What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

>burgerclaps gonna burger

What about it?

He means he is going to raise another mans son and be cheated on within a year or two, max.

I think he means they're engaged now.

she's hot latina conservative pussy, why wouldn't you?

gringo can't resist dat latina ass

I have no idea who these people are, but they will get the rope for race mixing.


She ain't white

This is essentially what is happening to all of white America. Non-white women throw themselves at white men, and of course, this leads to marriage and ultimately children. This is why white nationalism will never work.

Put girls on a pedestal and they can only look down on you.

White knight cop gonna white knight.

>she said yes

>caveman marries thai ladyboy
whatev who cares man

that dude is literally every girls wet dream
>Uniform with authority
>More muscular than Sup Forums
>Square face

you guys should sage this le girl reddit teenage insecurity thread btw

Why do some Mexicans look liked fucked up asians

>ey ese how many times you arrest me now?

>damn... that's like a uh... like a chemistry we got goin then right?

Means he's now officiated his cuckold status

What is she like 4 feet tall?

Have fun having skinhead Cancerous dwarf babies.

Good white man letting a latinx corrupt his Aryan seed

Stop hiding your Israeli flag, Schlomo.

There's nothing wrong with bleaching some Latina qts. Hapas and white-Hispanic breeding are Sup Forums-approved, as long as the children are raised right wing and based.

No one's falling for your kikery, trying to radicalize our movement from within.

something about this girl gives out a hooker vibe

He got spic'd


Fuck off Jeb Bush

The true Alpha-Cuck I've only heard about.

Nah, he's a cop, so he's not EVERY girl's wet dream.

But fuck, he does look good.

She looks like a Puerto Rican whore

Means he's going to commit a murder when she inevitably gets caught fucking around.

want to buy video of them fucking

Oh boy. I love having my penis validated on the Internet

If I'm Mexican and BROWNED a white girl is that ok?

Are you retarded? Mixed race kids? That's a fucking Jew agenda. Shekel for the good goy

his head looks like a bag of mashed hamburger

He meant hebisnpissing away his aryan gentics....
But he is a cop... so he is obviously too stupid to understand anything other than the most cursory understanding of such subjects.

My impression exactly.

Pretty sure most women are wary of cops since the abuse rate is so high. There's a certain type that goes for that shit but most won't.

What's wrong ?Their both white...



* he is pissing away

hell yea BASED

I know what you mean. Probably because she looks like a hooker.

Why did he propose in a mall?

What ass

She's ugly


>literally Jeb


Thats beside the cheesecake factory lol. Tacky As fuck

>Pretty sure most women are wary of cops since the abuse rate is so high

Funny you say that, they don't seem to be wary of dating nignogs


is he an albino

Hello phoneposter

He's betraying his genetics. The children will be about 56% white.

If this tend continues, American will be a country full of 56% white, sub 90 IQ dwarves with greesy hair and disgusting black and native feature clashing with and destroying the beautiful white features. Then the only purebreeds left will be gooks because they rarely racemix. The west coast will also be renamed to New China because of all the gooks there, Vancouver included.

Is there anyway we can meme ourselves onto the White america timeline?


>getting married in 2017
>proposing in front of the garage of a cafe
>to a non-white chick with no curves
>watch from bending machine
>who is 4ft tall with a hook nose
>look like a gargoyle
>working a job which legally requires low IQ
>have to babysit dindus daily until you get shot
>pinning your ass with a needle weekly

God I'm jealous.

I think she's a tranny, just look at the hands and feet

>they don't seem to be wary of dating nignogs
thats because they dont

Shit skin kids

anyone else find it ironic that the symbol for proposal is getting on your knees?

And he looks like a quadroon.

What is this?

Are you sure it's a "she"?

t. Kalergi

Fuck off

KYS Pedro. We're not giving you shit skins our genetics

she looks like whore trash

>t. More Jews and flag-hiders trying to radicalize an destroy the New Right from within.

He's a corrections officer not a cop

Ask /fit/. They'll know

Just your standard spic woman.

I don't know man, maybe Balkanize and build a wall?
You're completely right.

>"Sup Forums-approved"
>"muh hapas will save the white race!"
I mean yeah sure if you want the white race of the future to look terrible and be seriously mentally ill, by all means, "bleach" an Asian woman because you aren't good enough for white women.

Nope, she's just a native Indio shit skin. They all look like that, she's actually a very good one

>you mad white gurl

Its called a "muscle". They help us move.

What if he isn't either? what if he's jewish or whatever and you think he's white? What if she has more white genes but you believe whiteness is skin deep?


Naw man, first off jews are BASED and our best ally.
Secondly there's literally no reason not to interracial marry as long as you raise yo kidz good conservative

Liberals want us to HATE minorities, because they're the real racists!

lel what the fuck is this? gears of war protagonist attempts to emote in front of literal whore

Man, the cop manages to look like a kind gentle fellow, even for a photo op. However, that woman looks like such a fucking bitch. No soul.

Can't tell if it's resting bitch face syndrome or if she's just naturally a cunt.

shes not white you fucking jew, hes not bleaching her hes mudding his bloodline, and that tree hugger faggot is right. also kys with your civic cucknationalism t_cuckold

People are surprisingly bad at detecting traps.

You are literally promoting miscegenation but we are the jews right ?



Bobane Rajovicu, ti li si?

This was my thought as well.

That man is frightening. No 90%>0 category? Just imagine all the 1% nigger/1% spics who think they're white.

America is not white. It's already lost. As one of the few people who can trace all my ancestors back to Europe, I'm ashamed.

>New Right
If the new right is a Brazil teir race mixing then I might as well save the trouble of fighting and move to Brazil today

>Sup Forums will defend: racemixing with asians, fucking/marrying trannies, and even becoming a tranny
>but THIS is unacceptable, because it's not the RIGHT KIND of racemixing

inb4 the "pole is not one person!" memexuse

fuckable, admittedly, but yes, slightly on the cheap side

brachioradialis muscle

>not white
>doesn't vote against white interests
Pick one

Latinas cheat less than white women

Amerindians are from Siberia


ye, dudes roiding like a good fraction of cops

the result of steroid abuse. his balls have probably shriveled into sunmaid raisins. he'll be forced to continue injecting 500mgs of test a week for the rest of his life if he wants to achieve erections and avoid crippling depression and mood swings.

why does this guy have no eyebrows right now

He took the Brown pill. Smart man. White women are degenerate libshits. At least most Latinas harbor more conservative values. The only reason Latinas vote dem is for gibs. If you find a hot Latina with some agency and good conservative values it's better to start a family with them that a white communist thot.

No, that is not okay. We need that wall asap.