Is this the elephant in the room that nobody can talk about? What is one good reason whites shouldn't have safe place to call their own? Is this the one thing (((they))) fear the most???
What is it about the concept of a white ethnostate that triggers Sup Forums?
nothing wrong with it. thing is, if white people wanted an ethnostate they could have just not let in all the non-whites. morons sold out their children for welfare state gibs... nvm whites dont have children anymore so i guess it doesnt matter.
Nobody ever voted to let in the non-whites, that was forced along with feminism and destruction of the nuclear family.
tacit complicity m8. they stood by and watched it happen for decades and still do.
>da joos
fuck off nazi larper shill
People who don't want a white ethnostate aren't Sup Forums, they're pic related.
Isn't Poland already a country? Just move there America clearly isn't a feasible location for such a thing.
That doesn't explain why a white ethnostate is forbidden.
its not. look at the intermarium (poland, czechia, slovakia, hungary).
They are just as Jewed as the rest of the "white" nations. None are the exclusive domain of white people. Whites aren't even allowed a single town of their own.
> What is it about the concept of a white ethnostate that triggers Sup Forums?
Nothing? An ethnostate is one of the most shared dreams of Sup Forumsacks.
>he thinks Jew hatred is LARPing and not a time-honored European tradition that stretches back thousands of years
LOL kid, try befriending a Jew. I guarantee he will try to rip you off instantly.
But the Sup Forumsacks all disgree about how the white ethnostate should be governed, its location, laws, economy and so on. We can't have an ethnostate because nobody can even agree what white is.
t terrified kike
Your time is up, Goldberg.
I mean, why can't I enjoy a white ethnostate right where I'm at? Why is white flight even a thing? Who let all these niggers and spics into the room anyways? What happens when there is nowhere left to go? We whites aren't allowed anything of our own it seems.
>tfw heavy White Separatist views but impossible to talk about anywhere except Sup Forums because everyone just thinks it means i hate darkies
it's not even coming from a position of "white supremacy" i just think every race should stick to themselves and then we can share intellectual ideas/inventions/advancements/etc while remaining physically apart
The average joe simply doesn't give a shit about white identity and most Sup Forumsacks wouldn't leave their current lives behind to start up or even join an ethnostate. It's sad but true.
It'll probably never happen OP. You never know though, history seems pretty random.
If there is nobody but whites then there would be nobody to be supreme over. It's not racist if there is only one race you know.
Some (((people))) are just being paranoid methinks.
How would it be possible to create a white community anywhere on earth without drawing flack? Not a micronation, just one village for and by whites and everybody loses their minds.
the average joe is inundated with propaganda about how there is no such thing as white identity or white culture and how white men are the problem and we should guilt and shame ourselves to make POC feel better
The idea of white identity is too closely related (at least in the minds of "normies") with things like slavery and the holocaust so it's not an easy thing to make people aware of
for the majority of people though, "white supremacy" doesnt mean just directly ruling over/being "supreme over another race. It's just thinking that you are and holding views that you "don't want to be around those people"
> safe space
Go fuck yourself, snowflake
>It's just thinking that you are and holding views that you "It's just thinking that you are and holding views that you "don't want to be around those people""
That's what it's portrayed as but "don't want to be around those people" is because those people are being pushed on us and there is nowhere to be with our own kind anymore. The just keep swarming in like a brown plague of bipedal locusts.
Just because I don't want me or my family harmed by savage nigger beasts doesn't make me a snowflake it makes me normal.
in a way though i think the very people who are pushing and advocating for non-white immigration and integration are guilty of some form of white supremacist thinking because they view traditionally white countries as "better" as opposed to whatever third world shitter the immigrants/refugees are coming from.
why do they have to come to "our" world instead of just working to improve their own fucking space
If you don't have autonomy in that community, you'll only attract shit-tier drug-abusing neo-nazis and larpers. Whoever wants to start a white ethnostate will have to go big or go home.
>The idea of white identity is too closely related (at least in the minds of "normies") with things like slavery and the holocaust so it's not an easy thing to make people aware of
Yeah, it's worth saying that a white ethnostate would have to be lowkey, 'white' isn't a good tag to have on things these days.
Makes me wonder how covert an ethnostate would have to be to work out. You might need to ditch the labels entirely and instead have secret police and hidden immigration policies while denying to the world wtf you're doing.
And when whites improve conditions for them they use the additional food and water resources to breed more brown people instead of managing their population responsibly as we do.
Too bad faggot. Go live in the woods if you dont like society
Two problems that irk people.
1. Where would it be? Most options instantly pit people against it
2. What's the point? Any reason for doing this will inevitably fall to being ignorance based
i dont think it needs to be lowkey but it needs to be definitively and concisely separated from the idea/connotation of "white supremacy" and framed in a way similar to "look, i feel like EVERY race, EVERY culture would benefit from this separation. To allow themselves to flourish and grow under their own power, instead of homogenizing everyone and losing what makes each culture and race unique"
which is true, and not just a way to get it past peoples racism sensors
Nigger spotted
A white ethnostate would just be what Poland and Hungary are doing right now
2 simple issues, it is not hard.
1. No ZOG
2. No Nog
>niggers are society
Niggers are niggers; where they are, society is not. This is about having a society, not some jungle oogaboogastan.
Stop fucking having sex with latinas then. seriously, you think you can just conquer her like the old times and plow her fields with your seed because her butt is sexy and she has nice tits? you think you can just stick your white cock into her mouth and re enact the spanish inquisition again? You think you should treat her like a princess just because she never talks back to you and knows her place? fucking disappointed in you guys, like really.
Are you asking for the outright expulsion of all nonwhites in a country and barring entry of all nonwhites? Trying to see what you're getting at here
We can talk about it, Only the close minded are against it. These are the same people that post retarded as replies to anything they disagree with.
Pretty much the shit reddit tier fags here and the moron nomads that wonder in and out.
Its fair game to talk about it just like we can talk about anything else here. This is "politically incorrect" anyone that doesn't want to discuss something in a proper way are fucking faggots that think this board is an echo chamber for there ideology and ways
Let's say for the sake of argument there's be no expulsion or anything like that.
>Is this the one thing (((they))) fear the most???
you fucking fools, (((they))) are the only ones with a white ethnostate. Israel is literally the only WN nation around, and you can't even see it.
If you give swedes and germans a place to live then it will become swedistan all over again, these are not innocent little whites that dindu nuffin and are being attacked by their governments, they elected the traitors and gave them power
Nah, it's just nu/pol/ having sissy fits. The latest american elections made this place a mirrowed version of Tumblr.
How'd you guess?
How would you ensure that only whites live where you are? There are already quite a few places that are functionally "white only" because of their current demographics, and it's fairly simple to keep out non-whites by making it unattractive to live in those places. But if your goal is to establish a "new white ethnostate", that would require deporting all the non-whites from whatever area you were trying to build, which obviously is going to make people angry.
>they elected the traitors and gave them power
just like every single boomer did in every single western country then?
I find it funny how you mongrels have such an inferiority complex to Germanics so you have moan about them online.
I see the same thing with the brown and greasy Greeks and Italians, I've never had a problem with white Italians or Greeks though.
Without some kind of segregation, it's simply not possible to achieve that ethnostate. Even if it is achieved, it would require the existence of other ethnostates, as very few to none will likely trade with it otherwise. A single ethnostate cannot survive on its own, if it cannot survive, it serves no purpose, its as simple as that
Too bad they are just white, not master race white
>triggers Sup Forums
I use Sup Forums and I'm all for it.