Trump General loves the man

>Trump General loves the man
>The rest of the website hates him

When did the Sup Forums circlejerk collapse?
What is our combined verdict on his work thus far?

Other urls found in this thread:

Faggot OP can't stop smoking dick

I guess you are from the general. I already know your opinion, I am asking the rest of the website.

Fuck drumpf and fuck the alt-lite

kys nu/pol/


Weak-ass neolib. Most promises unfulfilled. Warmonger.

I never really liked him, I just got caught up in the memes desu

By far the best option.

>"i'm a globalsit and a nationalist"
he's a sellout to Goldman Sachs and deep state now, fuck him

I don't bate trump I hate people who give more Shit about trump then there own people. These retards won't admit trump isn't exactly antizionist and they get pissed when people call trump out for Shit like Syria. Its retarded antilock that leftist use. /new/ old/pol/ is about the TRUTH even if it hurts.

Donald Trump is Donald Trump.
"We" elected him to see how far the "system" could and would go.

I never had a real hope.

He is most fervent shabbos goy who ever walked JewSA ground. No other POTUS in history loved Israel so much. Decide for yourself.

This worked fine during elections, when there wasn't anyone else to support.
Now that he is in power, and there is no risk of a greater evil, critique is in order, no?

>we elected him
>norwegian flag
Are you on vacation, or did you not elect him?

He appointed a conservative to the supreme court. That's honestly all I expected and all I really cared about. A wall and stricter immigration laws would be nice too but I don't expect it.

These lefty/pol/ raids are so tired they're practically geriatric.

Personally i just didnt want Hilary to get into office so i wanted Trump to win.
It just turned kinda cancerous on Pol post election.
It did bring me to this place though.

where do you find these pics?


Nice D&C. Are you Shlomo or just one of his fellow travelers

Why would Shlomo go against Trump?

>>The rest of the website

t.divide and conquer merchant

>2014 Fappening-tourists acting like they're superior to 2016 r/t_D cancer

Man, it's all a fucking blur. You're all cancer from circa 2015 to me at this point.

So, he is going to attack Syria?

yeah because jews hate trump
he's looking for an excuse to

I think the MSM is actually breaking people.


People miss the High Energy pre election Trump

/sg/ shills campaigned against the God-emperor because he fired some missiles at an airfield. They are probably being paid by Kremlin and are safe to ignore.

Death to Bashar "gassing babies is a cool thing to do" Assad

Literally a meme president. He was elected because he was a funny meme man, not because anyone expected him to be competent.

Why do Americans love their government so much?, ask any britfag and they will tell you the government which party it is full of crooks and they hate them, minus our Nige.

Delete /ptg/?

How to spot the cringy teenager from /r/T_D.

Well memes

better than hillary

>Being Anti-/sg/.

Are you mad because /sg/ helped coordinate stikes on US armed terrorists? Why are you mad at a general that has been here longer than you?

The only thing he cucked on was Syria and maybe Saudi Arabia. Everything else has been what i generally expected except the Russia shit lasting as long as it did.

We're only like 5 months and 7 days in out of 4-8 years.

>the rest of this website

>the only politician brits love is an american larper who went to live in the usa

Daily reminder



Assadfag pls


We should delete all generals or make a seperate /polg/ from this board

We are all still appreciating and enjoying Trump. Only 18-24 year old underage shitposters thought he was the saviour. Still remains to be seen how his presidency will pan out. Overall 8/10 would shill for again.

I don't read the generals but they should stay.
You're a faggot.

Trump was fun for a while
Now if you DARE even slightly criticise him, a swarm of magapedes will descend onto you


useful idiots

true Sup Forumsacks knew he was an incompetent baffoon but still loved the idea of electing him as a meme. it all fell apart when ledditors mistook us loving the idea of trump winning as a sing of support for the man

Donald Trump is keeping North America safe and is working to ensure humanities survival and sustainability. He is great man and should serve president for 16 years or more. There should be scientific technology made to help Donald Trump live as long as possible.

>I don't read the generals but they should stay
>I know nothing of their content beyond what shreds I can glean from their header but I know enough to declare that they should stay
When will reddit leave

Venerate the Immortal Emperor you heathen!


