Is getting married and having kids the only way to be happy?
Is getting married and having kids the only way to be happy?
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getting yourself into a position of power so that you can raise a lineage/empire is the only way to be happy.
popping out a child for no reason other than "lol this is what people do right" is the equivalence of eating pencils
you couldn't be further from the truth
>Is getting married and having kids the only way to be happy?
You only want what you can't have.
Family without power is dangerous because it can often be a burden and prevent power aquisition
But, having power with no family is as bad as having a family of worthless degenerates.
Having a family with no power at least gives your lineage a chance at redemption.
1. Figure out your purpose in life (whether it's 'self-created' or 'discovered')
2. Live out that purpose
This is the formula for happiness.
Marriage leads to longer life expectancy, higher wages (for men), and higher end-career retirement position. It also reduces male risk of depression, suicide and accidental death.
The shallowest (((Google))) search will confirm
Ask people in the 3rd world who have lots of kids and start families very early, are they happy.
If feeling dead inside makes you happy
> Men who are forced to work overtime to afford a family have higher wages
Wow, it's almost like grinding for shekels your whole life will make you marginally more wealthy
Being a fuckin man … is the only way to be happy no matter what you decide.
Happiness and fulfillment can be two different things. Having kids can make you stressed out beyond belief, but knowing you raised good kids can be very fulfilling.
Finding happiness is laudable, but duty honour and self respect, lead to fulfillment.
We've been (((taught))) to chase pleasures and neglect true responsibility in this generation.
What would you rather be a happy idiot? Or an admirable respectable human being?
Anybody can share an account for the authoring program?
I'm short on money right now because I'm literally saving my father (economically).
>the only way to be happy?
no. But it is tried-and-true. Peterson says "don't deviate from what your ancestors did unless you have a damn good reason."
This is true. White male privilege doesn't exist for singles after 40. If you care about your career, marry a homely nice girl who is grateful to get to be a mother.
sounds like "Cuckold Confessions" to me.
Im surprised dudes these days don't know how to handle their women..
Bro's they're simple creatures, and not really all that hard to "figure out".
>truth from a leaf
Nu/pol/ is a fucking travesty.
this man must be really, really dense and devoid of any masculinity
I'd say yes. Traditional relationships generally is the best way to go about things. Short term? Maybe different things. Long term, yes. No kids, no future. What will you do then?
With that said, feminism etc have corrupted our society to such a large degree... it should still be possible but, don't marry too easily. Especially now with how laws are in the west. In the grand scheme of things, good goal though. Women can be converted back to traditionalism and some will realize this on their own. In fact more and more are doing just that... but with fucked up laws and court you may be screwed by opportunism. Dangle a large enough carrot and even a loyal horse may run a different direction. But I'd say it's the best goal these days, sure. At least in terms of you, yourself and your future. There's of course other things or things you can do alongside a traditional relationship you can do to be happy or feel safer. Helping build up society and so on. Make your life valuable and so on. Feel appreciated and upstanding.
¨only way¨ probably not. a broken person may not find joy in it, or find joy in anything. But it's the tried and true way so to speak. high % chance of happyness in the longterm whether a man or woman. Just don't be a fool. be a strong man with strong principles. A guiding hand. otherwise, you'll get used and will instead become... well, what the MRAS warn you'll become. That is if you're weak mentally though. Will or intelligence or both.
obviously larping
that said it's true for some people be careful
If you truly believe this then atleast you losers will never be happy.
Only way to be happy is to be at peace, by doing what is right and working hard. Often a family falls into this.
Why do you think the point of life is to be happy? Who are you that you deserve eternal happiness?
Two sane swedes in a single thread that isn't about saving sweden from itself and (((them)). Glad to see it. Maybe we'll get a third.
Well change it to "peaceful" or "content" then
For normal people, yes. If you're a genius family is a burdensome drudgery distracts you from your work and is pointless anyway b/c regression to the mean --> your kids will be a lot dumber than you anyway, even if wife is smart.
Basically, if you don't have kids, you better make damn good use of your time and contribute to the Aryan people in some big way. Pic related
einstein had kids though
leaving a legacy is the only way to die with piece of mind
Wow I shoulda proofread that second sentence.
>If you're a genius, family is a burdensome drudgery that distracts from your work and is pointless anyway because of regression to the mean.
>f-f-fake news, russia hacked his marriages
Giving vacuum energy to the world would make more happy than the best family and children in the world could.
So thats a no.
>higher wages
and way higher expenses
He was lucky enough to be a professional intellectual. He could do physics 9-5 and then go home to his family like your average Joe. Good luck finding work as a prof today if you're redpilled. You have to either work AND study/write or win the lottery.
No, but it's the most reliable way to lead a life which feels meaningful.
>women are more picky
>attractive men don't use OkC
>current prof
>make $60/hr talking about gender in literature
>spend income from liberal university on promoting white agenda
Spend 5 minutes in public observing parents with their children. Then ask yourself would you want this to be you every hour of the day when you're not selling yourself to mr. shekelstein. The answer is probably no. Ignore your biological impulses and you will lead a life of happiness with tons of money and free time.
