How do we stop this degeneracy?
How do we stop this degeneracy?
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stop watching anime and playing video games high and/or drunk on a sunday morning, get a job so you pay taxes for the first time and so learn that communism is bullshit
>Go work on a sunday
still kill yourself redditard
Why is Yukinon there? Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having hobbies.
>hating anime in anime board
Atheism should be on the list before Christianity and I say that as pagan.
take the cross off that image you atheist scum
Sup Forums is a board of Christianity.
Why not a productive hobby like drawing, writing, reading books, playing an instrument, woodwork, survival skills, outdoor pursuits, martial arts etc?
Lead by example my friend.
Try not to be so judgemental towards the degenerates, that just makes them feel like their rebels and their actions have a purpose instead of realizing that they're circling the drain.
Be happy and be vital and friendly, make them come to you for advice. They will.
>no vidya or anime
>thinks Sup Forums will stand for this despite being half Sup Forums and half Sup Forums
>no drinking
Fuck off sandnigger
You forgot the most important one, fag. *Checks flag* Oh, whoops. Never mind. You didn't forget anything, "based Israel" lover.
Nice Try Schlomo But we aren't falling for your tricks
What am I supposed to do without video games?
>no Christ
Off you go, faggot
you start: kill yourself
Be a Slave to Schlomo
Some anime is good, some anime is bad. It's more about waifu animes than animes in general.
It's for religion in general, believing in Odin is still makes you wrong.
Believing in a sky-daddy is retarded. It's like believing that communism works.
Alcohol is bad for your brain. It ruins concentration and makes any children you have retarded.
Find a productive hobby, try carpentry, metalworking, drawing etc.
shove your stupid religion up your ass
Shame and education. Setting a good example as another already said.
If a friend starts talking about porn and how much he jerks off like its a positive thing: ridicule him, explain how porn affects the mind to him, give him hope for a life without it.
Jesus was a crypto-commie.
We start by killing all the white men
>Christian cross
>Not Muslim
>Believing in Sky daddy is retarded
You Realise that it was the ''Sky-daddy'' Worship that Constructed Western Civilization Right?
But i Guess you've got MUH SCIENCE So far up your arse you don't even know that instead you worship a Explosion that hasn't even been comproved yet
Tip Harder Faggot
Says a kekite fag.
by actually encouraging the proper hit list
pic related
it is OP's solution to Christianity
What about VR porn?
>hurrhurr just bully people
>t. american
Games provide a lot more stuff I care about all at once, music story engagement etc. why would I not do the superior hobby?
You have too break their ego before you can reeducate them. Lack of public shaming is how degeneracy has become so ripe in modern society.
Porn is Degenerate
But Hentai is OK
It's for religion in general. Might add a crecent to it later.
>You Realise that it was the ''Sky-daddy'' Worship that Constructed Western Civilization Right?
And we used to believe that the Earth was flat, we don't anymore since we know better. Same thing with religion, we know it's not true.
>a faggot list
Why am I not surprised?
While I encourage the technological development it will eventually become a vise like regular porn. Most likely a stronger one, best to stay away.
Add Sup Forums to the list since it's a degeneracy enabler and time waster
yeah until he gets sick of being bullied and shoots you in the head
Anarchist and also a christian? Weird, you know that these ideologies are mutually exclusive, Right?
anime forum
anime is red pilled
you want to stop degeneracy, yet you do not even show your own flag, instead you adopt banner of imagined country
pitiful beyond any words
>we know it's not true
>religion isn't real
bait harder faggot. Saged Saged Saged in all fields
lol, does the capeshit industry provide you with quality films as well?
>so desperate for his imaginary girlfriend that he photoshops them with Hitler
PS4 games are degenerate but Nintendo games are still OK when played in moderation.
anime forum
Sky Daddy worship made possible the Progress for Europeans to know that the Earth was not Flat
If we were all atheists we wouldn't need to Discover the World Mysteries Since our Creation would just happen to be pure luck with no greater Purpose
Also what is the problem with Anime?
I Use Wichever Flag i like Faggot
get rid of the cross and youre good
>weed crossed but not opioids
fuck off
I didn't say to relentlessly torture someone, just call them a loser once and explain why.
