My asian GF is going to the Netherlands. What should I tell her?

My asian GF is going to the Netherlands. What should I tell her?

I already told her to stay away from Turkish communities

too right man, I got my passport stolen by a roach and he also tried to charge me 500 euro for a short taxi ride.

Sounds miserable user. Is there an alternative to taxis? like an uber equiv?

she will be turked whatever what, cuck.

She's going to get blacked and she's going to like it

>My X girlfriend is going to a Y country
>without me


>letting gf go to a country overrun by turks and africans

You're a cuck

>letting gf traveling by herself
you're going to get cucked by lanky dutch men

Why didn't you go with her cuck? Why are you on here fappin to traps?

look at that beta little cuck
try again roach
post that roach oil wrestler that makes your pee pee go hard

Because she's at a more solid point in life.
Because feminine benis is a fun and dirty fantasy
Because pol

>GF takes a pleasant vacation
>Sup Forums has brainwashed you to see cuckoldry and race mixing everywhere
>You will torpedo your own relationship by assuming the cuck boogyman is lurking behind every corner.

You tell her "Have a nice trip. I'll see you when you get back." If you start nagging her, you'll just drive her away.


Public transport is reliable here.

*Marokkanen en mensen van suriname

lmao I didn't come here for relationship advice you projecting virgin

Good to hear user

Ask her to carry this, might come in handy

Tell her to stay away from niggers roaches and mocro's that is all

wats a mocro, user?

>Gook girlfriend
Theres your problem right there

Letting your girl wander around any country in Europe is not a safe step, especially if she's alone, user. Reconsider it if you don't want her to get absolutely destroyed by these uncultured fucktards invading the entire goddamn continent.

lmao. Asian/White hybrids are the future user. Most successful. Happiest. Most attractive. Side effect of mental instability is fine as long as you're functional and most importantly attractive you can have anything you want. carpe mundo for my children.

Moroccan. Those 3 are the biggest filth we got

1. Moroccan
2. Negroes
3. Turks


>gay roach spotted
>tfw they are going to throw you and your "ideal cockroach" off a building for being faggots