There are two genders, why are they still arguing

Thoughts on non-binary and Trans?
Should they die?




Gender is a misnomer (also in addition to masculine and feminine, there are neuter and common). You're thinking of sex

>Sex: biological property of mammals
>Gender: linguistic property of nouns

Gender is a psyop from people whose agenda is to remove all distinctions between non-ruling class people.

From what I read it's 2 genders but several sexes

Technically correct, given the tendency of Romance languages to gender literally every noun/pronoun/adjective.

To be frank, gender as these transgender faggots perceive it to be doesn't even exist at all. It has always been sex from the start.

Becoming a mute is the final step for T life , Language is gender oppression. Push the mute meme.


The very term "non-binary" implies there are two genders though. I mean you can only be "non-binary" if there is a binary to reject in the first place.

The irony is that gender-reclassification fucks up the feminists.

Which is why deep-down they hate Trannies who aren't born physically intersex. (Eunuchs for example or Hermaphrodites)

>BASED Germiane Greer

What's the difference between sex and gender then?

This whole gender thing wouldn't be an issue if they just used the words "masculine" and "feminine" instead of man and woman.

In the English language man means an adult male, it refers to biology. And for most people gender means biological sex. But in sociology they need a word to differentiate between biological sex and gender roles so I don't have so much a problem with gender being used in that sense.

But there is an interest by lobbyists and activist to define gender as an oppressed identity. So an effeminate man becomes a transgendered woman, essentially playing postmodernist word games capitalizing on the fact that all words are social constructions with certain levels of ambiguity.

But I don't think even most conservatives would have a problem will saying some men are feminine and some women are masculine and that femininity and masculinity are on a spectrum.

That changes when you start redefining the words man and woman to mean some abstract concept removed from it's original means. Same for he and she. Most people use those terms to refer to biological sex. Of course the words man and woman are also used metaphorically, just like any word can be used metaphorically. A sailor might call a ship a "she" but no one things that a ship is a literal woman. It's a metaphor for lonely sailors being married to the sea.

A tranwoman is a she in the same sense that a boat is a she. Its just a metaphor used to denote a conception of femininity.

All this shit is just infuriating word games. Bloody postmodernists.

They mean sex but they have to use gender because a construction like "gender-fluid" sounds far less ridiculous and imaginary than "sex-fluid"

Sex is your genitalia and what that identifies you as, male or female.
so, what's your thoughts on trans etc?
>original question

legitimate question


I always ask these nutty people:
>So you're not a woman are you?
Well you see, I am the problem is your need to re-evaluate what it is to be a woman.

>And what is that?
Well it's how you feel.

>So you feel like a woman?

>So what is it that you feel like if the very concept of a woman is built on a mis-understanding of what it is to be a woman.
>Put simply: How can you feel like you are something that you yourself acknowledge is not something? How can you feel like a woman and not tell me what it is to be a woman other than your individual interpretation of what a woman is?
There must be a concept of a woman for you to feel that you are that concept?

I mean I would even take them saying
>I don't feel man or woman therefore I am XYZ
But it's the insistence that
>No no no, I am a woman. I am that which can not be defined. Cos i feel like a woman. But I don't define what a woman is. but I'll keep saying it cos I'm a functional individual with too much time and money.






There are only two sexes and gender isn't real.

I know the term gets thrown around a lot and is frequently misused, often mockingly, but "gender" is literally a social concept, not a real thing.

>Thoughts on non-binary
Just making shit up

>and Trans?
Chemical imbalance in brain mixed with a host of mental problems (body dysmorphia, insecurities, low self worth, poor social standing) and cultural influences/social circles that enable the mental problems (because TOLERANCE and DIVERSITY) instead of suggesting they get treatment.

These people make permanent changes to their bodies while they are young, before their frontal cortex has fully developed (usually around age 25). Unfortunately by the time they are developed enough to realize they made a mistake, it is too late.The idea of admitting they were wrong and have fucked up their entire lives would shatter their ego, so they double down on being an SJW. Instead of trying to fix themselves to fit into society they are trying to change society to suit their selfish and childish demands.

Fat people do the same thing.

Someone post the picture of the pregnant man standing next to the hot mtf tranny

>Should they die?

>Fat people do the same thing.

With tragically hilarious consequences.

The sad thing is that those 4 people are enabling his lifestyle


Actually those 4 are /pol getting him the help he needs.
The ones who made him that way were the SJW
>But he wer born dat way, he feels healthy, let him eat.

The fucking state of the US and it's obsession with high-calorie junk food.

Damn this guy gets it people.

It's sad people nowadays accept the lgbt movements. Well the trans part about it at least. And myself coming from Sweden...well at least I'm thinking of getting into politics but what can few of us do to the ignorant masses of feminazi libtards, and believe me they are way too many ignorant idiots here in Sweden sadly. It explains the lack of any decent political party here, except for the Sweden democrats. They are alright, perhaps our only hope desu.

And btw I'm not left nor right wing. I would consider myself center at least.

ayy lmao get fucked

what a beautiful body! poor thing was attacked by genetics but thats OK because hes still pretty!

wouldn't you date him? you fatphobics are whats wrong with the world!

>get fucked
>shows my point


It was a post directed to the SJWs.

ah soz
didn't understand if u were telling me to get fucked