R/politics on O'Keefe CNN video


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>Planned Parenthood video

That isn't even the same fucking guy kek

Why does reddit consider trufax bullshit?

OY, but theyre right goy, listen to the redditors

James did planned parenthood?

r/politics is such a cancerous subreddit.

They seem awful concerned over a guy who has no credibility. What do they think will happen?

No it's that David guy

>the guys face is in the video
>easy to verify who he is and what his position is
>lol it must be bullshit!

Can anyone show me an example of exactly what they're talking about? Or is the "O'keefe has no credibility" really just a meme?
>he edits his videos before release
Is there a single media entity alive that doesn't?

>choose to not believe what's said in a video
>because of a meme clinton created to discredit her discreditors

Leftists are dumb. Meh, I don't care anymore, they're too retarded to worry about anymore, let them rot in their bubble. Fucking fools.

Because they're faux intellectuals with their heads too far up their ass to see how incompetent they are.

Just came back from work.
What the fuck are you guyz talking about?



I think O'Keefe said the NY AG actually verified the ACRON videos

the video is just about a horny homo trying to get ez alt-right ass by pretending to be a bigshot in CNN when all he does is check stories about what gramps and grandma should be eating

Better wait for Nunes to deliver big time this week. He's gonna take over the phony investigation and shit on the DNC.

They basically meme'd the talking points planned parenthood and acorn used to dismiss the tapes Project Veritas released about them, and these dumb shits trust this analysis.

Can you link this thread? I can't into reddit and want to read the delusion.

CNN is dead. Bury it.

David Daleiden

Their biggest complaint is that he edits scripted shots in with his undercover video. So for instance, with his ACORN video, he dressed up like a Pimp later and cut that in, although when he shot the undercover video he wore a suit.

Their main argument is
>wow look at all those out of context cuts, post the unedited video

>all dissenting opinions are downvoted to obscurity
Typical reddit.

And the fact they don't change their behavior after realizing their own hypocrisy regarding Trump/Russia proves they're a lost cause.

O'Keefe can video tape John podesta saying he fucks and murders little kids regularly and they will still claim it's not credible

If Reddit believes they are the majority Sanders would be president and we would be living in a communist state.

Day 1 Acorn news coverage:
This 1 instance where this pimp and hoe found someone to fund a mortgage.

Day 2 Veritas revealed they have a few more ACORN offices giving mortgages including one where he says he plans bring underage girls to live there.
Media coverage:
Attack the messenger

O'Keefe is a piece of shit because he showed Obamas get out the vote money laundering group was fine with underage prostitution.

This is your brain on pure ideology kind of like the trumpcucks that support escalation in the middle east.

These are the same people who repeatedly call OKeefe a felon when he released a new tape. a simple google search shows that he's not.

I don't care if he wore a tutu frankly, ACORN was fucking disgusting in their actions colluding with despicable criminal action which he explained clearly to them his intention to traffic children in sex… its fucked up.

Thanks man

Too bad we'll never know what context was cut already at 15 seconds, mooting the entire video.

Reddit is just a shill site to make libs think their opinion is dominant

I'm afraid someone's getting fired.
Wait no.
He knew he was reporting bullshit and just rode the wave.
What is journalism?


>implying you need credibility to submit video of something
these people are fucking idiots

Them plebbit shareblue shills playing damage control.

>Actually, it makes CNN look great



Cognitive dissonance.

I hope the next video is good and not one about ducks.

>Why would the producer talk with co-workers?

>r/politics is such a cancerous subreddit.
cancer can't have cancer

>A person who can't be seen was caught on tape saying those things. We never get a clear look at them. That sets my "bullshit" alarm off right away.

>There are thousands of Producers at CNN, congratulations you found an idiot one?

>I see Veritas, I down vote.

As the Supervising Producer I find it hard to believe he doesn't know what's said around the water cooler and from whatever colleagues he has.

Whoever posted that is going through serious mental gymnastics.

>can't be seen
He didn't watch the whole video then.

>haha come on the investigative reporters really have sources with serious information, evidence of Trump committing impeachable offenses, they're just dragging it out for the ratings


remember this?? literally no one gave two shits.

Checked. The dishonesty is astounding. They keep saying hes a health producer. I'm done reading that bullshit.

Didn't that goblin get arrested?

James O'Keefe is an innovator. He has discovered a camera that can film people and at the same time make whatever they're saying and doing false. Truly a gifted mind.

How did he do it?
A true American innovator

I think so


here he is again.


Supervising producer is a pretty fucking high up position on the production and programming side of things. He definitely knows whats going on

this is mental jewnastics on a whole other level

Based O'Keefe

I don't understand, how can one place be so fucking deluded? Browsing /r/politics, all I see is the same thread over and over again.

>people will quit alcohol to impeach Drumpf
>Russia meetings MORE WEIRD
>Trump Russia meetings are weird
>impeach Trump
>6 million healthcare bill threads all shitting on Trump

I'm unfamiliar, what happened to people before Obamacare? Did they just sit at home and die? Where are the statistics for deaths before and after Obamacare? How are they so firm in their statements? 20,000 dead by 2026, how is that even relevant in a country of 300 million?

> how can one place be so fucking deluded? Browsing /r/politics, all I see is the same thread over and over again.
/r/politics is basically Daily Kos in subreddit form. It's an online arm of the Demoshit Party.

