How does Sup Forums feel that your tax money pays for black kids to go to public schools?

How does Sup Forums feel that your tax money pays for black kids to go to public schools?

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As long as they use the opportunity to their fullest extent I don't care.

Too bad they don't.

It is a problem with black culture not black people


Also the property tax monies collected for public schooling should be pooled into a state fund and distributed to each school based on the number of students there.

That means all the schools across every state offer the same resources no matter what kind of neighborhood it is.

Schools are mostly funded locally which means our taxes are not paying for them (for the most part). That's why black schools are so shit. The only frustrating parts are that some niggers get bussed into white schools.

And to go with that, the value of school property real estate grounds should have a govt imposed reassessment that de-links them from the nearby neighborhoods.

Being that they are government/state facilities they have nothing to do with the real estate market.

Equal distribution of school funds will also make sure that the Teachers get paid the same too.

also , schools in lower income areas should offer classes on financial responsibility, resume writing, and other skills like investing to help them and get them to stop wallowing in the rap based black culture and help them become productive members of the work force.

That's called a "price control" and they don't work. The value of the real estate is what the market will pay for that asset. "Should" has nothing to do with it.

I'm fine with it.
I just wish they'd actually use it.
The illiteracy rate in my country, is the same % as black people.

plebbit fags please go
and stay go

You share the wealth idiots drive me nuts. Average house around me is 400k. An hour from here it's 150k. Why the fuck would you pay teachers in those two areas the exact same amount?

I hate the laziness of black culture and as i said before
>It is a problem with black culture not black people

>he's still going
>it's like they have a forum specifically for their retardation but they choose to infest other forums
fuck off you degenerate

You're fucking wrong. Niggers are lazy by nature, not nurture.

Prove it you stupid cuck. You're the one making the claim. Show that nigger culture is what makes the nigger stupid and indolent.

>hahahahahahahaha I used an anime to respond I'm so edgy and funny
I live in an upper middle class neighborhood and the black people are well armored due to being raised in an environment without influence from black culture.

Their "culture" stems from who they are as animals. It is inherent to them. Get the fuck out newfriend piece of shit, don't come back.

This isn't natural, the kids shouldn't be alive. Jews are propping up the african population through medicine and food supplies. The real "refugee crisis" hasn't begun yet

literally neck yourself you fucking degenerate

The culture stems back to their roots in Africa and they need to outgrow it. A large chunk of the culture also come from who they look up to, often rappers and such who are immature and irresponsible.

What an atrocious argument. Here's what's wrong with what you just said:

1) You are using an incredibly small sample to make a general claim about a population as a whole.
2) You are making the claim that because this small group of blacks is isolated from black culture. They are not, because black culture is ubiquitous in American pop media.
3) You are assuming that these blacks didn't benefit from the US's ubiquitous affirmative action programs, which would cast doubt upon whether it was truly their industry that gave them success or dem programs.

Please go on, my blue pilled friend

>caps lock
I'm fucking terrified

Cuck go back

>doesn't even realize the implications of green text
fuck off you degenerate new faggot

>neck yourself

sounds like you may be a summerfag aswell
the trans atlantic study proved that a nigger kids who are reased by white parents is stll more likely to be criminals than whites or asians.

Props to you for being civilized about this discussion
1.A small sample size but enough to show that a black person raised in white culture can avoid becoming the black stereotype.
2.they are mostly isolated being in a mostly white neighborhood with less exposure to black culture than your average dindu.

>you used a common phrase found on this forum
>you are a new faggot

3.This could be true in some cases but the ones I have met in person seem hardworking, and got their jobs through promotions by being qualified.

I hate paying for niggers but they're already here so that's one thing. What I really hate is paying for fucking spics to go to school.

Bullets in the head are cheaper

>Props to you for being civilized about this discussion
Leave you fucking faggot.

more likely but better off than the ones raised in black culture

>.This could be true in some cases but the ones I have met in person seem hardworking, and got their jobs through promotions by being qualified.

read my post.

You have completely shifted the goalposts. Your original argument was that blacks are influenced by culture, not genetics. Stop arguing like a kike.

>more likely but better off than the ones raised in black culture

blacks are still more likely to become criminals even if there removed from the cesspool that is their "culture"

not all are but still a very large majority.

how is culture a separate entity from the people?

iq diffrances are namely also a big problem but i will not deny that their culture also has a large effect on the nigger crime rates.

also the wealthy blacks also commit more crimes than rich other races.

Is Detroit really that bad?

Rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites. It's not culture. It's their DNA

they also have problems with smaller brains and low iq

>the jewkike uses a photo of a road in Australia to attack the United States

Do jews ever tell the truth about anything?

Black culture is a product of black people.

Low IQ races invariably create shitty cultures

just sterilize anyone who can't finish schol or unemployed for more than 1 year

IQ doesn't explain it.
The average African American today has a higher IQ (85) than the average American in 1932 (80).
Due to the Flynn effect IQ's have been increasing over time.
Demographic similarities between 1930 America and Nazi Germany, it is likely that Nazi Society was stupider than the African American community today.
Ancience Greece/Rome was more stupid,than modern African Americans, as was even Enlightenment Europe and Europe during industrialization.
Yet Sup Forums worships Nazi culture, or European culture.
IQ isn't what is wrong with the African American community at all.
Since the Flynn effect slows down for already intelligent countries, it is also likely that African American IQ will catch up with White/Asian IQ in the future.