Why do people deny the holocaust?

Where is the proof or evidence that it is fake? I hear people saying there weren't 6 million jews but where do they get this conclusion from?

I hear people say there weren't as many death camps, which information tells you this?

i understand it may seem that the holocaust is fake due to jewish people in high positions of power but i want proof.

Other urls found in this thread:


Big Bill from stormfront said it's fake

cuz jews are notorious lyars


>Where is the proof that it was fake.
Not how this works, senpai.

>holocaust was real
Nazi hate is validated
>holocaust was fake
Nazis are a bunch of fuckups

Pick your poison Sup Forums

You want proof but you won't define what proof is. Typical with all these shill threads. Saged.

German war records themselves. They give numbers and cause of death. And considering the ones im referring to were made during the war there is no reason for them to lie about it.
They were using the people in camps for labor in most cases. Dont you think its a bit... retarded to kill your labor force DURING a war when you need it?
Why were people in camps for years at a time like some Auschwitz survivors? Well because instead of organized genocide its disease and famine killing people. Especially late war when they were strained to feed their own soldiers let alone prisoners.

Sometimes I think all throse threads are made by jews who want to learn about holohoax and how to deny/delegitimize any arguments

That's right. It's for information gathering purposes.

Even if OP is a shill. Dump info, might as well redpill some newfags since they're everywhere.

not how it works

why do people perpetuate the myth of slavery in the new world? in the usa?

>Dont you think its a bit... retarded to kill your labor force DURING a war when you need it?
Considering that germans refused to use women as workforce when they desperately needed it and kept giving out generous welfare, that's pretty possible.

When you start reading in detail on what they claim happened, then you see that they say more people were killed by Diesel Exhaust than by Zyklon B in the alleged Gas Chambers. Then you see that killings were done in

You have to think differently:Why kill them instantly, when you can kill them through work. They were kept for years in these camps and were killed, when they had no value anymore.

Let's do psychological warfare on OP instead while dumping info. Also, (((Soviet))) atrocity and German civil war. Germans as victims.

Which war records tho? Where can i read this information. I believe the holocaust is very sus because it's illegal to question if it happened, i mean if theres easy proof it happened why jail people to deny it? It's almost as if they're trying to hide the truth.

Common sense tells me this, but i want to know for myself where the evidence is that shows it didn't happen.

you care at all about the 40+ million russians and chinese that were murdered?
just muh 6 gorrilionnn!

Im not a fucking shill moron. I voted for trump, i believe nationalism is true etc etc but im not a mindless sheep that thinks "YES I AGREE WITH Sup Forums ON EVERYTHING!"

I want some proof/evidence for myself to find out if Sup Forums is actually right or it's just a circle jerk fest about holocaust.

I see jews in high positions of power, so i want to find out with evidence that holocaust is fake so i can explain to people.

vid is a speech of Hitler explaining that. Women were more effective for the german nation as mothers than workers is the TLDR.
Doesn't that make you a holocaust denier right there? You're saying they basically euthanized people out of their misery once they were too weak to survive.
I dont have the image saved but im sure someone can pull something up.
>i mean if theres easy proof it happened why jail people to deny it?
Yeah that should be a red flag right there.
relax. Im asking them to put information because it doesn't really matter who you are.

If you are legit here is the issue. People are so authentically brainwashed by the Jews that even when presented with authentic, valid and scientifically provable information they continue to believe the narrative.

This destroys the Jewish story of the Holocaust:

For anyone actually interested in reading into that, I recommend this book for starters. Invest the time and don't rely on just infographs and memes.


The other holocaust handbooks are also relevant.

Would you be offended if I said people like you deserve to die, because you deserve to die you sub-human Nazi piece of shit.
The worst part is, you're probably just saying this for the attention.



Gas yourself Schlomo

NO, I'm saying it because I honestly hate liars, and most of them happen to be Jews and commie faggots.


Those Evil Nazis
Wicked German Crimes Against Humanity

Killing People for Sleeping in their Underwear
Killing People for Wearing Dirty Underwear
Implausibly Huge Quantities of Underwear


However, if that is not the case, I respect your courage to stand up for your beliefs, no matter how perverted and wrong they seem.

