What in the hell is Trump doing with Ryria and Russia,some days he's praising Putin and then the next he's threatening Syria which in turns pisses off Russia... What is his foreign policy when it comes to that region and Russia exactly? I can't tell what he's trying to do.
What in the hell is Trump doing with Ryria and Russia...
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Trying to distract from the Russia scandal that will probably lead to his impeachment
No chemical weapons. It's against the Geneva conventions. Obama said there was a red line. There wasn't a red line. Trump says there's a red line. He enforces it. Shows to Russia we have a big dick and are willing to swing it. Keeps them in their ballpark and keeps kids from getting gassed.
>if i say it enough it will be true
If Trump flexes his muscle and rattles his sabre too much couldn't that spark all out war with Russia?
Exactly !
He doesn't have a coherent foreign policy. He literally told McMaster to "do what you think is best".
He abdicated his role as CiC, more or less. He has no knowledge or interest in this stuff, besides tweeting "Bad!" when there's a chemical weapon attack.
When 9/11 happened, Iran released a statement of sympathy.
When Iran got attacked a couple of weeks ago, the state dept said "serves you right".
We're LITERALLY giving weapons via Saudi Arabia to Al Qaeda in Syria because that's how big a deal Iran is to the Jews who are really running this thing.
I laughed at the imagery of Trump rattling a Sabre in my head. I think at the next RNC he should bring out an actual Sabre and rattle it on stage.
>probably lead to his impeachment
I agree, there is overwhelming evidence of collusion. Oh wait, its all made up
>I can't tell what he's trying to do.
>thinking putin actually gives a shit about syrian planes and military.
all he's doing is removing any thoughts of trump/russian collusion. putin is smart enough to know this.
this will come to a point where trump and putin meet and no one will think that they're meeting on good terms, while behind the scenes trump and putin are bros.
That's unironically not as bad as what obama was doing.
>>>thinking putin actually gives a shit about syrian planes and military.
You're an idiot dude. Putin is at war alongside Assad. Assad is very important to Russia and Iran in maintaining a balance of power with the Saudis and gulf Arabs. Not even two weeks ago Putin stopped reporting the flight paths of his planes after we shot down a Syrian plane.
This Russia collusion story everyone in the US is obsessed with is nothing but a sideshow in Russia. Syria is very important to the Russians.
How do you figure? Giving weapons to "moderate freedom fighters" was bad. Now we're giving them weapons AND fighting alongside them against the regime. This is very dangerous and could quickly spiral out of control.
Or explain how Trump slowly going to war with Assad is a good thing.
Trump is a puppet to neocon/zionist/saudi interests.
He wants US forces to pull out of Syria so that Assad kills ISIS in 2 months. He has as much power to make that happen as Obama had to close Guantanamo. The Deep State are the ones really in charge.
Your democratically elected leader's, Jared Kushner's, "peace talks" with Netyanyahu were apparently a great success.
If you free yourself from a mental trap that enforces you to think that Trump is Russian puppet, and start looking at Tramp like at someone who is player in geopolitical area, you will see that Trump have no reason to kiss Putin's ass, nor he have any obligations to wage a crusade against Putin and Russia. This however would imply that Trump haters should stop the hysteria and carry on.
The coverup will be worse than the crime. I don't think he colluded with Russians but I think he's had financial dealings that would appear unsavory if not illegal, which is why he won't release his tax returns and also why he's been fighting the investigation, because investigation collusion will eventual lead to finances. I don't think he collududed but he has something murky in his tax returns that he doesn't want revealed, and if he hasn't committed a crime he's coming close by obstructing justice.
God damn man, I didn't even believe that picture until I started googling. Unreal.
Friendly reminder that this is the sort of person you enthusiastically voted for because he said vaguely racist things about Mexicans a couple of times.
Serving the Jew. Period.
>Not even two weeks ago Putin stopped reporting the flight paths of his planes after we shot down a Syrian plane.
Ha! You're the simpleton. Not even realizing that's totally inconsequential, and a play along, since we'll just get that info indirectly.
This US/Russia conflict is nothing but political theater. If this fight between Russia and the US were real, they wouldn't be using Syria as a buffer. Syria is expendable in US/Russia relations.
Fucking with Syria and North Korea makes Trump look tough. It's called saber rattling. He doesn't intend on actually fighting either of them, he just wants to look like he could.
holy shit and people actually believe this
>If this fight between Russia and the US were real, they wouldn't be using Syria as a buffer. Syria is expendable in US/Russia relations.
Syria's not expendable at all, that's why Russia is fighting so hard for Assad.
Countries don't go to war just because they don't like each other. There are real interests (money, geopolitics) at stake for both sides in Syria.
>muslims do dumb shit
>white people have to tell them to fucking stop
There's your history of the last 300 years of human relations with sand people.
>Syria's not expendable at all, that's why Russia is fighting so hard for Assad.
The point is that Trump and Putin understand that a little bit of saber rattling, at the expense of Syria (in order to push back the negative collusion narrative and reset the stage) for future meetings and the sake of US/Russ relations is a effect and a small price to pay.
There are no chemical gas attacks, you absolute moron.
He'll give Russia and Syria another heads-up about some useless abandoned airfield he's going to bomb to make it apopear like he doesn't have Putin's dick lodged down his throat
Nigger, do you know that Russia only has 2 warm water ports for their military? One is in Syria, the other one in Crimea. Do you even geo-politics? Putin is increasingly losing his patience with waiting for Trump to extend the olive branch he said he'd extend. It's not theater, there is no collusion either.
>Putin is increasingly losing his patience with waiting for Trump to extend the olive branch he said he'd extend. It's not theater
>not theater
>US: bomb airfield but warns Russia first, so no actual damage happens
>Russ: stop reporting flight paths to US, knowing full well we shared intelligence with other countries they will report to.
They're meeting next month.
You think they're not setting this up with the fake drama? Trump and Putin will come out of this looking like diplomats.
Try to follow along.