He and the Republicans have unironically been the most incompetent lot I can think of since at least WW2, They have accomplished literally nothing but halfassed rollbacks of shit Obama did (I love how you don't hear a peep about the Iran deal anymore), and executive order tier shit like the Muslim ban that like Obama's orders can get shredded the minute the party is out of power, the only genuine thing I can think of otherwise if a Supreme Court nominee, but frankly any non-John Kasich tier RINO with a pulse could have done that.
I mean I voted straight democrat in 2016, and fully expected them to go all out since they got full control of the government and are up against a Democratic opposition who can't seem to figure out how to shuffle Peloisi out the door, yet the incompetent fucks are amazing me time and again

So this is the great divider - Assad?
The Trump fanbase got divided because of his bombing of Syria?

"Tell me about the pedes again t_d..."

>baby's first election

>is an american larper
how so?
> who went to live in the usa
false, fake news

Don't hate him, hate the cringey supporter base he has.

I applied for the Sup Forums janitor position with the explicit intention of banning everyone in /ptg/

I will send all redditfags packing. if you support trump, you're a cult of personality retard and should be gassed

I'm sick of you contrarian faggots who sit on the fence and just yell kike at everything, guranteed every single one of you centrist filth is a disgusting virgin neet who has no chance in society.

>baby's first election

I didn't expect the Republicans to magically unify, but I mean the amount of hilarious own goaling and not doing shit is just stupendous.
>Gay rights
untouched, I mean nary a damn peep
the conservative equivalent of feel good measures and virtue signalling
>Iran Deal
untouched, unless we're counting Trump gobbling Saudi cock like it's gold plated
half ass rollback
>repealing Obamacare, the one thing they all agreed on for 8 years and pretty much gave them their house majority
getting cucked in the Senate as we speak
etc. I mean they can't even get the policies they consider the most important and "unifying" passed and that says volumes.


says the 14 year old thedonald poster. the 2008 and 2012 elections were nowhere near as bad as our 2016 persistent invasion problem. I will cleanse this board of redditfaggotry and send you back to where you came from

>funposting this hard


Fuck Trump. He's nothing more than some rich idiot that is only rich because of his father's wealth. Had he have grown up poor, he wouldn't be shit.

When, nigger?

I agree but where's your replacement? Oh, right, it sucks.

Yeah sure, whatever.

I would say Rand Paul is more of /ourguy/ than Trump. However, considering the last few decades have consisted of leftist elites such as Obama and the Clintons and cuckservatives like McCain and the Bushes, Trump is definitely a step in the right direction.

>5 posts by this ID defending le based president's honor
>deus vult larping flag
>election meme image

very obvious thedonald poster, you are what's ruining Sup Forums

>triggered this hard over stupid shit

Go cry somewhere else, autist

it's you who will have to cry elsewhere, frog poster. your days are numbered. funny how trumpfags complain about immigrants invading a country and not assimilating, but that's exactly what you braindead thedonald niggers have done, completely destroying the host's (Sup Forums's) culture and acting like you own the place. you're the somali "refugee" to our germany


I still like him. He hasn't done anything to terribly bad yet. I also think generals of any kind are horrible and need to be purged from the website. /ptg/, /sg/, /cg/, CYOA threads are all just a small part of the cancer that is slowly killing this website

>What is our combined verdict
pic related

>it's you who will have to cry elsewhere
>your days are numbered.

Trump is doing a decent job, whether you fags like it or not. If you thought he was going to go 1488 you are literally retarded, and never read any of his actual policies.

They're just salty liberals pretending to be stormfags.

Main things I cared about:
Stopping the climate change hysteria from destroying our economy worse than it already has (coal mines are opening up again)
Security, as in 2nd amendment is not under threat anymore, and we are not being flooded with mudslimes like Europe right now
Not poking fun, I sincerely mourn for European people for the invasion they're suffering under
I'm pretty pleased so far, I will be disappointed if tax reform doesn't pass though

>The rest of the website hates him


>mfw can't tell if this is supposed to be satire or the faggot just being completely deluded

>You assholes were on our side until you joined forces with the liberals and the Jews against the last non-ZOG governments on the planet. You're literally targeting the only blue-eyed natsoc politician left alive. He's fighting the war against Riyadh and Tel Aviv while we're fighting for Isis and al qaeda.

