Real quick why do we let a general of actual mudslime lovers and Russian shills exist on our board?

Real quick why do we let a general of actual mudslime lovers and Russian shills exist on our board?

that general is more useful than your existence

because you are manlet with small cut dick.

People on Sup Forums should learn their real allies

Because its politics.
If you are asking for heavy moderation of boards content you can kindly fuck off to reddit or facebook and discuss your politics there and see how that works out.
Sup Forums needs to avoid being an echo chamber because echo chambers are more unhealthy than ideologies are.

Do you think that also translates to have more openly left-wing opinions on this board?

I think Sup Forums is a real bastion of alternative political thought on the internet. But do you think that could mean having more liberals/socialists/marxists on here?

For the same reason we let faggot niggers like you piss and moan about it.

That general actually helped to bomb muslims but yeah, mudslime lovers kys OP

Omg can't believe you guys actually DEFEND Assad! WTF?

Because it is interesting / entertaining which more than you can ever hope to be you brainlet piece of shit?


one could say why do we need a reddit moth lamp known as /ptg/ anymore

Assuming it doesnt damage the board in the sense of its capability of addressing all the visitors, sure.
I can simply hide the type of threads i dislike either way and there might be some liberal ideas that are worth considering.
If anything id rather have liberals, not full blown leftists, than ancaps on this board because i havent talked to a single intelligent ancap ever, so id like a switch up.
And lets be real, the full blown sjws couldnt even handle reading the content.

Yeah ancaps I've met irl seem to me like people who have just gotten into politics by reading some wiki articles at 2 in the morning.

And also never met another human.
Id take an ancap ready to be murdered more seriously than an ancap believing he is going to own 50 square kilometers of land.
But at least, what i hope to be, is an average liberal should actually have ideas that operate within a society, how bad or not bad they are is something to be found out.
More often than not, the most vocal majority is a minority within a group.

It's funny because Syria generals have been going on Sup Forums long before senile orange orangutan had announced his presidential ego trip and lobotomized bandwagooning subhumans like OP flooded the board effectively turning it into vacuumous clone of r/The_Cuckold.

end wars in ME and there will be no excuse for refugees. what a concept. not to mention the fact that bashar al assad is the most "moderate" leader in the ME and generally when countries do good you open up dialogue and get all diplomatic on them. nevermind that syria never bombed its own citizens and our media is supporting FSA (child raping terrorists)

I have no fucking idea where that place is or if it's a proxy. But I'm definitely saving that flag

And what are you going to do about it?

fpbp. still trying to figure out why anyone would want to shut them down, for or against.


north and a lil bit west of NZ we dont actually exist so fuck off to new Caledonia because we would like to keep our murder rate at 1 per 120 years or so


holy fuck that needs to be updated badly

latvia is pretty mainstream now

you're not fooling anyone behind that celtic cross my double digit ziocon stooge American friend

>Bows down like a cuck in front of the Saudi King
>Is a Russian puppet


Why do we let /ptg/ exist?

Hello CNN

You sound a bit like a democrat you know, calling out "Russian shills"

For all their faults, and they are too numerous to mention or list here, SG maintains a level of consistent quality, discussion, openness and context that the rest of this board would do well to emulate.

On top of this major achievement, consistency, context and relevance, with a multiyear continuous community presence, is the fact that they have some of the finest bakers and mememasters on this board.

Gee, I wonder who want to...




sg is also one of the few threads that has effectively emulated the media empires by spawning multiple tweeting and telegram and other communities. sg is a media empire, and it is a media empire that shows that individuals can outperform traditional media at every turn in examining specific events and current affairs.

In this sense, sg is the laser that cuts through the fog of war. It's an unique and historic analysis that is far broader than it would appear at first.

The only people who could possibly have a problem with this are mass media and intelligence agencies involved in propagandising to their own societies.

More than anything, however, is the fact that since it's inception, sg has been a comfy thread. We are the rocks that a sea of trolls has not been able to erode, we stand firm, and we grind their bones to dust.

sg is simply one of the greatest flowers that has ever bloomed on the pol tree. Fuck with this flower and the bees will surely sting you.

More importantly tho, this board is openness to anything, and a rejection of assumed ownership.
The doors to this house shall always be open.

Now fuck off back to plebbit faggot.


eww no.

/sg/ is essential to Sup Forums retard

>1 post by this ID

I know you came here last year fat fuck, try replying you Jew filth.

We also have /ptg/ and no one would convince that those threads aren't lacking chromosomes.