The United States is a first world co-

The United States is a first world co-

What like teeth? What the hell is this about?

New mexico is one of the last few locations that still has the plague.
3 or 4 cases a year. Rarely fatal.

Why don't you enjoy a nice, refreshing Bang's?

I bet they're fucking filthy reservation indians

Prairie dogs carry that shit

Bubonic plague aka Black Death

Prob an indian reservation homes

stop eating prairie dogs you savage assholes.

Place your bets on the type of Plague that will cleance New Mexico!

Fucking Madagascar

At least it's only in Mexico.

Build that wall.

That and Greenland, holy shit.

>the us is a monolith

Didn't they call it the 4 corners disease and it was mainly in deer mice?

That is Hantavirus

From New Mexico. Mom of chick dated got plague. Lived. Never got sick again.

>New Mexico =/= Mexico

You're retarded.

is this bait or are you actually retarded

Many such cases!

the desert breeds unique, isolated critters.

you get reservoirs of exotic zoonotic diseases.

>EU flag
>call someone else retarded

Mexico or not, its probably full of spics and prairie spics
