Slavs are ______________

Slavs are ______________

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Double niggers.




White niggers

Wow, Tatars are Slavic now! Speaking of White trash, as I believe that was your point, US and Britain have more of those than Russia and Poland combined

Key point here would be White as the majority of ethnic group inyour nation can't even compete

Making nice women

the true master race

gif related is ALSO a slav.

target practice for putin after a few drinks

Ok, now fuck off!

literally snow niggers

says the turkroach
says the moor rape baby
says the country thats 56% white

really activates my almonds

t. slav

a linguistic group of people

After 10 years this bitch transform to an unfuckable whale like a woman behind her. Exactly the same.

that's just a meme


white. you wouldn't see one walking around in compton

>that hair


says the catposting Arab in a country thats 56% white

Defenders of the east

Can we get a serious discussion going real quick?
Why are we calling Slavs niggers? Actual niggers have biological markers that show proof that they're inferior (bell curve) to all other ethnicities, with extremely few exceptions. Do slavs have this same level of verification? Or does this come down to a nature v nurture debate we have yet to have on slavs? Surely there's enough data collected to have the discussion.


Don't make me step on your brother again !

slavs have a heritage of Tatars and Turks cumming inside them.

they can't be considered white anymore


The slavs not white meme is from people who misinterpret Hitler. Thats literally it.

Not white, I guess. At least that is what blacks on Sup Forums usually say

If you'll run through this data you'll se no meaningfull difference between anglos, germs and slavs. Niggers, on the other hand...

Ranking Slavic Countries:




Existing although shouldn't.

Thats not true. Russians in the northwest are closer to scandinavians than anyone else. as white as it gets. Its only in the cacasus and far east regions that you get mixed slavs.

Do you even slav?
t. slav

there's nothing to discuss

Cool claim, I want evidence. We have an entire study on niggers, why not slavs?
Can I get a basic gestalt? Why are they misinterpreting Hitler? Was he unclear or are they baiting?
I agree that we have clear evidence on niggers. There are genetic differences between N. Europeans, I'm just trying to get some evidence to the meme. I don't see why N. Europeans are arguing when we could be talking about larger issues such as jews, chinks, and niggers. Why are we dividing on this retarded difference?

1. Because apparently western Europeans feel it's okay to fall for jewish conquer and divide tricks.
2. No significant differences between Europeans - it's mostly nurture and the fact that UNEXPECTEDLY countries after 50 years of communistic regime are shit.


Not really. Most of Siberia and Far east are uninhabitable, and didn't have many people living there when Europeans conquered it.

There are very distinct differences between slavic features and western Eu features. While slavs have more profound masculine traits - deeper eye archs, wider jaws and distinct cheekbones, westerners are, well. emasculated faggots.

It really makes me think if there is something in the water in the west.


Aren't Polacks the Mexicans of Europe?

lmao dat delusional thinking

slavs make the best traps for a reason

you were bred to be fucked

>Why are we dividing on this retarded difference?
Ever heard of the JOOZ? Divide and conquer tactics?

Keked a bit

Master race

One of the most successful immigrants in the US

t. Russian immigrant


being a shithole has it's own bonuses

He has a point, you know.

Fuck you faggot and fuck him. Im not ok with ok. I hope his mother dies from abo rape.

Slavic women are beautiful. I want them to keep their culture while integrating my black cock as deep as I possibly can.

If your only objective in life is to fuck you should buy a sexbot.

Oh, you can't afford it....

>Europeans feel it's okay to fall for jewish conquer and divide tricks.
Then shouldn't we actively label anti-slav, anti-anglo, and anti-aryan threads as shill threads for the joos?
This is bad bait and you should feel bad.
Shouldn't we be actively campaigning against them?


fi you ever walked in moscow, you'll see more white people than ever, they literally called caucasian people black, that show you how white they are

i mean sure we are better than slovakia but i prefer the golden middle

For fucking

This. We're the original Aryans.

>Shouldn't we be actively campaigning against them?
You sound like a newfag or an IDF agent now.

how do you check this I wan't to see how much our own shitty diaspora is making since they come here with their expensive cars and think they are some hot shit.

Russia has the most white people in the world, after USA.

Countries with the biggest White/European population:

1) USA: About 150 million
2) Russia: About 110 million
3) Germany: About 70 million
4) UK/France/Italy: About 50 million
5) Poland(?): About 38 million


4.5/10 maybe a 5

Poles are fine

A linguistic group only.

She's meh tbqh.

We are whiter than France and we have less niggers and moors than you

>>we should fight the jew
>are you a jew?
is this a serious thing you're trying?

Look a haplogroup map and see if we really are rapebabies

Um no sweetie, you're forgetting Brazil.

why are slavic women so fucking fine

Put a random group of slavs and westerners next to each others - the slavic group will look more masculine even if they are out of shape, while westerners will be this buttery blobs, basically their women without tits.

this is surprisingly accurate, although the "best" ranking ought to go something like this:

-Slovenia, Czechia tied for first

Capable of space travel.


Look, the FINAL SOLUTION to jew problem is being discussed here almost every day so, unless you are a newfag or IDF shill trying to stirr some shit, i find it very strange and suspicious that you are asking such a basic question. Almost all slavs agree that jews have to be dealt with even before mudslims, but only after general populous will finally get woke.

(with their own technological developments, not just stealing it like Chinks and Poos)


Siberia is actually very nice.

european french are white
north of rome, italians are also white
spaniards are white
greeks are not white
neither are slavshits

A new one for the collection.

I know you slavshits like to bitch and moan about how the kike tries to frame you

but to be honest with you, even the eternal jew is whiter than a slav

Niggers god made white on accident

that's bait.
>Look, the FINAL SOLUTION to jew problem is being discussed here almost every day
Not really. Half the time, it's solutions that help (((them))) and not hinder anything.
> i find it very strange and suspicious that you are asking such a basic question.
A basic and widely accepted answer hasn't been made yet, hence all the discussion. It sure as hell hasn't gone mainstream, which is the endgoal.
>Almost all slavs agree that jews have to be dealt with even before mudslims, but only after general populous will finally get woke.
Mudslimes, niggers, and chinks are all outbreeding us. Jews are decaying without intervention, but their influence is fucking staggering.

We need to clearly identify enemy forces and expose them.
We need to rally everyone against them once they're exposed.
Once everyone is rallied, we need to get rid of them.
Is it all Jews, or is it just Ashkenazi Jews? Are all Semitic Arabs a target after the Jews or just the Semitic Jews? We need a clear mission objective.

fuck off nigger. and stop using the dixie flag while you say stupid shit.

The eternal Hungarian

the dixie flag is representative of stupid shit.


Why are you so mad?
we dindu nuffin

>own a sofa
>still squat

slav to the max

>Slavs are ______________
individuals that each have (or lack) their own merits.
Any group generalization goes into fallacy territory.
Blind love and trust is foolish as is senseless hate.
I would keel haul that m80 over that shitty combover and conscript his lass and booze, though.
If you're balding, be bald and proud, he looks like a cross between Jeffrey Dahmer and a Chernobyl baby.


A Little bit degenerate

To an outsider maybe. It represents my home so i disagree.

Communisam is to blame for the current situation in Eastern Europe not Slavs.

Do you actually have any evidence? At this point you're on the same level as 'BLM we wuz Khangz n shit.'

>t. Jew
The obvious solution is to squat on the sofa.

>people standing in cliffs or building edge