You probably just don't like Muzzie kids, user.
How is what I said different than what you said?
the only way to be happy is finding what you love and let it kill you.
Statistics show that marriage is tied to an even happiness level. Single people are more likely to be either more miserable or more satisfied.
>so do you like rollercoasters, user?
>getting married
>having kids
>being happy
Pick two.
Temporarily higher expenses. Ideally, raise a child early in life and have your 40s and 50s (highest earning years) with no child expenses whatsoever.
Having children in your 30s/40s is idiotic unless you consider it an expensive hobby.
getting married and having kids turns man into a slave.
I'd much rather pay a corporation a monthly fee to create and raise children for me.
Im 35 and regret no kids and no wife.
All the girls i date now are divorced and have kids. Only the fatties never married.
True to a point. Statistically, having 1-2 kids makes couples most miserable. But 4+ kids generally have a happier and more active sex life than couples with no children.
If you're a cuck. Real men make marriage work FOR them.
>All the good women are married by 25.
>Men don't generally make enough for a family by 25
>divorce rates are lowest in marriages with small age discrepancies
>marry before you are ready to procreate in order to secure quality partner and bust ass to not fuck it up.
>having kids
>being happy
I guess marrying so as to procreate (and follow the social norm) and then divorcing to lead a happy, sexually active life with other partners is the only true way.
Also the career oriented and the mentally unstable. Although you could also date younger. Anyway, it's far from too late. Don't lose hope. Now get on to making those beautiful white babies!
Divorce is literally a Jewish meme
There needs to be a Sup Forums dating site. The number of sad Femanons I've seen here over the years is criminal.
For women yeah
>Im surprised dudes these days don't know how to handle their women..
Yeah, we all can't be pussy tamers like you brah
you know... marrying a woman with kids has benefits.
1. you can choose a woman with healthy smart kids - no retards, none with expensive medical problems, etc
2. all the costs associated with birth and all that are already taken care of. You don't have to pay a cent for that.
3. if the kids are not babies, that's also a win, that means no baby crying or being a pain. no diapers, etc.
4. What I'm saying is that the ex-husband is the cuck because he went through all of the above, paid all that money for the births and dealt with young kids and babies, but then she leaves him and I can come along and get the benefits a family bring without paying a cent. It's a good deal. Think about it.
>make yourself someone you like
>look for women who frequent places you respect
>be as polite as you would be to your mother
>let women come to you
Become your own gatekeeper. It's not that fucking complicated.
>>make yourself someone you like
i am a guy why would i like guys
Except your genetics die with you.
But otherwise, you make a good point except that once you get married, stepDad's income is considered when determining child support payments. Generally, women who remarry lose this altogether.
>getting yourself into a position of power so that you can raise a lineage/empire is the only way to be happy.
how the fuck would you know?
No, as in get to a career point where you can be proud of your own accomplishments and aren't using future plans as a way to mitigate your current failures.
Until you unintentionally attract he caliber of pussy you crave.
No. Wrong.
The step-fathers always feel cucked. Their "bride" has been plundered many times by the first husband. Her body got blown apart by his kids. He gets the old leftovers and gets the hard part of parenting.
Only blood-parents get the relationship.
Happiness is subjective.
Some people find joy in harming others. Others in picking daisies.
If your hobbies and interests require copious amounts of alone time or extreme focus, then raising a family isn't for you.
I myself am content with my slightly above average American life. 3 kids, wife, 2 houses, 1 business and disposable income. Unlike most Americans I carry no debts so my life is significantly easier than most peoples...ergo, happiness.
The few "stresses" in my life are truly trivial in nature and easily controlled or alleviated entirely.
Bear in mind 21st century children will be raised in an environment with true access to unlimited education. They will be smarter than you, more well read and travelled than you and have access to goods/services that you never have or ever will. I think every generation of parents tries to bridge the generation gap while partaking in modern trends, and for the most part, failing. Your children will let you know you're failing, and be embarrassed by this as well.
They will "hate" you, spite you, resent and defy you until they're old enough to realise how stupid they are. As adults you will be able to cultivate profound relationships with your children no friendship could parallel.
Nearing the end of my life I cannot say all is good or all is bad. I am very truly happy about having children and working hard to provide for them. My first grandchild will be born in 3 weeks, THAT is an exciting prospect. Marriage is like this shittiest job you'll ever have, with little to no rewards other than "not dying alone". It takes a lot of work to be happy.
This and only this.
>autistic manchildren of Sup Forums dream of the day that white people will have full dominion of the Earth
>they then cry 'white genocide' when they get outnumbered by brown people because they're too selfish to have kids
You realize women on okcupid are a tiny sample of the women population, and who are put on a very particular dating situation right?
>correlation = causation
I am married and had kids and couldnt be happier...
But I also married later (40s) and had all my 20s/30s to play and work hard and make $$ and then when I started to get bored with all of that finally found my girl- 13yrs younger who is beautiful, fit and red-pilled- amazing mom and cook and I am looking at retirement with plenty of time for the for me.
