Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this

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Wouldn't be the first time the brass reneged on a promise.

You get citizenship upon completing your contract, if you got kicked out prior to completing your contract, you don't deserve shit.

I, being of legal age, of my own free will, without coercion, promise, or inducement of any sort, after having been duly advised and warned of the meaning and consequnces of this oath, do now enroll in the Federal Service of the Terran Federation for a term of not less than two years and as much longer as may be required by the needs of the service. I swear to uphold and defend the Constituition of the Federation against all its enemies on or off Terra, to protect and defend the Constitutional liberties and priviledges of all its citizens and lawful residents of the Federation, its associated states and territories, to perform, on or off Terra, such duties of any lawful nature as may be assigned to me by lawful direct or delegated authority, and to obey all lawful orders of the Commander-In-Chief of the Terran Service and of all officers or delegated persons placed over me, and to require such obedience from all members of the Service or other persons or non-human beings lawfully placed under my orders - and, on being honorably discharged at the completion of my full term of active service or upon being on inactive retired status after having completed such full term, to carry out all duties and obligations and to enjoy the privileges of Federation citizenship including but not limited to the duty, obligation and privilege of exercising sovereign franchise for the rest of my natural life unless stripped of honor by verdict, finally sustained, of court of my sovereign peers...
So help me God.

McMullin is a Mormon faggot, worked for Goldman Sachs and CIA.

>be, me, flesh off the boat
>selve in united states militaly
>gain access to top seclet documents
>send militaly weapon plans back to my home countly

>we have volunteers from Somalia and Syria in the American military
I didn't know "throw a grenade into your hut while you're sleeping" was an official MOS

Fake news

The only veterans who should get automatic citizenship are straight up infantry who have seen actual combat.

Everyone else in the military is just doing a job for which they are paid in money and benefits.


It's the government, starting with Trump. Generals can't do anything about this change.

>Letting illegals into your army.
Do Americans seriously do this?

>implying Trump doesn't have big brass balls

Illegals make the best Infantry though. Something about their size being perfect for combat.

this. also...

Contrary to popular belief it's not easy to pass and complete all the requirements, especially for foreigners. And that's just to get in, then you have to prove yourself over and over under supervision.

>american olympic team
I dont get it

is the US going full Starship Troopers now

>liberals still not understanding the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

This. The military is the biggest gibs program in the country.

This. I know a girl who's family member helped the US army in Iraq. They were absolutely under threat, her sister's house got firebombed etc.

It still took 18 months to get in and she's probably on some kind of list. If that's not extreme I don't know what is.

But fat Republitards have this nonsense image of hoards of Muslims coming to the US with no vetting so now they're going to make it even harder. Sad!

>letting fucking illigals serve in your military
the fuck is wrong with burgers

>ywn glaze McMuffin's bald head with your cum after he sucks you off and cradles your balls

It's not fair, Bernie bros!

God I hope so.

>Respect those who give their lives for America
>Respect cannon fodder to idiots who sign up to wage war for Israel

They can go fuck themselves.

Fuck off gypsy

Spics make up a large portion of the marines

DACA still in effect even after blumpff promised to get rid of it on day 1. Pol BTFO

suck my brown gypsy dick would not be the first your people suck

Nice joke, did you steal it, like everything your people steal?

Hungarians should have wiped you gypsies out.

but they did not and now they can not also this one i did not steal but will take your wallet your tax money in gibs and will black your wife

indeed, smaller mass, smaller target.

Military service for citizenship is one of the things that should happen in our immigration reform.

It should be possible for anyone who actually wants to be an american to become american. Its the people who want to be non american while living in america that are the problem.

>They did not
>Gypsy flag

>Will black your wife
No woman will ever be attracted to a filthy gypsy, go back to playing on the accordion and begging for gibs while pretending to be deaf/mute

I wouldn;t defend that, I would argue for citizenship of those that served
so fuck u


Exactly this.


This is fake news from WaPo.

>Be legal immigrant
>Join military
>Don't fill out proper paperwork to become citizen
>Leave military
>Commit felony
>Get deported

If they would've taken advantage of becoming a citizen while in the military. They wouldn't get deported.

> uses an east asian as front and center for deportation propaganda
no, I wont defend that bullshit misrepresentation of the populace facing the largest threat of deportation.

dont know they seem pretty attracted to brown men better than effeminate cucks such as your self

Deport Egg McMuffin

>kill your fellow shitskins for gibs and green card
>after being done, get deported back to the shitskins you bombed
>such cases
Thread theme

>immigrants can join the US army
What could go wrong?

No. Giving a fuck about what McMuffin says or thinks is indefensible. This guy is a stand out shitbag even by Utah standards.

>now it might help deport them

This is a professional?

Is Toyota paying this guy so we keep sending brand new toyotas to terrorists?

Female drill instructors are the biggest joke in American history.

If they served, on their own accord, not because of a promise for citizenship, I would consider it. But that does not mean whatever family they have here gets a pass to stay after border hopping and sucking from the governments teet

Ban religion and MEN SHOULD BE ALLOWED(not do it anyways but ALLOWED) TO RAPE WOMEN SAFELY

This isn't true at all.
All persons serving in the military are working here legally if they do not already have citizenship (or process to gain citizenship) through the military.

Hey look, women get their own girls only adventure camp version of the military life!