Its called being cruel to be kind.
Convert to Islam.
>Stop Liking Things I Don't Like: The Post.
it's called being an asshole and it is what lead to modern society, because people got sick of assholes telling them how to live their lives
You're deluded if you think the general population would be better off without organized religion. It's already evident that one key tenet of Jewish Bolshevism is the extrication and eradication of religion.
Watching anime is OK as long as it's 80s-90's action anime
Living in your parents basement while watching k-on with anime body pillows is not.
Slice of life with little girls rots your brain and castrates you.
I can almost assure you haven't even tried any other hobby besides your dumb little cuck games
>implying urusei yatsura isn't the moe of it's time
>not posting the real list
I'm not even religious, abstaining from the 7 deadly sins will make you a better person.
Point to me one Hobby Better than Video Games that isn't a Degeneracy
I'll wait
hurrr just make chairs dude (or other stuff that you can buy for 5 bucks)
any sport
You're a whiny little bitch DESU
Survival skills
and you're the kind of person that doesn't realise that being an asshole only works contrary to your cause
no i think im gonna keep playing videogames and smoking weed all i want, actually.
It's from the 80's so it's t-levels are astronomically high. Also there's a healthy dose of action and zero kike influence.
yuri fanservice is the most red pilled anime
Kekistani faggots are a bunch of cringeworthy little shits that came here during the election and won't fucking go away.
>stop doing fun things!
Fuck you.
>waaa waaa fuck me pls
>don't wanna
literally the married with children routine, except less funny
One of the things, to put it through a Sup Forums perspective, that makes anime so attractive as an artistic/entertainment medium is that it's traditionalist, and completely free of virtue-signaling, cultural relativism, all the kike BS that makes much of modern television and film out of America unbearable.
And its detractors among us in the West have this misconception that anime is "cartoons," i.e. that animation is for kids shows or comedy only. They don't understand what they haven't been exposed to.
You can delete anime but ur not touching my waifu
>Sky Daddy worship made possible the Progress for Europeans to know that the Earth was not Flat
No, it literally held it back. Even today the only people who believe in a flat Earth are those that do so because of the Bible. The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round before Christianity even existed.
Neither are you since she's not real.
>Christianity on the hit list
this is autism
Teach people they are more than units of economic output.
LOL this guy is so cucked he doesn't think 2D is real. Your brain is too inferior to imagine it into reality.
your flag is gay and your ideology is retarded. it would never work.
>Once we abolish currency, government, laws, and religion everyone will get along and be happy guize!
Gr8 b8 m8
No, it literally held it back. Even today the only people who believe in a flat Earth are those that do so because of the Bible. The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round before Christianity even existed.
I Give Up you're mentally Retarded
You Know (((Science))) Is Only Preserved because of the monks right plebbit?
Also, I notice that crystal meth is not on the list.
I've tried reading, watching movies, tv, etc. and none of it really clicks and lacks engagement. Actually playing music gives a different feeling from justic listening but I suppose "listening to music" isn't a hobby anyway, and in general physical fitness get's boring without friends into the same thing. all my friends just like to drink and consume media, and albeit differnt from mine, to the same effect. So really a solitary hobby where not all of my senses are engaged in a way im used doesn't seem appealing
> Degeneracy
> Anime keeping NEETs pure and chaste
> Christianity doing a decent job of whittling down hedonism
> Porn helping to vent sexual frustrations of both of the above
You should probably kill yourself to start helping, senpai.
Off to reddit with you
It always seemed weird in my opinion to be against feminism but also be against porn. That plays right into sex negative feminists' hands.
doing the opposite plays right into the sex positive feminists hands and theyre way more degenerate
Ok, that's your opinion, and I don't give a shit
That is true. Maybe we should have a discussion about it on Sup Forums.
What do you guys think we should do? Should we keep porn even though it degenerate?
>Anime cucking males in to never accomplishing their rightful place as true leaders in this degenerate world.
Read ego and it's own, yall bunch of spooks
>How do we stop this degeneracy?
Beer is how the west won. Dweeb.
>a cheeky pint with the lads
Mind the Edge Summerfag
I think if you're complaining about anime on Sup Forums then you're very far from being the leader of anything