Of course not. Nobody else can make you happy, nobody. It has to come from you.
Can a wife help you in life, yes.
Can children help you, yes.
But none of these will improve your life, you will improve your life.
evolutionarily-speaking, yes
And? They were useless.
Notice how super successful people when they have kids, those kids are pretty much always losers compared to them. So what's the point?
But on the other hand, often in history when wealthy upper class (but not like celebrities, royalty)people their kids often went on to become successful, eg. Bill Gates, Zukerberg etc.. Many such cases, and scientists too, usually were children of wealthy merchants back in the day, which guaranteed access to best education, that how their biographies usually start: "son a of wealthy merchant..."
Basically, successful small/medium size business people having lots of children and teaching them the right values, giving them best education, stimulating them intellectually etc.. is the best strategy.
Why the fuck do you want to date women over 30?
If you don't look like shit and aren't autistic virgin nerd (which you probably are), you shouldn't have problem dating women 10 years younger.
One of countless methods of either anchoring or distraction.
OP asked if getting married and having kids the only way to be happy. Although it is a right thing to do, it doesnt necessarily mean that you will be happy. Nothing jew about this
Frankly life can be too fun these days to have a family. There's so much video games, tv shows etc.. to watch, so much travel and fun stuff you can do, so much things you can buy. All I want is to be rich enough to be free and do whatever I want.
It's not the only way to be happy that's for sure, but there's good evidence that it's one of the few ways you can feel a deep sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.
But like everything in life, it's a trade off. Right now that trade off is not worth it in my personal opinion, which is why I'm a MGTOW and abstain from marriage and fatherhood.
Just understand the risks, make your own decision based on what you really want from life, and accept the consequences of that decision, that's really all you can do.
>marriage is like the shittiest job you'll ever have except the only reward is not dying alone
Pretty sure most people dying alone would say that paycheck is way underrated.
Sometimes I wonder if should just buy an oculus rift and masturbate to 3D porn into oblivion
This is essentially the faggotry of Sup Forums
For the majority of the population, I think yes.
Then why are married men always so fucking miserable? Really makes me think
Consistent correlation implies causation. Unless you are saying that women only want men who will eventually live a long time and who are less likely to be clinically depressed?
>what cunts
No. Transcendence males you happy. Family facilitates this to a great degree.
35 is pretty much the oldest a never-married 20 something female would date unless she's a colossal gold digger with a daddy fetish
VR isn't really there yet. But I'm really excited about the future, I hope they won't fuck it up. We all know what VR is really for, and it ain't talking with your stupid "friends" on kikebook, mr Jewberg
This is true. But to a mostly atheistic Sup Forums it may be one of the only ways.
First off, when your pictured blinked at me it sort of freaked me out. lol...
For some people, marriage is their ultimate form of happiness, but it doesn't always bring happiness.
Happiness actually comes from worth. If you make yourself worth something, have a sense of accomplishment that makes you prosper then you might find yourself content with life.
You only hear about the negative things because negative people are the loudest. Anyone happy doesn't constantly bitch about being happy user.
>Is getting married and having kids the only way to be happy?
For me it's not about happiness, it's about duty.
Depends how you look, some men look 40 in their 20s. If you look like a beta faggot dad, then yeah, I guess you'll only be able to pull divorced unstable moms.
But then again, it only proves that marriage is ridiculous. Men these days are asked the world with basically nothing in return, not even a fresh young pussy that'll last a few years. Women are a fucking evolutionary mistake.
>Women are a fucking evolutionary mistake
Advanced societies are, if anything
Good goy
>not marrying in your 20s
>complaining that all that is left is the shittiest of the shit or gold digging sloots
This is evolution's punishment for turning into a risk averse beta.
A true alpha would have leveraged his success into satisfactory home life by 40. 40 year old single "alphas" are either divorced Cucks learning from their mistakes or beta cucks hitting their midlife crisis.
No, just women.
I love advanced society.
I was in a "based" 3rd world country on a trip, no thanks.
Hate me for it, but I love stuff. I'm not obsessed with it or anything, but I like having nice things, be able to afford trips, good food etc..
Well, fuck women then.
You dont seem to understand what alpha and beta mean.
Or how it doesnt apply to humans
Also this.
This alpha/beta division is retarded PUA, MGTOW stuff.
Niggers are mostly super "alpha", how does that work out for them?
Alphas and betas apply to humans albeit differently.
>Being risk-averse is inherently non-leadership.
>Marriage is risky and that's why most nu/pol/ rejects the concept.
>Singles by choice are either genetically inferior or cucks
Niggers aren't alpha in the slightest. The vast majority are self-conscious sensitive little bitches. The reason they pursue white pussy is because they can rely on cultural stereotype and get submissive females while staying a pussy bitch.
>getting married at your most financially vulnerable
>thinking you know how you want to spend your life not even 10 years after leaving home
>getting married to the first wet hole who puts up with your stupid shit
People like you are why the divorce rate is climbing.