"My wife's boyfriend raped me"

We're hitting cuck levels that shouldn't even be possible!

Other urls found in this thread:


Wait, does that technically mean the he cucked his wife?

>Not raping your wife's son to show her who's the most progressive and assert dominance over her boyfriend while simultaneously raising a truly progressive child

Jesus christ


i can't believe this kind of shit is happening somewhere :D

Post more, I need to feel better about my life.

>canada and sweden are cucked
>meanwhile usa is constantly producing shit like this
>also posting reddit screenshots

nu-pol is cancer.

he went too far and came back around impressive comeback

It happens alot with bisexual husbands. They cheat on their wives with men all the time.


>I'm not sure this semen slurping sport is for me: The post

>this isnt satire

Jesus, even for plebbit that's bad. Sure this isn't some cuck rp shit? Can't be real...

>My wife has broken up with him and will be visiting him one last time this weekend

This hole fucking post sounds like some Sup Forums copypasta, especially that fucking part.

Anybody that speaks English for a first language can tell this is fake.

>and will be visiting him one last time this weekend

Give yourself over to a reprobate mind and then act surprised when you're surrounded by reprobates. He planted the seeds and is now upset that the fruit is poisonous.

> She'll be going on her own to visit her boyfriend to tell him not to rape me again
> She won't fuck him whilst she's round there
> She won't secretly fuck him regularly from now on
> I am not naive

This fucking guy

w*st was a mistake


I wish someone made an uncurable virus that would wipe out humanity already.

Yup, which means she'll leave him soon.

Polyamory is a lot like this: chick gets to fuck whomever she wants, but the second the guy picks up a woman, the wife/gf leaves.

Is this what they call Cuckception?

Literally one post by this ID: plebbit edition
nice pasta though

>and will be visiting him one last time this weekend
Please be real, please be real, please be real.

My sides


>she's visiting him one last time

Has to be bait?

Every day we stray further from God

Fuck you. Its hilarious. Nothing wrong with posting that for keks.
U seem a little insecure m8. U must be a newfag

Funny, my roommates are poly but basically the guy fucks whoever he wants while the girl is busy making money and cooking and cleaning. Pretty decent setup for him tbqh. Guess you just have to be alpha enough to pull it off

You should be banned if you think this is real

Hahahhaa she's totally getting one last piece.

wait so the cuck cucked his wife with her boyfriend at the cost of his black cherry

Shut up, retard. It's probably OP's shitpost. Still funny though.

Let us have fun, you party poopers.

...Of course it fucking is.