CNN is crying because WH won't let them turn their cameras on

Trump doesn't want the cameras on because having them on boosts their ratings. He's been having the press conferences with the cameras off to hurt their ratings and they're going apeshit.

I'm loving the CNN butthurt right now, between this and the O'Keef video exposing CNN as fake news which you should see if you haven't already.

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also, fugg cnn

Why don't they just green screen it like they usually do?

second, also fugg CNN

Does Fox get to have cameras on? That'd be hilarious if so.

If they won't clean house and restructure and do their jobs, they really should lose their press credentials.

Damien pls.

> Respect this level of autism
>digits even

feels like my personal mission on Sup Forums has seen fruition.
Amazing to think how hopeless and alone i felt in my hatred for CNN just a few years ago

Got a clip of CNN crying about it?

I don't think so. I think they keep having sessions with no cameras to punish the media in general because they keep shoveling bs gotcha questions and fake or biased reporting to get views. Having the cameras off hurts their views. The press briefing gets them insanely high ratings and this is infuriating them.

And no one is surprised.

So now you're in support of media censorship? The Jews have turned you into a commie.

>Inb4 call to fascism

It's not censorship you dumb faggot. They still get to go and ask questions and present the audio recording to their viewers. If their vapid viewers won't tune in because there's no pretty picture to look at then so be it. Fuck fake news, they don't deserve the ratings.

So Trump was right all along?

CNN is, in a literal sense, fake news.

I would not even let them in. They are not a real news organization, and are about as credible as any other pathological liar.

if a news organization actively disregards the truth in favor of ratings then they are no longer a journalistic organization, they have become and entertainment organization and should be treated as such.

Disney isn't allowed to white house press meetings, neither should CNN be

CNN is likely the propaganda wing for ((them)). I defy anyone at all to go to a major airport in the US and NOT see CNN on every TV in the terminal. They are fake news, and have little credibility left with most people.

>So Trump was right all along?
we were always right.
the fact that people still believe msm like CNN is irrefutable proof of mass brainwashing




This is a case for the ACLU. This unfairly interferes with a trade or business. More importantly, it impedes the quality of journalism. Just because little Donny gets his panties in a bunch doesn't give him or his administration the right to suppress news.

You are a little slow on the uptake champ

Bumpitty bump bump bump


Sounds like the ratings whores just got their pussy grabbed and oh how they prate and scream about it too. Anyways, the ACLU? Please whatever you do don't call them! We can work this out!

Why arent CNN employees grateful?

The news isn't suppressed. They are still allowed to ask the same questions.

Well with the release of that video damning CNN, they should lose press credentials for the rest of Trump's first term. Play the video during the Spicer briefing today and then kick CNN out.

CNN is now reaping the harvest of what they have been sowing for years

Hopefully they'll all be crying at the unemployment office soon

Sounds like a brilliant idea, really. People can scream "editing" all they want - Those were full quotes filmed that were clearly not taken out of context. CNN really should be screwed.

>cnn in current year

>destroying profiteering for the commune
so trump is a stalinist now?

ITT: people who would willingly be slaughtered to help ration supplies for the rich.

There is nothing in the constitution or USC that even grants them access to the white house, let alone with cameras.
Still, you deserve a (You) for making me reply.

LMFAO - Stolen.