What's up with this "X Europeans are not white" threads? We should put an end to this divide and conquer bullshit...

What's up with this "X Europeans are not white" threads? We should put an end to this divide and conquer bullshit. All wh*Tes are equally sub-human parasites. Slavshits, Germanics and Anglos, .. it doesn't matter, We non-wh*Tes should kill them all regardless of their ethnicities

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except for genuine brown southern europeans
they're bros

what the fuck is the context of this shit.

wh*Te cunt getting what he deserves

It's the Kikes, my Friend.

>*HISS* zhe Portuguese are not white, nor are zhe Spaniards *HISS* Slavs are pretty much sub-humans *HISS* Germans are destroying the white race, let's kill them all! *HISS*


Brasilian pedophile , still this world will explode sooner or later , without wars to remove psychopaths from the genetic pool the world is more fucked up with every birth.

poor doggo

Proof that turks should be beheaded and have their head sown into their stomach before being buried upside down vertically so they never make it to the afterlife like the byzantines did to them

it's trying to fuck it.

Southern europeans bros...

Dont even dream about that you fucking moor cockroach.

i said "genuine brown"
if you're cracker then gtfo

this. we're all white, from scotland to bangladesh.

No. there is not genuine brown, there are mediterraneans, browns like you are fucking moors who must be destroyed.

>browns like you
hahahahahahahahahaha my friend
i'm african.
fucking yakub's seed who are you to insult REAL southern europeans that are brown

>browns like you are fucking moors who must be destroyed.

In general islamic cultures have a giantly ammount of psychopaths per capita , the same for china, anglosaxons come after but way way latter.

However the western world must stand against this horde of psychos both outside and inside.

Southern Europeans are mediterraneans, not fucking brown sandniggers and i will repeat, not your friend fucking roach shitposter.
Yes, the flag of a kingdom
the flag of the people who kicked out all the fucking moor garbage and killed the most of the jews and moors when that happen.

>i'm african
fucking disgusting m8

Psychopaths are intelligent and efficient at removing undesirables if given opportunity.

The real threat to the balance and longevity of the planet is the superstitious, tribalistic anti-intellectual masses who are breeding like rats.

any details on this video

Just part of living in a modern urban center. We all have to get used to it.

>a turk insulting anglos
Even the countries you've conquered in Europe kiss our feet.


Just remember roach. If your miserable race could wield half the power the whites do the world would be an infinitely worse place.

And if they die out we will just murder you all anyway. Because there will be no more morality in the world.

T. Chinese American with personal knowledge of both cultures. Honest enough to admit the truth.

>i'm chinese pls believe me
lol wh*Te subhuman

What is this shit. Fucking Babarians.

By definition turks are equally as med as spaniards and egyptians.

haha, no, are you a moor living in Italy?

A light skinned brazilian prisoner being burned to death by other brazilian prisoners, probably.

Then a cockroach found it and posted here under false pretenses.

The following countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea:

Northern shore (from west to east): Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Turkey.
Eastern shore (from north to south): Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel.
Southern shore (from west to east): Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt.
Island nations: Malta, Cyprus.

i will repeat the question, are you a moor living in italy?, so now Spain, Italy, Slovenia, etc etc etc, are the same that Morocco, Algeria etc etc...

Well Spain have the atlantic too so... Canada, usa, all the west coast from africa are the same that Spain because that places have a coastline in the Atlantic ocean.
We share the mediterranean sea, that dosnt mean we share the genetic.

The point is...you can't.
The moment you guys down there starting with turkeyland right through until asia...openly declare war on us and stop your lying masquerade of being victim playing little bitches..we will fucking destroy you.
You won't here about "white power" anymore..but you will see it.
It is so fucking bright and hot, you will watch your loved ones die..from humans to countrys and cultures and IF we have a good day we will let some of you live for our entertainment like the west did with the japs..

Think about it..the japs where like muslims before the atoms started splitting over there heads...and now ? panty machines and anime
You want that ? Ok we are here

Why is this not in facebook?

dont be white in a brown country

I find it funny that these turkeys from Turkey think they are European. Turkey is shit arab country. We will reclaim Constantinople.

Why so srs? It`s not like Turkistani can do anything. Maybe u guys should play along - prolly his lyfu isn`t that great and dreams like this give him power to live and work. Especially when Erectogiant, or how their president called himeself, tryin to inforce sharia law. So, don`t be too harsh

a "white" brazilian pedo burned to death in prison by brazilian felons who didn't want his kind around

anyone have a link to OP's vid?

Was he indeed a pedo? If so, whites should also burn white pedos and other pesos too.

The same butthurt faggot spends all day every day lamenting his shit skin heritage.
And what's up with your autistic "wh*tes" shit? That's the only reason I recognize your cockroach posts.
The one positive I can take away from your shit posting is that you realize we're your superiors, so you self censor yourself.
I don't care enough to look up your worthless country or whatever slur to use for you but I'm assuming your just a dumb nigger or mudslime. Enjoy your shit hole faggot.

This is a Greek woman. I've seen non-Europeans"whiter" than her

text about turks and anglos.
pic seems massively unrelated.

Germans and Brits are Friends, but Brits and the EU aren't.

Relax Tyrone your welfare check is still coming but you robbed the last mailman, you dont need to be angry online

All of you will die, and you will free the way for the reconquest of the ancestral lands.

Always makes me laugh how criminals think they're better than other criminals

Cherry picking mate, there are girls that look like that in every European country that identify as the native ethnicity, doesn't mean those ethnicities are bastardized

Fuck off yank

Still whiter than your average american

"If you're not blonde-haired and blue-eyed, and descended from muh fictional Aryan Race, you're not White!!"

Divide and kikery leftover from the JIDF days.

At some point in her family tree, somebody was getting their dick muddy.

Here's your (roach)

>I'm African
That's explains your idiocy, it's your iq

damn i wanna watch but im too scared : /

Stop nigger posting

Hello underage poster, how are you doing in terms of working towards taking the red pill?

south africa? story?

Hey dumbass southern iberians were replaced by berber sandniggers and greeks by turkish sandniggers, if you're from the south then i have something to tell you...


>Always makes me laugh how criminals think they're better than other criminals
What is even more fascinating is how the prisoners still have a moral code.

does that dog have a respiratory disease or something? It seems like its having trouble breathing at the end.
>inb4 the dog is crying
dogs don't fucking cry

stay GREEKED faggot, every mongrel was given back so you tend and care

you're a good man.

much better than our current law system