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nigger tongue my anus



>EU: you better do it guys, we'll fine you
>we'll fine your ass so hard
>Poland: yeah ok


Enjoy your enrichment! :^)

>EU:Take them
>EU:Take them!!
>EU:take them or we will fine you and we will put Sanctions on youand if you don't like it you can leave EU
>PL: K bye
>PL: hey czech republic and hungary wanna leave EU?

>June deadline
>then September deadline
>then January 1st deadline
They can't do shit and they know it. The worst action they could take against Poland and Hungary is economic and both countries have already stated they'd rather take the financial hit than become muslim ghettos.

And they aren't going to put sanctions on them anyway because these countries are consumers for nations like Germany. They aren't going to risk stalling the economy in market nations just to spread the brown around.

It was a nice fantasy for the evil germans
>Where can we ship this human filth we invited into our nation?
>Oh, how about Poland and Hungary, they're the perfect dumping ground for this trash!





when are you guys leaving?




This is great I hope this is the beginning of the dissolution of the EU

Absolutely out of control body that over-stepped bounds it had no right to

Slaxit when

what is up with the EU and Poland and Hungary in particular why them i dont want them here but why lean on them? why single them out?

Learn to read gyppo

I audibly kek'd. Fpbp

Because they are the biggest and baddest anti-EU countries in the EU and the EU needs to make an example out of them


What ? Don't all blacks have at least 25% white genes now ? Just look at their skin tone, most of them a just brown now, far from african black.


Or what?

Serious what the fuck does the EU think they can do to force the fucking west slavs to take immigrants?
literally the last bastion of europe

40% is more than enough
Hell 20% would suffice
We have the spirit of the fuhrer descending on us by the day


stay strong

They need to pull their weight or they will just get kicked out.

Don't give up.

doesnt list total population. this could be the exact same number of whites and blacks, but just more filthy immigrants.

Is the deadline by June or the end of June?

You guys stay strong. Mad respect.


EU can (and will) cut the EU payments to Poland for various stuff. Just think it like Federal funding that countries get from EU and also pay to EU. Some countries pay more than they get, and some countries like Poland get way more than what they pay to EU. That's why it's an effective mean to try to bend them to Germany's will (let's not pretend EU isn't Third Reich 2.0).

But they seem to forget that Poles have balls of steel and they are not retards. Taking in muslims would surely cost them more than what they would lose from the EU financing sanctions. The time is on Poland's side, as the rest of Europe is getting more and more unstabile and then Poland can just point out that the immigrants are clearly a security risk.

love you based bros

Eastern Evropa will fall!

I fucking hate these type of threads..

no lol, thats just how niggers from Liberia are, and thats where american niggers come from


That's a great looking monkey

If Britain is considered one of the most cucked countries, why are we leaving and they are staying, sucking up as much money as Brussels will deign to give them?

what is there to read?

Pay your debts lad

We all know deep down Poland and Hungary are going to cave

it looks sad kek

Why don't your countries leave the EU and go trade with other countries around the world?

Our government would never leave but yours could.

Let the EU kill themselves on this.


>And they aren't going to put sanctions on them anyway because these countries are consumers for nations like Germany. They aren't going to risk stalling the economy in market nations just to spread the brown around.
They won't throw us out, they wont santcion us. So they can't do shit, we will stay.


It could not. Poland is pro eu, perhaps new generation will change something.

Wait wat? Didn't they already have a deadline?

Do they just get another deadline if they break it or what?

(((migrant share)))

Do you want to risk the collapse of the European Union? Because this is how you risk the collapse of the European Union.

if the cost of keeping them becomes to great dont you believe they will try it?

I heard some politics talking aboute it also people dont want to stay in the EU

nah frendo, PISS and poolacks have lost one way or the other.

Never underestinate leftist retardation.
But for your point, yeah let's say they kick us out.
Ok what now? We will no longer import western shit. But we will have new markets instantly(Poland, Russia etc.)
Our economy would be shit for like 6-7 years, but then it would rebuild, maybe we even could ditch our corrupt politicians aswell. It's a win-win situation for decent working people. No shitkins, harder conditions for freeloaders, and more work possibilities.





Based as fuck.

>Nigger population percentage falls

this is old news OP. imo the only way they are going to get muslims into poland is by shooting their way in at this point. the harder they try and the bigger they stage their empty threats to be the more resistance they will get.


that is only because they keep shooting each other and abortion rate if they did not have that you would be long gone

You do realise that a five-generation plan to the Africanisation of the European continent was precisely what got Hitler elected in the first place - the Kallergi plan, after whose author they named an award Merkel recently won for her refugee politics? This was not and is not our fantasy. We are just no longer able to stop it.

I hate this nu-flag thingy so hard. It makes it so all these ebin trolls like this guy feel more 'anonymous' as they can just hide behind a fake flag of some non-existent entity instead of letting others identify them by the country they post from.

carefull some one will fag about the old days of pol and call you a new fag




more like Germany, Sweden and France.


Hungary will stay Hungarian and rise to glory!

'd like to see a part of Europe that's devoid of rapefugees, so Poland it is.

Any recommendations on hotels and sights?


There literally is no mechanism for kicking a nation out of EU.

and if you dont agree with them they will fuck you over with fines

literally shoves his face back into the cows crotch 3 seconds after it takes a shit...
Is there no depths Africans will not sink to!

>His face

It's a woman lollol

Go to krakow. Beautiful city and very close to auschwitz. See what dumb shit they will tell you there

I recommend Wrcoław,Poznań,Kraków and Warszawa there are some cool stuff there aboute hotels I dont really travel outside of my city



They will have so many sanctions until they will have no choice but to leave

If they somehow did get forced to take them, how about they put them in a field with tents along the German border? Fence the whole thing off and launch rice and water packets into the enclosure. mmkay we did it kthx

Meanwhile mudslimes in Germany get paid to go to bars and finger young women and frolic their akbars.

I hate the EU and I really hope they try implementing some sanctions. Right now, most Poles would rather reform the EU instead of leaving it.

However, if they have to suffer due to EU politicians disagreeing with them over something that they aren't willing to compromise on, they're quickly going to become eurosceptical as fuck.

Right now all the parties that want us to take the sandniggers in are literally unelectable. The number of single-issue voters is simply staggering, completely unimaginable in western Europe. If the EU hits us with any economic sanctions, the parties that are against POLEXIT would become unelectable too.

EU beureaucrats simply can't win on this one. Whatever they do, they're fucked. If they back off, nobody's going to treat them seriously anymore. If they keep pushing, we're going to push back, hard. The only move that allowed them to cut their losses was not to play and I'm really happy that they acted like arrogant, unreasonable pricks... again.

Absolutely. Better to be poor for a few years than destroyed forever. Stand strong, brother, you fight for us all, and we thank you for it.

Take the immigrants... place in deep forest with 20 Pounds of Bacon per person to survive on

Sup ForumsEXIT WHEN?????

EU is the vehicle of accomplishing Kalergi's "utopian" vision of Europe where European peoples have become nigger mongrels that are ruled over by a jewish aristocracy.

Hitler fought to prevent this, and the fucking anglo scum turned against him.

You can read Kalergi's fucking book where he describes his vision for Europe here:

>Eurocrats shit their pants over Brexit
>losing 3-4 countries would somehow be good
I don't follow.

Literally historical rhymes with Warsaw and Auschwitz ghettos. Poland won't fall for that one again.

Hold fast!

What will they do in case of refusal? Will German armored divisions once again roll trough Poland?