It's "Shlomo". There's no "C".

Jews have these "german" words, and there it is with the C. Just google "Schlomo Goldstein" and see how much results pop up.

What you pronounce as "Sh" in english is "Sch" in German.

I read it and it's a bit confusing for me. Could you please simplify what they're supposed to mean?

Something about pictures not matching in dimension?

Shading is wrong?

i don't quite understand what is trying to be said, im not that articulate with the english language but i'd appreciate it if you could explain what they're trying to say.

You cannot examine the evidence and arrive at any conclusion other than the cold, hard fact that the Jews are lying. About everything. Always have and always will.

Sick, psychopathic genocidal Jewish alien freaks of nature.


Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.
We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.
We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.


So if I understand correctly, Zionist leaders perpetuated the narrative of an organised genocide against the Jewish people to make the UK/US sympathetic to their plight and secure a homeland for their people?

Still, sources that dispute the holocaust are always very dodgy. Just like the Jewish sources that say 11 million were killed.


Photograph of a drawing. You can tell by looking at it. Blatant forgery.

>So if I understand correctly, Zionist leaders perpetuated the narrative of an organised genocide against the Jewish people to make the UK/US sympathetic to their plight and secure a homeland for their people?

This is only a small piece of the puzzle. The explaination is not possible in detail here due to the post limitation on this board. Read pic related and you will be enlightened.

>Still, sources that dispute the holocaust are always very dodgy.
Sounds to me you haven't even read and actual "source" in that regard. See for further information. There is nothing dodgy going on.

>im not that articulate with the english language
>I voted for Trump
>That flag
I smell a shill

Because it is a lie.

Why don't you think about why questioning the holocaust story triggers you so much that you wish death on the questioner. Strange, Pavlovian conditioned response devoid of critical thinking.

The funny thing is, the jews can't just lie, they have to make up a retarded lie. They can't just be shot, they need to be killed by pesticide, flamimg rollercoaster, giant electric chair that fits 10,000 people, bear cage, motorcyclists with hatchets, vans filled with poison gas, masturbation machines, tickled to death, etc. (All real testimonies).

All the Nazis did was lock the jews up in camps and put them to work, because before the Nazis took power the Jews never did any manual labor and sat around got rich collecting Weimar rents while Germans starved in their own country. The nazis were doing the Jews a favor, which is why the sign on Auschwitz said "Work sets you free."

Then the allies cut off all the Nazi's supply lines and Nazis had to decide "Feed soldiers or feed jews" so the jews got put on a diet.

Then when the Soviet communists rolled through Germany at the end of the war and found all these jews in the camps they had a bit of thinking to do. See, if the Soviets were to just free these jews, all of them big capitalists before they were imprisoned, then the jews would have legal claims to all the german lands that Soviets had just conquered. So the Soviets decided it was easier to just kill the jews in the camps, blame it on Hitler, and keep full control and power ever Eastern Europe.

fun viewing

Yes, it goes on and on, like some Rube Goldbergesque carnival of death. The Jewish imagination is seemingly limitless.

>where the evidence is that shows it didn't happen.
that's not how proof works.


I never questioned the holocaust until Jews made such a big deal out of questioning it. The minute the kikes tried to tell me I wasn't allowed to investigate it, it became something I immediately questioned the validity of.

oh look a communist wants to kill someone for questioning the party line


read Sartre, holocaust denial isn't made in good faith because anti-semitism is a form of a bad faith, that is, a way of avoiding sincerity; it isn't an accident that anti-semites like Anglin are also ironic memelords

This is why the only 'death' camps found in Germany were in the lands the Soviets occupied. There weren't any death camps found in lands that America/Britain occupied.

Remember, what really set the commies apart from everyone else in history is they don't believe in morality at all, other than as a function of power and a way to get power. They believe economics comes first and morality/mental life comes after; meaning that people with economic power invent and propagate morality to keep their economic power, and people without economic power follow morality because they are deluded into thinking that is what they ought to do to get economic power themselves. But in reality, the guy with economic power didn't get it by following the previous boss' economic power, he just killed the old dude in a revolution and took the power, then made up a new regime of morality for the people to follow under him.