I don't even think these people watched the video. The dude says he participates in staff meetings with the CEO, just because he works for a certain department doesn't mean he's clueless about everything else going on.

>How have you guys been reporting this to the mods? I've been submitting it under Inciting Violence because James O'Keefe videos usually end with one of his fans shooting some people.

the amount of butthurt on that thread is awesome

It's like a shill echo chamber

These people truly are morons in denial.

Gotta feel sorry them. They are watching their world view blow up, crash and burn around them in real time. It's their Yellowstone eruption.


Before the election, I used to get mad reading leftists' mind-bendingly retarded defenses against the corrupt people they align with. It was worrying that Hillary might win, and the problem would get exponentially worse. But now, they're just hilarious. It's just beyond parody. Half of my time on pol is larping as one, seeing just how retarded I can act with people still believing me.

>Already debunked, fake news. This was a low-level associate intern who decided to spew bullshit about something he has no idea about. He's not even working directly on the Russia team. CNN has been absolutely stellar as of late and this retraction just cements that they are an elite organization that goes the extra mile to fact check and verify their sources.

>Couldn't be more pleased with the stellar work CNN has been putting out lately.

I hope you two get married to Plebbit and have to live in its basement covered in electrical tape.

It doesn't matter if he's credible or not. Enough of this floating around (((social and mainstream media))) and CNN gets rekt. This spreading around (((MSM))) may not happen, but it will in (((social media))). Just keep at it until (((CNN))) gets culled and it makes (((media))) afraid.

(((Media))) likes fearmongering so much, let (((them))) have a taste of that fear.

you fucks can't be serious, what the fuck

Different guy

>what happened to people before Obamacare?
This is why democrats love massive entitlements. Obamacare has only been live for a couple of years and already they have an army screaming that everyone will die if it is scaled back in any way.

Also, no one will die even if the entirety of Obamacare is repealed today.
1. Emtala
2. Get insurance through a better job
3. Pay for your own insurance instead of being a leech.
Wow! It's almost like people would rather have new cars and satellite television instead of planning for the future! I guess we need a massive entitlement and crushing taxes to take care of them.

He's been at CNN for 15+ years too

No one remembers the lawsuits or sentencing, they only remember those who resigned and which businesses shut down.

Fuck off wannabe Texas Chile bowl.

employer mandate is removed.

Planned Parenthood was not O'Keefe or Veritas. It was an anti-abortion Christian group.

Yeah, and the political left does the same every single day.

>a bunch of /r/politics huffpo readers think they get to decide what makes a credible journalist

/r politics is just fucking awful

>employer mandate is removed.
There was no employer mandate 10 years ago and yet 80% of individuals covered by insurance in the US were covered by their employer.

It's almost exactly like Obamacare was a massive overreach while simultaneously being a pointless scheme.

>He didn't watch the whole video then.

He watched the few-second clips a coincidental jew told him to watch, coincidentally.

How big is the CNN health department or whatever? Do they just do specials? Those might be once a week. I can't see him being in charge of just a few hours of TV a week.

>CNN's "health" producer is an AIDS-ridden faggot

of course

jesus christ, the embarrassingly low quality shilling on Reddit almost makes the Sup Forums CTR faggots look competent

Reddit takes money in for looking the other way when botting/vote brigading/deleting material they find detrimental to the customer. They make shit all for advertising, most of their money is made in "marketing" deals like the ones their Donald Trump subreddit used to pay for.

Doesn't the AHCA still have something similar to mandatory insurance? I heard about a surcharge.

Anyways, breaking now, no vote on the new bill this week.

>They make shit all for advertising

Hell any site. I'm might be wrong, but I'd think most people have some kind of ad blocker.

Didn't O'Keefe publish the unedited CNN video as well?

When they start using ad-homs, you know you're onto something good.

If you want to understand O'keefe's approach to journalism, simply watch the following video:


I'm not even kidding, this is literally exactly what he does. He is the archetypal scumbag journalist. Anyone taking him seriously about anything is a moron.

I've got three. They are always trying to circumvent them. When one fails, at least one of the other two will block it while the one that was blocked gets updated to circumvent the work around. I don't even remember what an ad looks like. It's like the good ol days of the Internet.

Bonifield was one of the guys responsible for the 2015 CNN hit piece they did on the florida hospital saying they had an abnormally high infant mortality for those who had heart surgery

He's not a nobody at CNN. Not everyone gets a full page profile on the website. cnn.com/profiles/john-bonifield


How could the video possibly be edited in any way to distort the context when he is literally saying shit for minutes at a time in his own voice?

>Doesn't the AHCA still have something similar to mandatory insurance?
Theoretically, if you can't provide proof you have been insured during set amounts in the previous year and you can't prove you qualify for an exemption, you are eligible to be fined by the IRS under current ACA regs.

Specifically, Trump has indicated he won't enforce this "individual mandate" aggressively so if you don't have insurance in 2017, and nothing changes, you wont have to pay the Obamacare "fees," which Shithead Roberts deemed a tax.


It's all retarded and unnecessary, and hopefully it gets taken apart soon.

First time I've ever been to Reddit and this is the first post I read

No place on the internet gets me more legitimately mad than /r/politics. Anyone who can stand to be in that echo box for longer than 10 minutes should honestly be put up to a wall and shot in the head.

reddit is cancer to begin with friendo


More than likely some illegal

There isn't a more pretentious group of people online than Redditors besides verified Twitter journalists. Prove me wrong.


You need to stay on plebbit