Is this one those "doesn't affect any legal migrants but we gonna bitch about it anyway 'cause libtards don't know the difference between legal and illegal" stories?

I really doubt US military would allow illegals join. So only option would be fake papers and that would turn to a real shit show when you get caught.

if u serve in the military you have a path to citizenship but you have to do it legally still, cant just serve and go awol at fort hood and become a meth chemist.

Keep dreaming you filthy pig. I watched two gypsy bitches get held up by the police today and I laughed my arse off. I only wish you'd get executed in the street.

We should deport Evan McFaggot


Dimitry, Russia has a similar fucking system.

Would you like to know more?

You shouldn't just be able to volunteer as a soldier for citizenship

....hey, can I volunteer for the Japanese army and become a citizen?

and i did see french women walking around with niggers and i laugh my ass off i laugh my ass of just looking at your cuck nation you pay gypsy to come back and then they come back to paris again you are fucking hopeless

if only

that movie was kickass hope i find the book some day

wow you are fucking retarded, even for a 13 year old


Here's how it works guys, say you have your green card or your residency and decide to enlist, for enlisting in whatever branch of the military, you can now fast track the process to become a citizen, FAST TRACK. That means that while the door is open, it is up to YOU to do all the legwork to get your citizenship.

To paint a picture, we had a Norwegian dude who wanted to become a citizen, as soon as he hit his first duty station (we were in the same unit) he requested to go to base legal, he got a ride from his NCO and he got his paperwork started and had his citizenship before his enlistment was done.

If you see a story of veteran getting deported, chances are he was either too stupid or too lazy to go to base legal, got kicked out with an OTH or Dishonorable or committed a crime after he had gotten out. Either way, like most things in the military, they have only themselves to blame

>lie about your legal status to government when applying for a job in the military

Illegal immigrants have no rights. They are criminals who refused to obey basic immigration laws, frequently steal social security numbers to continue their fraudulent existence, and are usually on the dole as well. Fuck them.


You mean steal. Y don't you just buy it off the internet?

wait you can buy books why the hell would i do that plus im fucking poor

We don't tolerate gypsy scum here. Next one of you swine I see is getting stabbed. I hope it's one of those bitches you send around with the fake interview so I can catch them trying to fucking pickpocket me.


Can I get into military?, been in previous training but don't wantto join the fucking army here (obvious reasons)

My only problem is that I'm a fucking manlet: 1.69 but I'm in good shape, my resistance is by far superior than my friend's one. I heard Chelsea Manning is an absolute manlet and she(he) got there easily. What are my probabilities anons?

>Illegal immigrants have no rights
deport them all.


Citizens from countries that the US considers to be antagonistic to our interests are not allowed to join the military. This includes Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Russia.

sure you do pierre until then better have my wealthfare money bitch stop telling me your cuck fantasy ok you arent stabbing shit ok gypsy clan will stab you long before that

That looks like a kid dressing up for Halloween, what the fuck.
I bet you could take that thing for a jog fuck while it berates you you're not fast enough in both ways.

Yes, let's import shitskins and spics to serve in our military and dissuade white Americans from developing a sense of patriotic duty. This is sure to end well.

Wtf 1.69ft? How do you even function?

The same way Messi does

I bet this guy got disqualified for being a fat ass.

Nah the gov may let you live in our gutters but the second any violence happens you niggers will all be lined up against the wall and executed. Keep eating garbage so the streets stay clean

What the fuck is Messi?

I'm not in support of military service for citizenship. It should be US citizens only - going the way of the Romans is bad news bears.

Google is your friend, ignorant burger

Messi is a nigger soccer player.

you mean like bataclan?

>letting chechens serve in your military

We have all seen the pics Ivan.

Do you live in a cave?

nobody helped those iraqis or afghans during the bush years and you probably know this is true judging by your comments. whatever the vetting process is or the placement of the refugees is, it is not transparent. don't blame people for asking who the 3k people you are putting in their neighborhood are, blame yourself for being to lazy to inform them, blame yourself for calling them racist when they are just asking questions, blame yourself for thinking just having good intentions is enough. you did this shit, when you are ready to do it right let the american people know, and they will do the right thing like they always do. or maybe you are just a fucking incompetent piece of shit and villages will burn because you can't admit it.

More like this

Defend the people that serve as peons for the Jews? Ha.

Marines have actually done the women in the military thing right, female marines are competent and get shit done.

All that policy did was import poison at a faster rate.

This is the correct answer. Saw the same thing happen when I was in. Some soldiers are squared away and do what needs to get done. Others do nothing and then blame everyone else or "the system" or they're just jam-stealing losers and fuck-ups.

Service is about maturity and personal responsibility. If you can't sort it out while you're in then the blame is solely on you.

The same can be said for those who half-step, wonder why they never get promoted, wonder why things don't just magically happen for them. Plenty of those types, too, and by and large they're all already citizens. Just lazy.

Been a while since we had a last McMuffin tweet.

you bore me why dont you go be a good little french man and go suck of brown cock mine will do fine not even the first one your people try

It helps that theyre bull-dykes

it also helps that the marines accept that sexes are not the same and gave them their own basic training, just common sense

anecdotal evidence i know but come on some are hot

Be a good little gypsy and let more of your children starve to death

It should actually make people to see that women can be successfully placed in the military, yet the other services intentionally make it a problem just to fuck people up and make it a hot political issue.