If black people are inferior, how are they becoming doctors? lol
If black people are inferior, how are they becoming doctors? lol
Other urls found in this thread:
get me a jewish doctor nigger
>what is normal distribution
>what is affirmative action
The vast majority of racists don't even claim that an individual black person cannot be smart. It's populations that can, on average, be less or more intelligent.
What you are doing right now is equal to
>Chinese are shorter
>But Yao Ming?!!
They arent all stupid, just 90-95%. Ever hear of the "talented tenth"? It exists.
The brain itself doesnt bleed
Fuck I am not a racist, but this is such a dumb argument it makes my head hurt
There's outliers for everything. Most chinks are short, but there's still a few tall ones
Ive never seen a black doctor before. Browns that were incompetent and 100% just got some equivalent certification for coming here and asians and whites, but I have never seen a black doctor besides that one time the janitor was wearing the coat when we walked into the doctors office.
It would be racist not to make them Doctors.
Oh, it's another "outliers arent exceptions to the rule" thread.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when everything is handed to you on a silver platter just because of the color of your skin, isn't it?
there the exeption not the rule.
also worth mentioning that there in al likely hood helped by affirmative action programs.
Aryan genes.
>Fuck I am not a racist
Why not?
It makes your head hurt because you are very retarded
Affirmative action..Duh
would you really want to be operated on by a guy that makes butthurt facebook macros. those are also probably actors btw.
So he would be a surgeon not a doctor. What a dumb picture
Doesn't have anything to do with skin color. If you have a double-digit IQ, you're aren't going to be a doctor. Doesn't matter if you're black, white, green, or fucking rainbow colored.
affirmative action you moron
MCAT entrance exams are literally lower for blacks by a large margin. Their standards are lower.
Black privilege is having a real chance at med school with a sub-2.0 GPA.
Even Hispanics, who benefit from this affirmative action shit too , should be mad.
Whites and especially Asians should be fucking furious. But the more important question, what actually relevant thread are you sliding?
They are becoming inferior doctors
I could find 6877 neurosurgeons in the US
I can bet you less than 10% of them are black, that'd mean there are 687 neurosurgeons in the US that are black
Care to take this bet?
never relax
the best most certain way to minimize bleeding is to stop the blood flow to the head we can do it using a rope and tree would you like a free demonstration
>What is a bell curve ?
Are you a nigger in the 95%?
Affirmative action helps : but no niggers become doctors, its black PEOPLE who become doctors. Also medicine isn't actually super hard, its just a matter of learning what to worry about. I've set bones of my own knowing nothing about medicine.
>there is a difference between niggers and black people
Is this supposed to make black people feel better or something? It's the same shit as #notallmuslims