Muslim people are not bas

Muslim people are not bas....

sikhs are not muslim

They are not Muslims they are Sikhs there you got that reply dumb fuck.

You retard, those are not Muslim, is this bait?

sikh is a sect of islam, brainlets

That's a Sikh
>This board has gone down the shitter since that Reddit ban

Whats your IQ m8 60? niggers and chimps don't belong on Sup Forums

Sikhism (/ˈsikᵻzəm/), or Sikhi[3] (Punjabi: ਸਿੱਖੀ Sikkhī, pronounced [ˈsJkːʰiː], from Sikh, meaning a "disciple", or a "learner"), is a monotheistic/panentheistic religion that originated in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent about the end of the 15th century.

not islam

stop replying to these threads.

did you have to look that up to double check you were right?


But they're based !

That's bait, newfag.

So is this thread.

>british education

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking anglo You don't even know shit about the places you colonized!

I don't know all the details about the religion but I know they are not muslim

>people still falling for OP bait after he has been doing it for years now
no wonder Sup Forums is so terrible

>ch-check this post out mom, i t-totally TROLED these g-g-guys!
>oh honey, why the fuck didn't i abort you?

Sikhs aren't muslims faggot

*leans into mic*


finally some based muslims

tell that to my (You)s, peasant

bro tier

>Inshallah infidel, Have you paid your Jizya today?
What do Sup Forums?

Yeah, every prophet was a Muslim and every child is a born Muslim, right Ahmad Khan?

Yes, technically it is. However the religion in practice couldn't be more different. Sikhs are Islam done right.

Pooloo Sikhs are from your nation, slain the morality behind Sikhs and what is it exactly they worship, I'm not being condescending either general curiosity outside Wikipedia.
What makes them compatible with the west or is it simply a shared hatred for Muslims cause of Pakistan?

>Haha great joke Pajeet, how many muds have you tricked with that one so far?

*Decapitates you in a swift strike*
Nothing Personel, Infidel

Good job humiliating the home land, you stupid cunt.

Please get a VPN so people won't associate you with Britain.


fuck, half your shitty island is muslim and Sikh and you don't even know the difference.

wow you are really stupid

Sikh here so I'll try to explain. The main teaching of our religion is to help others and to fight for justice. We hate Muslims because they forced there religion on others this our religion was our. We worship a god who is formless omniscient and has no name. AMA anything

Do you hate kikes?

do you like wrestling in the woods?

>People actually replied to this level of bait
This is like an autism poll, pretty fucking embarrassing.

Thats quite gay
Do you shoot up?

I have to applaud your efforts. Esp dat last filename

Sup Forums has been completely flooded by electionfags and summerfags

fukin SAGE

Why do they have fortune cookies on their heads? Chink'd?

They aren't Muslim dumbass

>"Sikhism is a sect of Islam!"
>people point out that it isn't
>it was even became militarized just to combat Islam
>"Joke's on you, I was just p-pretending...!"

don't get too upset, everyone gets masterfully misdirected once in a while
it's not your fault

Wtf no
Shoot what up?

>You infidels say I'm not a real Muslim
>Dare to say that to my face?

Heroine or whatever

Sikhs are literally required by their faith to carry a dagger around in case they have to kill muslims.

>falling for the bait
>1 post by this id


The irony that sihks fought in two world wars on Britain's side and supported their prospects only to be confused with Muslims.
I blame this all on Alladin.


You guys are alright.

thought they a type of hindi

Explain something to me.

Does Zoroastrianism still exist in India? I read that the last few Zoroastrians fled to India but is it something that still exists there?

Yes they have a very rich community but aren't particularly thriving due to declining birth rates