So commies had no problems killing the jews and making a new law.

How am I not surprised?


>read sartre

Countersemitism is a meme (((you))) don't control.


Because Jews complain about it too fucking much.

t. Mom's a Jewish convert and won't shut up about it



An example of this is that old story where the little manager stresses himself out every single day trying to do his job perfectly brown nose please everyone follow all the rules, but then he is 5 minutes late to work one day because he had to rescue a little kid from being eaten by a pack of wild dogs or something, and then he is passed over by his boss for promotion after promotion.

"Oh no that sucks, Johnson, but the rules are the rules." And then the guy who shows up late every single fucking day and Johnson is always having to fix his work gets the promotion instead because he happens to be fucking the boss.

Johnson is an idiot, and instead of trying to follow the rules he should have just fucked the boss or Sith'd that fucker, set him up for an accident and then step in to fill the void in leadership, or just started his own company and put the shithead out of business.

That's the fundamental communist proposition.

She doesn't know about all the other genocides the Jews have suffered...the Romans exterminated them, the Russian pogroms, the enslavement in Egypt. The poor dears. Unique, special snowflakes of piety and innocence. Always the victims.

I think it's naive to think people deny it solely because they do not actually believe it. There are also political reasons.

Ask a normie what they think of when they think of fascism and they'll think of Nazi's. In fact it would go something like this:

>Fascism > Nazi's > Hitler > Jews > Holocaust

So you can't discuss fascism without inevitably being hit with the holocaust. It doesn't matter that fascism and national socialism are not strictly the same thing, what matters is the assumptions made by people. So it is the blot, the stain on the ideology that must be scrubbed clean before fascism can be debating and discussed on an equal platform to say, communism.

Bottom line, there are also political reasons to deny the holocaust, which I can understand if that were the case, but the evidence that it happened is so overwhelming and damning that you would have to be an idiot to actually believe it never happened at this point. But if it's politics you're playing, I see you.

What evidence?

When 500,000 died in the 90s in the food for oil program was that a "The Holocaust"?

Or is it just when Jews die that it's a "The Holocaust"?

Why is questioning history illegal (pic related needs to be updated there are more countries now)

What is astonishing about the Holocaust is not that it is false, but that it is ridiculous. There must be a Black Hole in the Universe filled with gas vans, pressure vans, portable ovens, portable bone grinders, spanking machines, human mattresses, human socks, boots, shoes, saddles, slippers, gloves, purses, wallets, books, canvases for painting dirty pictures, millions of documents and forty or fifty thousand tons of crude ashes and bone fragments up to two inches long.

There is a constant assumption that Germany was an underdeveloped country like the Central African Republic, where nobody ever saw a mattress, a pair of socks, a bar of soap or a pair of underwear. The Germans were extremely sophisticated chemists synthesizing millions of tons of oil, rubber, gasoline, edible fats and oils, and fibres every year. They invented Nylon with the Du Pont Company in 1938 and called it Perlon.

It is almost superfluous to add that Negro hair can be felted but that other hair cannot.

Carlos Porter

The holocaust never happened.

Because Ernst Zundel proved that there's no evidence for it that holds up in a real court.


taken from the jewish virtual library

because people here genuinely think hitler was a good boy
for a board that believes the wildest of conspiracies, its pretty hilarious how they choose to deny the one thats actually feasible

Depends, was food for oil meant to deliberately kill people? Was it a specific group that was targeted and made out to be a massive threat? If a specific group is targeted for deliberate killing, and it's in large numbers, it's a holocaust. The reason Nazi's get so much flack for their killings and not the communists is because a lot of the communist deaths were just due to them being fucking idiots, and then their deliberate murders didn't target a specific ethnic group.

A lot of holocaust denial always focuses on Auschwitz, which is a flawed idea. They think that by disproving Auschwitz they can disprove the holocaust as a whole, which is incorrect because although it has become the symbol of the whole thing, it was not in fact, even close to being the whole thing.

The forensics evidence for Auschwitz already exists, they did it in the 2000's. The holes for the chimneys on the gas chambers were found, and the traces of cyanide in the delousing chamber and the gas chamber was explained. And that's just Auschwitz.

