Woman Stands Up to Gender Norms By Naming Her Son ‘Vagina’
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future prime minister of canada right there
That kid will either resemble his namesake or be the toughest son of a bitch who ever lived.
But their current one is already called vagina
I second this
CPS took some lady's kid because she named him Adolf Hitler. This is waaaaaaay worse.
>Vagina grows up to be an extreme right winger who ends up unifying the western nations against the muslims hoards and starting and winning WW3.
wait, hol up.
almost missed how problematic. how does the mother know they don't identify as a xun or xaughter?
>tfw you were destined to be a pussy from birth
Thats just torture. There should be a law about what you're allowed to name your kids.
The mind of a woman.
Fuck you troll
I'm betting suicide before age of 10.
should have named him Pussy. Becasue thats what "hes" going to grow up to be. A big pussy with a dumb feminist shitskin mom.
Unlucky cunt.
>tfw he is named Richard Vagina, so he will be known as Dick Gina
Hopefully he wises up early, starts lifting weights and doing sports so he can become the alpha Chad and change his middle name to "Destroyer".
Oh shit senpai, I read the title, and was like "a boy named sue" but you beat me to it.
i dont find it hard to believe but source is needed
That repulsive whore should be fed feet first into a wood chipper, slowly.
Link or it's fake
>muzzies die in jihad
>can't into heaven cause killed by pussy
ultrakek 3000
It's from a shitty comedy news site with clickbait titles for normies to share around Facebook.
Stupid cunt. This is from a satire website called Reductress. Mods seriously need to do something about fake new on Sup Forums.
Sorry goy, you'll have to subscribe to our newsletter to see the full, awe-inspiring story.
This is how they try to sell print media nowadays.
My guess is she will blame the patriarchy when this kid kills himself. RIP
It's would be less cruel to throw your kid off the top of a building than to name him 'Vagina'
OTOH, what if Vagina grows up to become a serial rapist? Kek
he's gonna grow up into a huge cunt
It's literally fake news. Reposted from a fake comedy site.
You're a faggot.
Principal Vagina here, don't let the name fool you; I'm very much in charge.
It's a parody site. The photo is a stock image.
>he's gonna grow up into a huge cunt
or a huge pussy
This one became a pastor and married another pastor
thats not a gender norm, thats a not having your kid beat up in school norm
None, it's bullshit from a satire website most likely or outright made up by OP, sage.
This kid is gonna get picked on all the time at school and end up on drugs then killing itself
fug wrong thread. I should stop drinking
It's a parody. Good clickbait though.
It's pronounced AZH-WEE-PAY
Looks fake, there are laws against picking stupid names.
That's not standing up to gender norms, that's being a shit parent