#Courage and #Pride

Absolutely amazing.

What has Canada done to deserve such a based PM?

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Absolutely BASED.

what a joke 'leader'
send this guy to elementary school to teach reading

Trudeau just looks so huggable

I wish this was my PM.

>gay muslim
does not compute

that's a sikh, is it not?

The Muslim socks thing at the gay pride rally was great. Deliberately put the fucking socks on, wear pants that will ride up when you sit down, and wait for the liberal journalists to find them. Its the exact same tactics he's used to ingratiate himself in the teachers staff-room while teaching drama in a high school. The sad thing is it wins votes now hes the prime minister. Socks are what makes a leader great. If you zoom in on Churchill's socks when war on Germany was declared, he was wearing rainbow ones. That changed everything for me. Socks

just a kind of muslim


>What has Canada done to deserve such a based PM?
Pic related.

fucking aye
send him to a theme park and replace him

how are canadians so fucked in the head

based muslims

Trudeau reminds me of the "fun" vice principle that comes to football games and leads the pep rally.

at least he has good hair tho

We a need a brave leader here. Canada, can we have your awesome primer? We have tacos.

Fuck off newfag



Based Canada PM! When will my country join the rest of the civilized socialist liberal nations?

Its actually kind of their religion to hate muslims

thats a sikh not a muslim

Scheer will unpoz canada in 2019

>Socialist liberal

You either don't know the definition of Socialism, or don't know the definition of liberal. Probably both.

Trudaeu is just a Liberal.

Never thought I'd see a more colorful fascism.

Trudeau is all for equity, that ain't no liberal.

Canada is a fucking travesty. Glad I left that shithole.

a retarded leaf...whoda thunk it?

Well it's got nothing to do with control of the means of production either.

Trudeau probably thought that guy was a muslim, because Trudeau is so tolerant and not-racist or ignorant :^)

when politicians want to be social media stars, and social media stars want to be politicians

>worst timeline

Justin seems like he's a lot of fun. Why is it that the progressive left is often cheery while the right is stuck up and gloomy?

But for the record, egalitarianism is one of the fundamental tenets of liberalism.

The left lives in a fairy tale, the right sees the world for what it is.

He is not a mud, but yeah there are muslim homo organizations, nothing is free from this infestation

being homo faggot is one thing, promoting this pervertion and way of lufe is quite another, which whole West is guilty of





That's only in America.

Explain how you left.

Because he's a shallow husk with a spiritual void filled with an insatiable lusting crusade to unequivocally destroy all culture and history and ability to learn from the past or build on it by being the most braindead gentile for international jewry, and will drag all the victims of his ideals down with him while they kick and scream but are beaten in to submission.

Of opportunity, not outcome.

What a great PM. I wish he were my PM.

Sometimes I wish there were two Mexicos.

Because this is what the media wants you to think. If you even knew Canadian politics you'd see that this is what really happens:


18 mins of dancing around a simple question of how many times he's met with ethics department. Trudeau is no idiot when it comes to public brownie points though so rather than focus on how corrupt the guy is they rather focus on his "Muh LGBT" because as we all know how inhospitable Canada is.

Conservatives want to fix problems but deal with public bullcrap, the liberals want the public to like them more so than try and make hard decisions like a real leader has to do.

I can't fucking believe some leafs actually elected this guy

Seems you guys are the ones dealing in fairytales.

Hes not as retarded as he seems.. he has a mind for propaganda, it might be weak leftist propaganda.. but that is the type of shit Canadian lemmings have been conditioned to choke down and beg for more.

Just look at the quantum computing thing, and all his remarks about feminism etc... everything he says, and does.. every time he goes somewhere, or meets someone, or whatever.. its for propaganda. Almost every time.

He is probably just a puppet, his advisors are the real handlers. Its all just soros tier kikes pulling strings, they put him in.

Not really that different than this to be honest.


What this then?

Also, not just for Canada, but for the world. He is a global propaganda force. His main purpose is probably more subverting your countries, than Canada. Like a countersignal to Sweden. Braindead leftists regularly ignore the actual events in Canada and pretend that everything works great with the niggers and mudshits and chinks etc.. but its actually hell. They want to portray it as if its some kind of shining example of successful diversity, but again, thats all just a fake cultural marxist subjective propaganda spin. Canada has plenty of muslim rape gangs and wanton violence etc, whites are like second class citizens in many ways.. Its a communist hellhole, they ban books at the border and the truth is illegal ffs.

>Flag thrown on stage by people advocating their support for a public figure who accepts and appreciates their contribution to his efforts
compared to
>Public figure desperately trying to relate to a small but incredibly vocal population by grovelling at every opportunity with vapid displays and platitudes

No he's Muslim, he's using the turbon to hide that he is. Rebel media had a video on him suing rebels Jew!

A politician being a politician I guess? Some fuck is trying to make a big deal out of nothing and Justin isn't having any of it.

all this while wearing those fucking socks

Learn more about your absolutely based PM in the following thread.

They probably went to the border and crossed it. Fucking retard.

Slide thread sage don't respond

How many times has he met with the Ethics committee user?
He literally admits to accepting "Gifts" (AKA bribes) for face time.
Canada's currency has been on a steep decline since he took office user.

Being a politician user? Are you serious? Polititions are leaders of their country, and they have to make choices to better it. Yet you get this guy who fires half his cabinet in favor of sexism (AKA fill with women just because).

You think this guy is a good leader because he supports LGBT? Is there huge discrimination in Canada? Is gay marriage illegal? Will you get stoned to death because you're gay there? No.

He doesn't see people as people, he sees them as walking propaganda to show how nice he is, in some ways to cover up his own incompetence.


Got a job in Alaska.

Rather live in a fairy tale than see the truth. This "Redpill" shit only makes me further depressed.

he's got a sexy bulge too
too bad people vote him for aesthetics

>make it stop

Are Sikhs allowed to be faggots?


I don't think they give a shit. Unlike Muslims they don't actively throw them off buildings AFAIK

Sadly this in India the societal pressure keeps the homos hidden

Nah man there's huge stigma in the Sikh community. I've seen gay Sikhs beaten by their kind and shunned by their family.

>when your brightly-colored turban successfully attracts the kuffar so that they're in the blast radius when the bombs go off

Ex-Sikh here. There's not a single theological sanction in the Sikh faith explicitly forbids homosexuality. Unlike Islam.
But the culture in which Sikhs and other Indians lives, it's seen as morally degenerate behaviour. It's more about the lack of awareness, as is natural in a society like India.

It's better to keep them hidden.

>Ex-Sikh here
What do you believe in now?

I'm indifferent to the question. It's not important to me whether God exists or not. I just couldn't care less.
But I do go to Gurdwaras (Sikh place of worship) every now and then. I like it there. For cultural, social reasons and also peace of mind.


I once saw a midget on a tricycle there, but this is another level

Yea same, hes always trying to be popular on social media and at shit like pride just to get all the young voters.

>Be semi-attractive and from a political family
>Hold Rousseau'esqe philosophy in which mankind is universally good and the institutions are what make us bad.
>Publicly signal your white guilt for the creation of these institutions.
>Disregard all data regarding the risks of importing 3rd world immigrants en masse.
>"Oh look! They all believe in the same universalist philosophy as me!" FutureVotes.jpeg
>Bombing/shooting/rape occurs, imaginemyshock.wav
>"This terrorist doesn't represent US or OUR values!"
>Dubious psychological association complete

How to become a successful politician in modern Western nations