Even if by some miracle these paranoid idiots were able to disprove Auschwitz and then claim it was a glorified Nazi Butlins, that there were swimming pools and slides and ice cream and it was all wonderful, you'd still have a hard job disproving the einsatzgruppen who shot a million in eastern Europe and then kept score because they're fucking idiots. Documents, graves, DNA.

This has got to be the dumbest argument against the holocaust ever. Are people really supposed to believe that someone **faked** the mountains of hair, shoes, glasses and other stuff found in the camps just to make the Nazis look bad? I mean, is that who he's trying to say? I don't get it.

One question you should ask is this.
Why, in 17 first world countries it is illegal to deny, question, or investigate the holocaust?
Making it the only historical event punishable by law if you don't agree with it. Many more people have been killed in history than the alleged 6 million in WWII, yet no one ever says anything.

Another neat verifiable fact is that the world Jewish population was 15.3 million in 1933, in 1948 it was 15.7 million.

Now unless every Jewish girl born from 1945 to 1948 was pregnant at birth with triplets, it is not physically possible to make up a 6 million deficit.

World almanac census, also look up the red cross reports as well. The Holocaust is a lie friendo.

>Jews dindu nuffin wrong


They were givin new shoes, glasses were taken, and hair was shaved to prevent lice. Those things do not prove anyone was killed.

The (((Soviets))) built a fake chimney at Auschwitz. Along with the Potemkin village you good goys live in. Enjoy the bread and games while they last.


But that's not his argument that he's making. He seems to be saying that the the idea that the Nazis used e.g. the hair of the prisoners for industrial purposes is a ridiculous idea and therefore somehow the Holocaust is false. I just don't get it.

You have the reading comprehension of primate.

Holocoaster, masturbation machines, bear and eagle executions. There are a lot of ridiculous claims. The simple math of it all in and of itself is fairly ridiculous. Plus the countless "survivors" who have admited to lying. Hell, the simple number of survivors makes it shady.

Watch one third of the holocaust and decide for yourself.
Carlo Mattogno wrote a lot of books, they are usually free to download. He is the leading revisionist.

>Depends, was food for oil meant to deliberately kill people? Was it a specific group that was targeted and made out to be a massive threat?


You tell me.

When Americans do it it's not a "The Holocaust", because only one thing in the history of mankind can ever be as evil as "The Holocaust".

>If a specific group is targeted for deliberate killing, and it's in large numbers, it's a holocaust.

Not only that, what makes "The Holocaust" is not only a very systematic extermination program but also the use of gas chambers. How come none of the concentration camps liberated by the allies had gas chambers in them and only the ones liberated by the soviets did? I don't feel like looking into this right now but the example you gave about the chimneys I believe it was argued that they were placed there by the Soviets and didn't match the same building time as the rest of the building.

Regardless, yes, people died and it was awful. But what makes this event "The Holocaust" is systematic industrial death camps with gas chambers. So you need to be able to discuss and provide evidence not only of the gas chambers but of this systematic death industry. Some people being shot is no different than the Oil for Food program and is not what makes this event "The Holocaust".

Anyway the simple matter that you go to jail for saying these things in public is more than enough proof to me that the holocaust is fake. Noone goes to jail for saying the earth is flat.

>Auschwitz commander
Also of note is that that officer was tortured nonstop for three days with no sleep and constant threats against his family to get that fake confession. The torturers where mostly jews, and openly admit to the torture in biographyS, and admitted to a judge at the nurumberg trials that torture was used, or at least made no effort to deny it.

Rudolph hoss confession ought to be the prime example to the world for why confessions gained through torture are useless, instead (((they))) make it a central pillar of the story.

I'm specifically referring to the claim the the industrial use of the stuff they took from the prisoners (e.g. the hair) is ridiculous. Why is it ridiculous?

We don't think we can disprove the whole Holocaust by disproving Auschwitz. Auschwitz is the only concentration camp most people can name, at least here in America. In all the modern propaganda, Auschwitz is usually the featured camp. So naturally, we go after Auschwitz

Look at those hats in the background. They don't look like any German hats I've seen, but they do look like soviet infantry tent hat.
Also of the nude, if they are concentration camp survivors why are they fat, still have hair, alive considering women where supposedly gassed immediatly.

