to go to Uruguay. All you need is a monthly income of $650 and you can get citizenship that comes with EU access. The country is agrarian and would be great for farmers. Mostly Euro ancestry in that part and is Southern hemisphere so weather/holidays/seasons would be the same and the cost of living isn't like UK or Aus.
Oh shit a stellies bro. Where in town are you renting? I'm sitting in the liberal progressive rainbow HQ of Metanoia
Ranks on the HDI at 52 vs SA which is 119.
Sounds comfy as fuck. I'm going to look into it.
I'll marry you, ZA friends.
Paradyskloof. lol, by choice?
Post feet.
That's weird man. If you have a Brit passport, why would you be an international student?
Anyway, if you are a Brit, you should now try to find a job. If you got a good degree, like in STEM, I'm sure there'll be something for you. The only obstacle for you is startup funds you'd need to go to job interviews (some big companies would actually pay your travel) and for the first couple of months. Another option is to stash some moneys and do a masters degree. Just one year, will be a good line in your CV, maybe will find you an employer via work placement or job fair.
Na boss. I live it here. I plan on earning Euro and funding white organisations in SA. So i can come back if we win. I understand that sentiment though. Traitors get the bullet first
Not with bird shot they don't
Bite you need to speak to the admission officer personally. No email you must call them. I am in the same situation as you and UNI of West of Scotland granted me "home status". Maybe because I'm in A STEM field I dunno. But speak to them
I'm a man. Might as well use fag rights to save some whites.
They did ask me to prove that I've been trying to emigrate though for the last 3 year. Lined up royal navy applications and job apps deluxe.
Yes. Ninja and Yolani are educated art students who are doing performance art and spoofing pop culture. However, lots of morons take them seriously. More to the point, they are part of the problem in promoting the death of white culture.
Applying to the Recces end of the year, some logistic and reconaissance training would do good so that I can join a PMC and go shoot niggers in the Congo.
Have a family steeped in military service in the Pathfinders and Army
Family are leaving November for the UK so I'm on my own.
They may be taking up a defensive fighting position which still poses an imminent threat.
Brit passport?
Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Save your kids from being gang raped by niggers only to have them gang raped by pakis.