How can CNN still claim to be a news organization?


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Anyone have the link I can't find it?!

The link to full unedited video? I can't find it anywhere?


>#1 on trending
Holy shit it's happening

its true!!!

Fake news is still news.

That's a good question.

It's one thing to have an obvious bias and use biased language in your reporting, it's completely different to be outright fake, and cnn has clearly crossed that line.

Honestly at this point, if I ran cnn, I'd run a test pattern for a few weeks, then fire literally everybody and start again from scratch with new reporters, new shows, and new behind the scenes staff.

Mine says #17 why is that? Cause I'm a faggot leaf living under Big Brother?

But the rot at cnn is just too significant for a few token scalps. It needs a Holocaust of on air and behind the screen talent to restore trust.


Are you guys using the same trending settings?

KeL, bumping. Good use of this meme.

How can fox claim the same




>tu quoque
Not an argument. And when Fox gets btfo by fucking Breitbart and Sputnik then we can talk about fake news.



This is bigly

Muh freedom of the press AKA muh right to mislead people and push an agenda

Freedom of the press was a mistake

Treason and sedition.

Id watch the test pattern just to prove a point, would be hilarious if they got more viewers doing this than running their "news"

Fox is still MSM, but is fantastic evidence how far left the rest of the media is when a centrist, barely left sometimes right news org can be called right wing propaganda. If the story really damaged the establishment Fox would ignore it, and has done so in the past. Not to be trusted but i find tucker/hannity entertaining.

No idea, didn't know that was a thing.



1 post by this ID

Bump for great justice.

Dunno senpai. Still #1 as far as I can tell.


lel, your only contribution to this thread has been

Has this shown up on the MSM yet? Has Trump acknowledged it? Is anybody but us talking about it?

What do you want me to say?

It's time for President Trump to take action. Call a press conference and bring the CNN White House "reporter" up to the podium. Give him the chance to publicly apologize to everyone in the world and promise never to stage fake news again. Humiliate him. Treat him like a misbehaving child.

If he doesn't apologize, then have the SS drag him out and revoke CNN's White House passes for two months. In August, bring the CNN reporter back and give him another chance to apologize. Boom! Now that's how you treat your enemies.

Oh fuck yes, I figured Google would be clamping down on this

Your contribution has been to do fuck all.


Someone should make a picture of O'Keefe holding the severed head of CNN

Nope, I bumped twice.

I'm bumping a thread. You're shit for brains.