That picture is not from a concentration camp.

Because they had no use for it, but if they did then they'd put the Jew carcasses into rendering plants along with all the other animals. Could even make Jew biodiesel and bone meal fertilizer. Why fuck around, right?

>Rendering plants perform one of the most complementing functions for modern slaughterhouses. They recycle dead animals, slaughterhouse wastes, and supermarket rejects into various products known as recycled meat, bone meal, and animal fat.

>I believe it was argued that they were placed there by the Soviets and didn't match the same building time as the rest of the building.
The gas chamber itself was demolished. So if the Soviets planted anything they would have had to have planted traces of chimneys, which would not have matched the rest of the site.

>How come none of the concentration camps liberated by the allies had gas chambers in them and only the ones liberated by the soviets did?
The death camps were on the eastern front and the camps on the western front were POWs and labor camps? I'd need to look into that further.

>Some people being shot is no different than the Oil for Food program and is not what makes this event "The Holocaust".
Genocide involving guns happens all the time around the world. Or at least attempted genocide. So perhaps holocaust would be a strong world to describe it, but it would certainly qualify as a genocide.

I'm not a NAZI.
The Germans destroyed (nearly?) ALL the paperwork. Allegedly.
The prosecution was based on confessions, usually of the type where Guard A says "I didn't do much but Guard B was a right bastard and did loads".
it sounds convincing on paper. I've got transcripts of a lot of the interrogations (published by Richard Overy).
Remember everyone was dying like flies at the time anyway,
So I suspect it's a mixed bag of truth and lies.
I don't think Jews had it worse than homos or poles or many other groups, they just took advantage of it better afterwards. The Germans even killed their own big shots like Ernst Rohm on the excuse of homosexuality.
If the Jews weren't organised before WW2 and really were totally innocent how the fuck did they take Israel so quickly afterwards?
The question is whether hating traitors is legitimate or not, spies got shot out of hand for treason in wartime, why not Jews too, is how people saw it.

So how do you feel about tourture in general

should all torture be discredited? what about al Qaeda/ISIS, and what if the hypothetical neo nazi/ white ethno state was attacked and you had people you usually trust going off and torturing suspects and then coming back and reporting to you intelligence gained from it

more often than not, fascist types are prone to violence and torture towards those they hate, So I want to be clear about not having double standards

Pretty ironic they call him a Historical revisionist lol

Let's holocaust a horse:

>Because they had no use for it,

They had no use for the stuff they collected at the camps? Why did they collect it then?

>If the Jews weren't organised before WW2 and really were totally innocent how the fuck did they take Israel so quickly afterwards?
>The question is whether hating traitors is legitimate or not, spies got shot out of hand for treason in wartime, why not Jews too, is how people saw it.

Israel was under British Control Since WWI, and you had Soviet Jews competing with European Jews for control over israel


you have to wonder how many holocaust denial threads and websites are sock puppets by a small number of jews continuing to profit/ benefit and throw red herrings to distract honest skeptics from other events

Collect what? Anne Frank's dirty panties?

Where is the proof or evidence that it is real? I hear people saying there were 6 million jews but where do they get this conclusion from?
I hear people say there were many death camps, which information tells you this?
i understand it may seem that the holocaust is real due to jewish people in high positions of power but i want proof.

Hair, golden teeth, glasses etc.

Why are you avoiding the lampshades and soap? What are lice and do they carry disease?

Show me where Jewish dead bodies were used for making industrial products. Maybe the beards bake good toilet scrubbers when glued to a bone?

The thing here is that any time the US does something evil it's irrelevant because the only true evil was "The Holocaust", so it doesn't matter if 500thousand died due to Oil for Food, or 1 Million died in Vietnam war, at least it wasn't "The Holocaust". Remember, never question "The Holocaust". Btw we need to get rid of Assad because he might be doing another "The Holocaust" soon. We need to stop the bad guys!!

It's just disgusting rhetoric. There are so many flaws and hoaxes and propaganda surrounding the holocaust that I just consider it to be fake at this point by default and I need someone to prove to me that it was real.