It's because they are CIA/MOSSAD/CTR/Shareblue/JIDF, you can honestly see how desperately USA/Israel are trying to keep positive support, meanwhile they are the criminals themselves.
>no rothschild central bank
>no IMF debts
>no jews
>Sovereign country

Soon as the United States went on with business as usual, everyone's true colors were exposed. And the Trumpbots and Americucks (goyim) haven't left, full well knowing we don't want them here because they now stand for everything Sup Forums despises.

It just proves that left/right is a complete JOKE, and Trump was nothing but controlled opposition in an attempt to steer anti-semitism into anti-muslim sentiment.

Trump can fuck off, Merkel can fuck off, Putin can fuck off, Theresa May can fuck off.

Our time has almost arrived.


they are unable to reflect because they are filled with muh freedom and muh patriotism.
if you are too patriotic to speak up against your government and its parties you are a cuck.
This shit applies in the opposite too, like in germany, there are the people not patriotic enough to speak up.

I fucking hate burgers, blaming others for having their land sold to the 1 % and i hate germans for not blaming anyone while our government is starting the decay of our values.

im anti /sg/ because everyone posting there is a muslim or jew
>shilling that Bannon is pro-jew

now I've seen it all lmao

>not the most government-loving statist faggots of all time

holy shit, whats Merkel's approval rating again like 90%?

pls tell us, are you shitposting or is this your honest belief.
If you are shitposting it was a nice one, if not, holy fuck you are a danger for your society and should not be allowed to breed.

shoo shoo shlomo

His continued existence btfos Liberals, which is always a good thing. Aside from that, he's not much better or worse than the average president. He's an Israeli dick worshiper and his "drain the swamp" rhetoric was complete bullshit, but he also is going through with a lot of his other plans and honestly I'm still amazed at how he has mostly stuck to his guns through all of this pressure.

I would rate his presidency so far about 6/10, but I also had very low expectations from the beginning so maybe I'm just generous.

>Germany lecturing anyone else about being a danger to their own society
You guys are literally destroying your own nation.

Seems like most of his supporters jumped ship when they found out that he bombed an airfield because his daughter showed him a sad pic on her instagram feed.
Can't even destroy an air base properly. Billions down the drain on a FAILED mission. Even as commander in chief, he's fucking inept.

>tfw I like Trump and think Assad did nothing wrong

Although I didn't like the "attack" US did against Syria it's not enough for me to hate the man. I feel like most of the hate Trump gets now is from butthurt commies/ledditors/shitposters that are shilling here

you know how I know you're a cocksucking jew faggot who needs to be lynched?

>rest of the website

if you were actually on here often, and initiated in board culture you would know we use the name of the board Sup Forums or we just the rest of the board, beyond that I don't really care about trump either way, I just want a conservative supreme court to hopefully undo some of the damage obongo did and set to rights a lot of the wrongs perpetrated on the american people.

We are not allowed to speak up, because they do stuff that is considered to be "good" based on the values your people dictated on us afer world war 2.

We are not waging war, our economy is doing great, living standarts are stil very good, we have 13% of our population from abroad so we cannot be considered as nazis.

The average german cuck is content with that, and ignores the refugee crysis (because we have only 800k refugees in germany and spread the rest over whole europe so its no longer our problem)
That might explain the high approval rating, still i dont think that those numbers are accurate, even though merkels appproval rating is ridicolously high.

Hi shareblue

to be fair, your retarded foreign politics started the syria shitshow.
Destabilizing the syrian government was not a good idea and it started the rise of ISIS and the refugee crysis.
It only takes a "gutmensch" chancelor to invite the fleeing people to europe and congratulations we have a catastrophe.
So whose fault was it, the one that started to conflict, and gave weapons to isis or the retarded chancelor that thought syrians would be decent human beings?

Both are retarded, only one should be punished for his crimes imho.

Nice pasta.

The fappening didn't really affect Sup Forums. Sup Forumsharbor destroyed old/pol/.

>All shitposting about Trump on other boards are Europeans or 3rd worlders
>Caring about those people

trump general is annoying jared jew paid bots and 12 year old kekistani (((redditors)). Sup Forums should be thanking pol for getting rid of shits like that from this website. moddddds!!!


Sup Share Blue. You faggots always make yourselves so obvious.

Trump has the same level of support on Sup Forums, if not more so

>Trump has the same level of support on Sup Forums, if not more so

Observably false.

shut the fuck up kike.